Saturday 24 February 2018

The Interview You Should Have When Hiring an SEO Philadelphia Consultant for Small Business

SEO (search engine optimization) is one of many great tools for small businesses to use in their online marketing strategies. If you’re looking to hire an SEO Philadelphia consultant for small business needs, there are several questions you should be ready seo_philadelphiato ask and certain answers you should look for in return. Here’s a hypothetical interview to glean from.

The Interview You Should Have When Hiring an SEO Philadelphia Consultant for Small Business:

Q: Why should I choose you?

A: Well, based on that fact that you are here and having this conversation with us, we’re assuming that you already understand the importance of having your business ranked on the FIRST page of Google. When it comes to your top keywords, you can’t afford to be on page 2. This is one case where there is no reward for coming in second because we know from countless studies that the attention span of internet users is short. You’ve got to get onto the first page and we can help.

Of course, a major part of why we think we should be your consultant of choice is our ability to get those results that you need. Our success rates show that we can get your business ranked # 1 on search engines. But, we know that a lot of companies will promise you that. We are dedicated to maintaining an open and honest working relationship with you as our client and will clearly communicate with you as often as is necessary to keep you informed along the way. You can expect wonderful customer service from every single member of our staff and will always be spoken to in a friendly and respectful manner…… 

(The key to listen for: The SEO Philadelphia consultant should provide specific reason why his/her company deserves your business.)

Q: How will you get me ranked so highly and can you explain how the spammers are working the system?

A: Sure! We use a technique called long tail keyword targeting. What this means is that we focus on keywords other companies aren’t targeting and by doing so are able to win some valuable real estate online for your business that isn’t being fought over as heavily. The key components to this strategy are… (consultant would fill in more details).

We’re constantly educating ourselves about the newest rules being applied to SEO by Google and other major search engines. Spammers are doing this illegally (breaking the rules) by…. (consultant would fill in more details).

(Keys to listen for: The consultant is quick to give a very precise and clear answer/ is happy to explain the technique he/she uses (there are lots of techniques out there). Clearly, he/she is knowledgeable about helping your business in a legal fashion and knows the illegal things that are happening and plans to avoid those methods.)

Q: Will I control access to all of my accounts?

A: Yes. While we can help you create and or reboot old accounts online, you will be the one in control of the access to these accounts. This means that you will know and/or create all profile names and passwords and while I will need to know these as well in order to properly manage your online presence, we will not create usernames and/ or passwords for you on our own accord or access any accounts without permission from you.

(Key to listen for: The consultant is quick to ensure your control over access to your accounts. This will protect from losing the ability to sign into accounts if ever you and the consultant part ways and also for you to still have a certain level of access/control over what is going on with your profiles online. With a great SEO Philadelphia consultant, you should never have to worry about your account security.)

marketing_programQ: Can you give me some proof of your abilities?

A: Here is a list of several companies that we have helped to rank on the first page of Google in the past few months. Here you can see how long this took us to accomplish for each and how we were able to to it. If you look at the first company on the list…(consultant would fill in more details).

(Key to listen for: Consultant is able to give concrete results that reflect well on company’s claims of success.)

If you are interested in improving your online marketing and are looking for an SEO Philadelphia firm to help you in the process, we encourage you to check out our helpful ebook about SEO for small businesses. Or, call us directly today and speak with a dedicated member of our team.

The post The Interview You Should Have When Hiring an SEO Philadelphia Consultant for Small Business appeared first on Farotech.


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