Friday 2 February 2018

How to Use A/B Testing to Find Out if You are Writing Good Headlines

Use A/B testing to help with writing good headlines and find the best headline techniques for your website.

On average, a reader spends 2.6 seconds browsing headlines to determine whether or not to read the content of a blog or article. Only 2.6 second.

So your headlines better be good. Are you writing headlines that are compelling enough to prompt someone to click?

To have even the possibility of user conversion, you need users to be convinced enough by your headline to click on your link. So if you are investing more and more into your content without seeing results, then your headlines are likely to blame.

Keep reading to learn the key elements of writing a good headline and using A/B testing to get the conversion rates you are looking for.

Writing Good Headlines

There are lots of tips out there on how to write better headlines. Research and data have shown a number of formulas for writing headlines that result in views. Check out some of these suggestions and then try these recommended strategies using A/B testing. This will allow you to determine whether they are effective for your site.

  • Use numbers: Numbers grab people’s attention and, in a world of overwhelming information, lists feel manageable.
  • Use exciting, interesting adjectives: People need to be intrigued enough by your headline to want to keep reading. Words like, incredible, essential, bizarre, etc., are attention grabbing.
  • Make lists unique: Don’t make lists of things. Be more creative, instead make lists of ideas, facts, or tricks.
  • Use trigger words: How, what, why, and when. Using these words in a headline triggers user’s curiosity–they want to know the answer you are going to provide.
  • Make a promise: Promise to provide something to the reader–a new skill, to reveal a secret–and then provide that in your content.

Now you know how to write killer headlines, start testing them!

The most challenging part of A/B testing headlines is finding the ones that resonate best with your audience. It may seem like this sort of research and testing is going to be expensive and time-consuming. In actuality, it’s far from the truth.

A/B testing can be done by posting two links to the same content on Twitter, but with different headlines. Over time you will observe both headlines to see which receives more views, retweets, likes, etc.

Did you know WordPress offers a plugin specifically designed to split test landing pages? The plugin allows you to see which of your headlines performs best. You can also check out other free or inexpensive options here.

Take Your Headlines Further

Don’t invest valuable time and resources into content that isn’t going to be read by users. Invest in writing good headlines that will be effective in bringing in users, and then worry about the content. Utilizing A/B testing to find which headline styles work best could have a huge impact on your site views. With these additional views, you should in turn, significantly boost your conversion rates.

To learn more about improving your website performance, contact the marketing experts at Farotech by calling 267-387-6620 or email us at today.

Action Items & Takeaways:

  • People have short attention spans, you need a compelling headline to grab their attention
  • Good content means nothing without great headlines
  • Good Headlines = More views = More Leads
  • A/B testing allows you to assess the quality and performance of varied headlines

The post How to Use A/B Testing to Find Out if You are Writing Good Headlines appeared first on Farotech.


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