Tuesday 13 February 2018

The 3 Best Ways to Get More Patients Into Your Practice

The best ways to get more patients into your practice come down to three principles that govern everything you do in your marketing strategy.

The 3 Best Ways to Get More Patients into Your Practice

Promoting your medical practice in such a way that you can find reliable, well-paying patients is a challenge that every office building a patient load must face. The key is to begin with a focused marketing strategy that starts with imagining your prospective patients. Who are the kinds of people you want to come to your practice? If you believe the Pareto Principle, otherwise known as the 80/20 rule, you’ll realize that 80% of your business will come from 20% of your patients. So you want to focus on drawing that 20%, letting the 80% follow along behind them.

Who is YOUR 20%?

Generally speaking, families are a good bet because you get not one but 3-6 people approximately. You’ll also obviously want to find people who tend to pay on time, and who will be likely to refer your practice to others. Your marketing strategy should follow the profile that you imagine of your ideal patient. You then establish a brand identity that would appeal to this person(s).

The Best Ways to Get More Patients into Your Practice: 1-2-3

Best Ways to Get More Patients Into Your PracticeWe’d like to offer three tips for the best ways to get more patients into your practice, with the open invitation to come to us if you need help creating and/or maintaining your marketing platform.  Farotech specializes in marketing services for healthcare providers.

Begin with Brand.

Your brand creates the identity for your office which differentiates you from all the other medical providers available in your area. To attract more patients into your practice, align your brand message with what your patients are going to be looking for. What are your values? What does your practice pride itself on? If these questions are hard to answer, think in terms of the unique benefits you offer. Do your practitioners undergo ongoing training? Are you fantastic at getting people into your schedule quickly? Maybe you have an excellent bedside manner. Whatever it is that you’re good at, you should express it through your branding.

Ensure That Patients See The Right Web Pages.

Following the Pareto rule, 80% of your business will come from approximately 20% of your web space. You can use Google Analytics or other marketing tools to learn which of your pages are receiving the most hits, and plan your content accordingly. Most patients will not look at all your pages, so you want to create web paths that will keep leading your prospects to the information that you want them to have. As a rule, it’s good to make sure that these pages have your contact information prominently featured.

Design Your Website With SEO In Mind.

SEO refers to the little changes you make to your website so that the right people find it. An important way to optimize your website and get more hits is to include keywords intentionally. What are the words and phrases that people would type in a search engine to find your type of practice? For example, if someone in Philadelphia suspects a herniated disc and need medical treatment, he or she might type “orthopedic doctors Philadelphia” into the Google search. Include the keywords multiple times on your website so that your site has a higher chance of being found.

Farotech, for the best ways to get more patients into your practice, can be reached at 267.387.6620.

The post The 3 Best Ways to Get More Patients Into Your Practice appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/3-best-ways-get-patients-practice/

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