Wednesday 28 February 2018

Need-to-Know Tips: Professional Search Engine Optimization

Top 5 Tips for Professional Search Engine Optimization

Professional search engine optimization that actually benefits your business is worth its weight in gold. Quality SEO can take a business that was essentially invisible online and place them on the first page of Google search results. With internet marketing here to stay, it’s time to figure out how to harness the power of professional search engine optimization to set your company or website apart. Use our top 5 tips to create and facilitate a successful SEO strategy.

Start With Great Domain Name

professional search engine optimizationYour domain name sets the entire foundation and tone for your business, website, blogs, keywords, and SEO. Decide what your top 5 keywords will be, both in your industry and for your company specifically. Use at least one or two of those keywords (if it sounds natural) in your domain name. Do a little research about the domain name you’re considering and don’t pick anything that could be easily confused with another popular site. The best domain names will always end with .com. An easy to remember and easy to type domain name will only help in the long run. And the shorter it is, the more memorable it will be.

Consistently Fresh Content

Content is the one professional search engine optimization factor that you cannot ignore without serious consequences. It is the most important variable on your website. But poorly written content or content without proper SEO techniques won’t benefit your business at all. Unique and relevant content to your business that will be attractive to your readers is what really matters. You’ll need to use back links and keywords, but write your content for your customers first and foremost. If you have to hire writers, it’s worth it to have quality content on every page of your site. Industry specific content has the power to set you apart as an industry authority.

Link To Yourself & Others

Don’t forget to include links to other pages on your website in your content. It’s also essential to create links to outside sources and content. Find some well-respected website specific to your industry and use them as connection points for your content. Experts recommend reaching out to those companies and seeing if they’ll return the favor by linking some of your pages to theirs. That can really boost your online presence.

Optimize For Different Channels

Keywords for your blog may be different than keyword for Facebook or even unique hashtags you create for your Twitter account. You can use professional search engine optimization services to create a keyword strategy that spans all relevant channels. This includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, blog posts, guest blog posts, email blasts, and even offline marketing like radio, magazine, and TV ads. Use a consistent keyword strategy for all the channels but branch out based on what would be most relevant for each different platform.

Be Search Engine Friendly

All search engines are looking to see if your site has:

  •         Quality user experience – easy to navigate? high or low bounce rate?
  •         Authority – instructional content that is unique?
  •         Performance – fast loading speed?
  •         Content – relevant to your business and industry?

It’s also helpful to know what search engines are not looking for or will penalize you for:

  •         Purchased links – links have to be organic and legitimate.
  •         Poor user experience – a high bounce rate, too many ads, or a poor layout can all count against you.
  •         Keyword stuffing – this strategy faded a long time ago and it will only hurt your online visibility.

Making your website search engine friendly is one of the best investments you can make. Hire a professional web design company to overhaul your site. Consider looking into professional search engine optimization services to get you ranking better.

For more quality internet marketing tips, especially about professional search engine optimization, contact Farotech.

The post Need-to-Know Tips: Professional Search Engine Optimization appeared first on Farotech.


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