Tuesday 13 February 2018

What Makes a Good Website? My 6.5 Tips on How to Shape Up

How often do you look at your website? I would venture to say once or twice a month; for most business owners, your website is the most dependable, never-gets-sick employee and certaining the least expensive assets you have. Period!

good_websiteSo You’re Wondering…What Makes a Good Website?

When business owners hear me talk about a website, I feel I get the same response every time. The best way to describe that response: it is the response you get when someone tells you “we are having leftovers for dinner”. Yikes, again?

If it has been a while since you have looked at every page of your website, its time to seriously consider a few things! I encourage you to look on every page, click on every link and get serious about viewing your website as a business asset!

1. Makeover

Has your website received a makeover or a redesign in the last 10 years? If yes, its time to just spend the money and do it; consider your wardrobe, its likely you are not wearing the same shirt, pants or tie for the last 10 years! Old websites look chaotic, sloppy, broken and un-appealing. Take time to smooth out bumps and make sure all your information is accurate and up-to-date.

2. Simplify

Get back to the basics! People visiting your website do not want to be confused, stunned or bounced away due to confusion! Use the blink test and view your website pages as if a visitor were doing so. Too many choices make prospects leave your page!

3. Fix the problems

This is a no-brainer people! As websites get updates, links get broken and margins start to feel crowded; this is an easy fix. Broken links, un-writable folders and code written incorrectly can make your website look homemade. Hire a company and have them spend 10 hours reformatting your pages. This should cost no less than $1,000 – just do it.

4. Add News and Stories

Guess what, social media networking is free media coverage! Publish or syndicate press releases but posting them on your site. Reporters visit, they will scan the website and get the sense that your company is active in the community. Involvement in non-profit organizations goes a long way for a business and the website! This is my favorite tip on what makes a good website. Easy, simple and trend-worthy.

5. Update your “About Us” page

There is no question, aside from the homepage, the About Us page is second most visited page on your website! The About Us page is so important to keep updated; your product changes, your staff changes and likely your accreditation also changes.
Give yourself a serious advantage; make the content on your About Us page intriguing, impressive and unique.

6. Blog

If you don’t want to talk about this topic, it is simply your loss. This is the most obvious tip on what makes a good website. Blogging activities, consistently is the single most important driver to new business and traffic on your website! Either make a commitment to blog twice a week, or take the blog off your website! Adding blog content to your website simply gives Google more pages to index on your content, thus driving traffic, leads and sales!

6.5 Be obvious

The third most important page on your website? Yes, your Contact Us page! By simply making your phone number, address and email contact information obvious and accessible you are giving your visitors no excusable reason to not contact your business.

Read more stories about what makes a good website on our other recent blog posts!


The post What Makes a Good Website? My 6.5 Tips on How to Shape Up appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/what-makes-a-good-website-my-6-5-tips-on-how-to-shape-up/

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