Saturday 3 February 2018

Top 3 Benefits of CRM Implementation for Sales Lead Nurturing

Sales Solutions for the Digital Age

In order to understand how to build successful relationships with your customers or potential customers, we must first understand how to manage a customer relationship effectively through sales lead nurturing.

Thanks to a few brilliant minds and digitally-savvy tech folks, the birth of the “Customer Relationship Management” software, also know as CRM, busted out into mainstream business and attracted a plethora of sales people looking for an organized, analytical based solution.

Thanks to founding CRM father, Tom Siebel, small to large businesses can maximize their customer relationships, and ultimately increase sales, with tools that allow its users to track the movements of potential customers, identify key stages in the sales funnels, and send customized marketing materials to each and every prospect.

If your business relies heavily on generating web-based leads and sales, you may benefit immensely from the structure and organization that a CRM tool can offer. Whether you are looking into the possibility of implementing a new system or you already use a CRM solution, we’d like to offer you a few tips on how to really get the most out of your software so that it will benefit your lead nurturing efforts.

After all, the entire goal of a CRM program is to build your business and increase your profits through the proper management of your client relationships, right?

Effectively Using Your CRM Software

1. First, Let’s Get Organized!
Regardless of the size or type of your organization, we know that it can be a daunting task to try to track all incoming leads and systematize a plan to properly follow-up. But as tough as it may be to stay organized, the success of your business depends on your sales team’s ability track leads and follow-up with unique marketing collateral.

A quality CRM solution can solve the issue of organization once and for all. If used properly, CRM software will vastly improve the efficiency and productivity of your sales team by tracking incoming leads, following your prospects engagement with your website and/or emails, and reminding your sales team of when to follow-up.

So how do you rate a CRM on its’ ability to keep your sales team organized? Look for the following features:

  • The ability to set tasks or reminders on when to follow-up with a prospect.
  • The CRM effectively integrates with your website and/or email marketing to track your prospects movements.
  • The capability to email or call your prospects directly from the software.
  • A function that allows you to manually enter notes about each prospect and any interactions you or your sales team has had.

2. Now, Build A Customer-Centric Sales Process
You know that running a good business really comes down to having good people skills and taking the time to build meaningful relationships.

Your products and services may be the best in the world, but if your clients and potential clients do not feel valued and respected by your company, chances are you’ll lose their business. A good CRM system will allow you to organize particular data about each customer and in doing so, develop a custom plan for communicating with them in a meaningful way. When your team becomes experts at offering clients a truly personalized experience, your sales will go through the roof. But relationship building takes time. A CRM can help make that effort a little easier for you. And the time spent will be well worth it!

The communication you initiate will:

  • Work your potentials through the sales process using tailored marketing techniques
  • Build trust and rapport with your brand by ensuring each experience is unique and valuable
  • Generate increased referrals because the sales process was painless (and isn’t that every customers dream)
  • Facilitate constant customer interaction with your company and interactions that are worth your prospect’s time

3. Finally, Evaluate the CRM
As mentioned earlier, the primary goal of any CRM software is ultimately to help you increase sales and build your business. A CRM that is properly used will help you pinpoint exact areas of increased ROI potential because it allows you to determine (with the simple click of a mouse) which specific products or campaigns are most successful.

What better way to boost your overall efficiency and truly concentrate your sales lead nurturing efforts?

Because this systematic process should undoubtedly lead to growth in your business, we recommend looking for CRM software that is built with scalability and flexibility in mind so that the system can accommodate your growing business!

CRM Recommendations from the Pro’s

Below you will find a list of valuable CRM features and CRM’s we recommend:

  • Tracking Leads – This should include everything from list management to measuring your prospects’ engagement. We prefer HubSpot’s interface when it comes to contact management and tracking your prospects every interaction. Their features include lead scoring, task creation, email marketing, landing page/form creation and more.
  • Sales Automation – This should include everything from sales reminders to automated emails. Your sales team should invest their time where it matters, so having automated emails set-up to easily send to a potential customers, allows your sales people to get on the phone or even grab some much needed face time. HubSpot’s CRM has a fantastic integration called Sidekick that allows users to send automated, canned emails to their prospects and see if the prospect even opened them.
  • Deal Forecasting – This should allow your sales people to set up deal stages, track campaigns, forecast deal amounts and monitor where each prospect is in your pipeline. Pipedrive has some great functionality when it comes to tracking your sales pipeline.

Every CRM has different features and functionality and in order to find the one that fits your organization’s needs, you have to do some research. Thankfully, Capterra has done this work for you and also has a list of reviews for you to sort through.

Action Items & Takeaways:

  • Do Your Research! There are a ton of CRMs in the marketplace, but finding one that fits ALL of your organization’s needs is just as important as hiring a new sales rep.
  • Invest in Training! We see this all the time and it is so frustrating. A business buys CRM software, invests thousands of dollars, and only uses 10% of its capabilities. Most software companies offer some training (for an additional cost or even for free), and the expense is worth the results. At Farotech, we are well-versed in HubSpot’s CRM and have helped several of our clients set up and effectively use their CRM to track and nurture leads. We don’t advertise this, but if you need help in setting up or using your CRM, give us a call!
  • Evaluate Your Sales Process! Your CRM is only effective when you fully understand your sales process. What questions are you asking to better understand your customers and the information they need in each stage? For example, what information should an email have versus a downloadable eBook? Fully understanding each stage in the sales process is key to defining what collateral you need and where to support your sales team. We have plenty experience evaluating the sales process. Why? Because it is crucial to developing robust marketing campaigns.

If you have more questions about how to effectively use your CRM or want to learn more, contact us today!

The post Top 3 Benefits of CRM Implementation for Sales Lead Nurturing appeared first on Farotech.


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