Sunday 11 February 2018

Effective Marketing and the Key to Building a Successful Sales Funnel, Part 1: Brand Extension

Learn about the role of brand extension in establishing a successful sales funnel.

Are you familiar with the concept of a sales funnel? The sales funnel represents the buying process that companies lead customers through. It begins by addressing a general clientele with general information–a step often called the awareness stage–in each step the focus is narrowed and users are drawn closer into the buying process. The sales funnel stages may vary depending on the particular sales model.

A sales funnel template can help us to visualize the continuous sales process and how the different steps flow into each other. If the process is not smooth and continuous–if there are gaps or bottlenecks in the process–then the funnel will not function optimally. This is the key to building a successful sales funnel–to create continuous, synergetic growth throughout the whole system.

When done properly each employee and each step of the process works like an assembly line creating, expanding, and passing on. Each part of the marketing process comes full circle to feed other parts of the system. Let’s take a look at the first of four parts of your marketing process that need to work together effectively to create a successful sales funnel.

Brand Extension as a Key Element of a Successful Sales Funnel

Every company, every business has a brand. And that doesn’t just mean your logo; a brand is much more than just a logo.

Let’s take a look at what your brand is so we understand its importance in creating an effective sales funnel. Your brand is:

  • The identity of your company.
  • The look and feel of the company.
  • How and to whom you communicate.
  • Your unique selling position.
  • How your product or services establish value to your client.

For your marketing to be effective you must be very clear on each of these areas and consistently demonstrate it in these five ways:

  1. How you segment your leads: You must get the right message to the right client at the right time.
  2. Through usability and appearances: You need to make sure that your website is as user friendly and appealing as possible. You need to be consistently putting your best foot forward on your website and other forms of e-marketing
  3. In how you communicate in your content strategy: You need to communicate creatively and effectively with your users and make the content your users are looking for readily available.
  4. In social media use: Be purposeful in who you engage with and why on social media.
  5. Effective retargeting and remarketing: Utilize retargeting and remarketing strategies to re-engage users.

Successful marketing requires a smoothly flowing, interdependent system. If you want to establish an effective sales funnel, then be sure to pay attention to your company’s branding and whether you are supporting all of the important functions beneath that umbrella. To learn more about improving your company’s marketing system or more effective sales funnel management, reach out to the marketing experts here at Farotech by calling us at 267-387-6620 or email us at today.

The post Effective Marketing and the Key to Building a Successful Sales Funnel, Part 1: Brand Extension appeared first on Farotech.


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