Friday 2 February 2018

4 Key Elements Of The Best Blogging Strategy

Go for the gold! Insider secrets for the best blogging strategy!

Michael Phelps: swimmer, olympian, giant.

Many people have credited his 28 Olympic medals to his giant hands and enormous, flipper-like feet. But while there are other people with the same physique, Phelps took his physical attributes and relentlessly trained them until his strategy was as exceptionally perfect for swimming as is his body.

The universal truth we can gather from Phelps’ inspiring example is that the physical aspect is great, but it isn’t everything. Combine physical greatness with strategical excellence, and you’ve got a winner. Enter the best blogging strategy from Farotech.

Let’s Get Our Feet Wet

This is a blog about the best blogging strategies you can implement to go along with your amazing website. Since we’re all about generating compelling, click-worthy content, and we’re in a generous mood, we thought we’d share with you some of the core principles of building a great blogging strategy.

Cheat Sheet: The Best Blogging Strategies

Make it interesting.

This sounds easy, right? Your business is so interesting, everyone is dying to read about it! False. People read blogs to:

A) Be entertained
B) Seem smarter than their friends, or
C) Get complex information in bite-size pieces.

Whether your readers are searching content for reasons A, B, or C one thing remains consistent – it must be interesting enough for them to click on the headline, let alone read your blog in it’s entirety.

Make it short.

The shorter, the better.

Get the point?

Embrace the space.

Blank space enables your reader to scan and quickly decide if the information you’re offering is interesting and useful. It also reassures them that you’re not about to launch into lengthy, dry, jargon-filled paragraphs.

Human have an exceptionally short attention span. 7 seconds to be exact. That’s shorter than the attention span of a goldfish.

Use your keywords well.

Keywords? Keywords! Let’s say the keyword for this blog was ‘the best blogging strategies.’ Now how can you work that into a blog enough times to get good SEO results, without boring your readers to tears or sounding like a broken record?

Hubspot points out that “Google’s algorithm is constantly changing and is becoming more and more intuitive — and old tactics like keyword stuffing will hurt your ranking nowadays.” So you have to be careful, intentional, and creative. But how?

Enter Farotech. We can help you determine what keywords you need and where. We can also implement strategies to ensure you are generating click-worth blogs that are better than your competitors published content. In a sea of rapidly published content, the only way to make sure your blogs are complimenting your marketing strategy effectively, is to have the best blogs which only happens when you have strong, proven blogging strategies.

We’ve got a team of skilled writers who can represent you with fresh, witty content. Content that is seo driven and fits your individual brand voice and style. We work to connect with your audience, giving them what they want, when they want it.

We even have a squad of geeks on hand, in case you need a whole new website design before wading into the blogging pool. And, best of all, our blogging strategy is the best blogging strategy after all.

Need proof? Contact us today and we’ll get you started down the road to blogging victory.

It may not be an Olympic medal, but it’s sure to help bring home the gold!

Action Items & Takeaways

  • Michael Phelps is a beast
  • Great blogging requires implementing a few of the best blogging strategies and incorporating a strong keyword strategy
  • You can have the best blog in town, but without a good website you could be working double time. Schedule an exploration call with us to see what design elements or improvements can be made to get greater visibility of your blog content
  • Content isn’t king. Creative, compelling content is

The post 4 Key Elements Of The Best Blogging Strategy appeared first on Farotech.


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