Friday 9 February 2018

Sleuth Your Way To Website Success By Implementing Domain-Driven Design

Determining whether your website converts visitors to customers as effectively as it can may be more elementary than you suspect.

Want your business to have a successful web presence? Simply having a website isn’t enough. You need a site that consistently attracts your target audience and routinely turns visitors into paying customers.

If your website’s not making those conversions happen, what do you do? Some companies panic, and start throwing time and money into quick fixes and off-the-cuff “plans” that never pay off.

There’s a better way to improve your site. It’s rational, strategic, based on actual visitor behavior, and demonstrably effective. It’s about implementing domain-driven design, and to get started, all you need to do is some detective work…

How do you gather the clues you need to solve the mystery of designing a website that really works for your business? Here are three approaches you’ll want keep in mind. They have all proven themselves helpful for implementing domain-driven design (also known as growth-driven design):

implementing domain driven design

1. Usability Testing – This approach does exactly what its name suggests: It tests how user-friendly your website is by watching how well real visitors interact with it.

And our tools can show you exactly what those behaviors look like.

Are folks staying on your site once they find it? Are they successfully navigating its pages? And do their clicks convert them from visitors to leads, and ultimately to customers?

A good usability conversion software program will help you answer these questions and others like them with quality, quantifiable data.

You won’t be left guessing whether web users find your site relevant, engaging and usable—you’ll just know.

2. A/B Testing – This approach methodically tests your site’s various elements to determine which ones drive conversions and which ones don’t.

Make one change to a webpage— for example, the headline or a banner image. Publish both versions and let them compete online, aimed at different but similarly sized audiences. The version that converts more visitors wins, and you’ll understand why. Maybe one page’s CTA button is bigger. Maybe one color scheme “pops,” but another barely registers.

It’s about understanding what your user likes and engages with.

A/B tests (or split tests) yield substantive information about how specific parts of your website work for or against your bottom line. They’re essential to investigating your site’s present and potential value.

3. Multivariate Testing – This approach takes A/B testing to the next level. Instead of splitting web traffic between two versions of a page, it splits traffic among several, allowing you to find the balance and blend of elements that delivers the best results.

Multivariate testing may seem overwhelming. Don’t start here; reserve it for optimizing existing designs. And don’t go overboard! Select the few elements you think matter most. Focus on headlines, CTA buttons (color, shape, size, location), text, images, and form length. When you start mixing and matching, keep total combos to two dozen at most.

Consult a professional if you want to give Multivariate Testing a try.

Think of multivariate testing as a suspect lineup: When you find the page version that achieves the highest conversion rate, you’ve found “whodunit”! This data can then be replicated and implemented over and over again.

Farotech: Your Partner for Implementing Domain-Driven Design

Don’t have the in-house talent or time to conduct these investigations into your website’s performance? Don’t worry! Here at Farotech, one of the Philadelphia region’s fastest-growing comprehensive online marketing agencies, we have dedicated, web-savvy sleuths eager to take your case!

Call us today at 267-387-6620, shoot an email to, or visit our website to learn more!

Action Items & Takeaways

  • Understand your audience to achieve a better user experience that converts more users by conducting usability testing
  • Test different elements within your site and/or content to see what resonates more with your audience
  • Multivariate testing allows you to test multiple versions or elements at once
  • Consult a professional like Farotech for assistance

The post Sleuth Your Way To Website Success By Implementing Domain-Driven Design appeared first on Farotech.


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