Saturday 3 February 2018

Keyword Research: Understanding The Tools You Need to Succeed (Video)

How can you best boost your Google rankings?

The jury’s out: to get more traffic on your website, it’s time to upgrade to a content marketing strategy. And having an effective content marketing strategy means providing excellent content.

However, if you aren’t using the right keywords, then the content in your content marketing strategy is, frankly, useless. Sure, you may have great articles about your area of expertise, but if you don’t have a strategy of incorporating keywords that will boost your ratings on search engines, then your blogs will simply fade away into the dark space of the inter-webs.

“Okay,” you say, “I hear you. I need to center my blogs around keywords that are being searched by my audience. But how do I even know what keywords to use??”

Finding the right keywords can be tricky, especially with numerous top keyword research tools out there. So how does one find keyword research tools that will get you on the road to an effective content marketing strategy?

Here’s how.

4 Steps to Implementing Top Keyword Research Tools

  • Keyword Research Tools Comparison.

The first step to incorporating keywords in your content is identifying which top keyword research tools will work best for you. You should be prepared to start your process by performing a keyword research tools comparison.

We suggest shopping around and comparing rates and special features with a keyword research tools review. Not sure where to even start? Check out Keyword Tool, Google Keyword Planner, and WordStream to get you started.

  • Identify your market’s keyword demand.

Do some research on your market and its use of keywords. Research keywords for your market to see what your level of competitors will be for those keywords.

A phrase like “black boots” may seem like a good keyword for your small shoe company, but if a quick search shows that the first few pages of google only show large shoe corporations, then you may want to consider narrowing your keyword to “black boots near [location]” to increase your chances of bumping your small company up in rankings, and targeting the audience that is most likely to convert to customers.

  • Narrow it down.

After creating a list of possible keywords, play around with your list by adding plurals or slight word changes to see if there is a difference in traffic. A strategically placed “-s” may boost your hits from 5,000 to 50,000… you never know!

After narrowing your list down, lock it in. You now have your content marketing keywords!

  • Get to Writing!

A big misconception about using keywords in a content marketing strategy is that is takes away creativity from the content writers. Nothing could be further from the truth! Writing content around keywords requires flexibility, excellent writing skills and creative problem solving.

In addition, writers will need to research their keywords and strive to stand out from the competition. Google aims to show different types of content for searched keywords, and having a unique take on a topic will help boost your content.

What Farotech Can Do

When it comes to top keyword research tools and developing an effective content marketing strategy, Farotech is here to support your business. We can get you on the road to a quality marketing campaign that will make you stand out from the competition.

Let’s get started today!

Top Keyword Research Tools | Keyword Research Tools

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