Tuesday 13 February 2018

The Ultimate SEO Web Content Writer’s Handbook

Writing in an SEO-friendly manner has become an essential part of keeping on top of search engine result pages. A web content writer is someone who is specifically skilled to optimize their articles to to utilize search engines’ algorithms to maximize visitors for specific keywords. A good writer can be your business’ best friend; all you need to do is show him/her a few SEO tricks.

seo_writerWhat a Web Content Writer Really Needs to Know

1. How to Convert Visitors –

When writing SEO content, its important to always think of the readers first. No matter how much keyword optimization you stuff into an article, if your readers do not like it, you will not gain any business and even worse, your status as a reputable, helpful company will will plummet. You want to please the search engines, but the most important thing is to make your visitors happy. For this reason, it’s important to write articles that have a “wow factor” or some kind of unique approach to offering helpful, informative content. By strategically placing specific keywords throughout an already good article, you can target specific buyer personas at the same time. Converting visitors takes a mixture of creative formatting, crafty wording and SEO knowledge. But if these things are done correctly, then what you spent to hire a writer who can find this delicate balance will be well-worth the investment.

2. How to Create Authority –

Good writers will not only create articles to boost traffic to your website, but they should also be able to write articles to educate potential clients and develop industry authority. Providing helpful, practical information to your visitors will teach them to trust and respect you and will give your business a sense of intellectual authority. In order to do this, you not only have to be able to provide correct information, but information that is also useful. When you see other companies in your industry linking to and referencing your articles, you’ll know that your writer is doing a great job! That leads us to our next point, link-baiting, which is the next step in the training of a great web content writer.

3. How to Successfully Link-Bait –


No matter what topic you are writing on, be sure to use terms or reference ideas that are hot topics or important issues within your industry. By doing this, you set yourself up for the potential of off-page SEO success. If your article provides a valid opportunity for another company to link their content to yours, you will see your rankings in SERPs rise and you’ll begin to develop an even more recognizable brand online. What this technique relies on, however, is the creativity, originality and ingenuity of a writer who can generate content that will elicit attention and get the ball rolling.

The future of online marketing lies in your ability to generate great content that is loved by both human visitors and search engines!

In the world of online marketing, hiring a quality writer isn’t enough. You need someone who also knows how to create SEO friendly content without sacrificing quality. A single gem of an article can start a chain reaction that will boost your business to new heights, so take our advice and invest in your writing team. The future of online marketing lies in your ability to generate great content that is loved by both human visitors and search engines!


The post The Ultimate SEO Web Content Writer’s Handbook appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/the-ultimate-seo-web-content-writers-handbook/

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