Thursday 8 February 2018

(Video) Are You Making These Top 5 Marketing Mistakes

Are You Making These Top 5 Marketing Mistakes?

There are a lot of rumors, assumptions, and misinformation surrounding online marketing. But when it comes down to it, what matters are the cold hard facts–are people visiting your site and are you getting the conversion rates you are looking for.


Much of the data that is obtained for online marketing flies in the face of popular beliefs. This means that many websites are making a number of serious marketing mistakes. But don’t worry, these mistakes are avoidable. Keep reading to find out if you have been making any of the top five marketing mistakes and how to correct them if you are.

The Top 5 Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Mistake #1: You Believed the Myth
The single biggest myth of content marketing is that people browse like marketers–they don’t.

They use the internet like users. Like normal people who don’t do marketing for a living. Users find specific sites and are either pulled in by the content, or they discard the site and turn to a more helpful one. If the site really connects with them they might follow it through a social channel.

It is essential to connect with the user and build trust on that initial visit so that at some point down the road, when the user needs something they remember your site and return to it.

Mistake #2: You Built Content Without Community

Did you know that 99% of content spreads because of a community supporting it? If you don’t have a community that will appreciate and promote your content, then it is extremely unlikely that your site will be able to gain momentum. In order to target your backing community and garner their support, your content must do five things:

  1. Reinforce Something Already Believed–People want to be told they are right. Giving them. Produce content that provides additional support and evidence for something your community already holds to be true and they will gladly share that information throughout the community.
  2. Refute an Opposing Argument–Once again, people want to believe they are right, so refuting an argument which goes against the communities beliefs will draw their interest.
  3. Be in Someone’s Financial or Promotional Interest–If it is good for them, then sharing your content will be the obvious choice.
  4. Leverage Group Inclusion Dynamics–Using content, such as online quizzes, that draws in users and then prompts them to bring in their friends and families is a great way to spread your content. You can play on people’s desire to feel like they are part of something and connected to other people and they will share your content to spread that connection.
  5. Make the Sharer Look Smart, Important, Worldly, etc.–People are eager to share content that will make them look good. Write content that will make a specific community feel like sharing your content will put them in a favorable light–and watch your content spread.

Always ask yourself–who will support and amplify this content, and why?

Mistake #3: You Invested in Content Creation Without Amplification
If you produce content, but don’t also find means of amplifying your content and making it reach more viewers, then it is going to have a very hard time going anywhere.

There are three means of amplification:

  • Broadcast: Social media, emails, and event promotions.
  • One to one outreach: Social, email, and in-person communication.
  • Paid Promotion: Social media ads, google marketing ads, etc.

Figure out which means of amplification will best reach your target community and get your content out there. Don’t commit the marketing mistake of making great content but failing to make it accessible to your potential users.

Mistake #4: You Ignored Content’s Most Powerful Channel: SEO
Despite what you may have heard, SEO is not dead. SEO plays an extremely important role in getting your content viewed. When people are ready to take action and are looking for specific answers, SEO brings your content to the forefront to offer solutions.

Mistake #5: You Gave Up Way Too Soon
Going viral is rarely the easy overnight success that it appears to be. Success takes time, dedication, patience, and lots of effort. Slow, steady work will eventually bring about results.

Update 11/17/2017

Marketing mistakes can lead to missed opportunities and misrepresentation of your brand. Neil Patel put together an excellent article about specific marketing mistakes that we all need to be weary of making. From disregarding mobile users on your website, to overlooking email campaigns, Neil hits on a lot of great points. Here is a list of 25 online marketing mistakes that Neil comes across every day:

For help correcting these marketing mistakes and getting your website on track for success, call the marketing experts at Farotech at 267-387-6620 or email us at

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The post (Video) Are You Making These Top 5 Marketing Mistakes appeared first on Farotech.


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