Wednesday 14 February 2018

The Key to the Best Social Media Campaigns: Be You, Be Me

If You Can be You, and I Can be Me, Social Media Views Can be One-Million-and-Three

“Why don’t you be you, and I’ll be me?” — James Bay, “Let it Go”

best social media marketing campaignMost of us want to be who we are, and (hopefully) want others to be who they are. In terms of marketing, however, it’s a bit more tricky. Especially when it comes to social media. Appealing to the human condition in a way that is authentic and creative is becoming the most coveted, most practiced method for producing the best marketing campaigns. Why?

In an age where the technology we value can make us feel remarkably alienated from our fellow humans, we long for connection and relatability. Take a look at three incredible social media marketing campaigns that showcase the power and beauty of humanization, elicit emotion, and encourage you to be you and me to be me.

The Best Social Media Marketing Strategies Rely On Humanization: So Should You

An article published on stated that “the average consumer mentions brands 90 times per week with family, friends and co-workers.” The story went on to explain that much of consumer trust and brand loyalty is a direct result of relationships built with brands that allow consumer-to-business interactivity.

Anyone can produce average social media campaigns that elicit some type of following and response from a target audience. To be the best, however, will require relationship building. See how the following businesses created the best social media marketing campaigns by focusing on humanization, authenticity and emotions.

  1. Metlife: “My Dad’s Story: Dream for my Life” – in an effort to promote their EduCare education savings plan, Metlife’s Hong Kong division commands the attention of viewers through a little girl’s letter. For all his admirable qualities, this little girl’s father is hiding a secret from his daughter for which she accuses him of being of all things, a liar. In the end, however, we recognize the relatable human quality of stretching the truth to protect the ones we love. As a result of its relatability, this YouTube video published in January of 2015 has 13,106,763 views to date.
  2. Knorr: “#LoveAtFirstTaste” – never have I wanted to run to the kitchen to bust open a Knorr packet, more than after viewing this social media campaign. By pairing couples who are literal strangers according to their food preferences, viewers (even hopeless cooks like yours truly) are sucked into a storyline that highlights a half-dozen couples feeding each other. For all intent and purposes, it’s an entertaining version of blind dating filled with all the awkwardness, flirting and fun that comes with the possibility of new romance. I dare you not to watch the follow up: “Behind the Scenes #LoveAtFirstTaste.”
  3. Amnesty International: “Gay Turtle” – gay turtle? Oh you just wait! The poor turtle never even leaves the tank, yet is subjected to all kinds of ridicule, judgement, prejudice and even anger. The marketing campaign, we learn, is intended to illustrate the copious population of homophobic culture that abounds in Turkey. Only in the end do you learn that the turtle scoffers are actors. By then, however, your heart is most likely already aching for the turtle … and Turkey.

If You Can be You, and I Can be Me, Social Media Views Can be One-Million-and-Three

Do you have to produce a video to encourage relationship building by way of a social media campaign? Not necessarily. Nasa’s #AYearInSpace, comprised much of their social media campaign through tweets and Instagram posts. Similarly, B2B company PwC utilized Snapchat to entice social media followers to participate in the adventures of traveling oscar ballots in the #BallotBriefcase campaign.

In addition to evoking emotion, many of the best social media campaigns offer consumers an opportunity to interact – to share feelings, comments and ideas.

Mutual relationships create one-million-and-three plus views in a social media marketing campaign. This is what makes them the best.

If you’d like to find your business in the best social media marketing class, Farotech would be happy to help! We’d love to begin a relationship with you – and you don’t even need to buy us coffee. Contact us now to get started:

The post The Key to the Best Social Media Campaigns: Be You, Be Me appeared first on Farotech.


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