Friday 16 February 2018

Call to Action Words, Images & Positioning

Looking to attract the attention of your site visitors to turn them into qualified leads? What you need are good call to action words, images, and positioning on your site. Calls to action (or CTA’s) are text or images that contain links to other content or offers on your site. They, as their name describes, prompt your viewers/readers to respond to an invitation of some sort.

You yourself have probably clicked on dozens of calls to action without even knowing it! Have you ever clicked on a banner that asked you to download a free resource? Have you ever clicked a link that promised a complimentary consultation? If so, you’ve probably been taken to a landing page that collects your information before providing you with the offer that was promised. And that is exactly how a good call to action should work.

call_to_action_words_images_and_positioningDevelop a Strategic Plan for Your Call to Action Words, Images and Positioning.

Be sure to follow these 7 guidelines:

1. Make the Offer Clear

You need to be able to have the visitor identify what is offered within 10 seconds of viewing the CTA. Information needs to as concise as possible. Limit call to action words to as few as you can.

2. Make the CTA Action-Centered

The CTA needs to compel the visitor to do a specific action. Limit any other suggestion to other places on the page. Focus the CTA on the action set as the goal of the CTA.

3. Keep it Above the Fold

Your CTA needs to be visible on the page immediately when a visitor sees the page. Consider placing CTA’s in sidebars or above the content as appropriate. Do some testing to see where the best place is to post your CTA’s.

4. Make it Stand OutPOW.jpg

Use bold colors and text within your design scheme and regular content lingo. The CTA should be the spark on your page – the first thing that your viewer notices. Again, attract the visitor’s eye quickly to the CTA.

5. Make it Match Your Landing Page Headline

The call to action words that you use should contain the exact title of the page that the visitor will be directed to.

6. Include Multiple CTA’s on Every Page

You never know what level of interest someone brings to your site. Be sure to give eager visitors the same chance to progress in your sales funnel by giving call to actions that are lower in your funnel.

7. Make Sure it is Relevant

Be sure to make sure that the offer fits the rest of the content on the page. In other words don’t put a CTA for Yankees tickets on a Red Sox blog.

By utilizing these tips for your call to action words, images and positioning, you should begin to see your click through rate jump. You can be sure that your CTA efforts aren’t going to waste by following these steps above to generate quality landing pages with great offers that will be useful to your visitors.

The post Call to Action Words, Images & Positioning appeared first on Farotech.


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