Friday 6 July 2018

We Challenge You to Be the Spark That Ignites The Flame

You won’t believe what you gain by giving to others. Grab ahold the reins of life and run wild with empathetic gestures during the Empathy Challenge.

empathy challengeDuring a time filled with New Year’s resolutions, new beginnings, and the idea of pushing ourselves to achieve something we thought impossible, we challenge you to complete 30 days of empathy with us.

The world can be a tough place these days, and as a culture we grow further and further apart every passing day. One commonality remains though, we are all human, we all have a variety of emotions we feel and act upon each day. This January we ask you to put a freeze on the mannequin challenge, and push yourself to step outside your comfort zone and become a better, brighter, version of yourself by completing the Empathy Challenge. We believe this challenge will not only teach you a lot about yourself, but the world around you as well. As Robert Ingersoll said, “We rise by lifting others.” So why not rise together?

The Challenge:

Each day choose an act of kindness from the list below. Let us follow you along your empathic journey. Use hashtags, #challengeaccepted and #bleedorange every time you post to social media. We can’t wait to see photos and updates of how you’re making the world a brighter place to live.

  1. Compliment a stranger.
  2. Pay it forward – pay the toll for the person in front of you, buy a coffee for the person behind you in line.
  3. Smile genuinely at 3 people today in passing.
  4. Give a homeless person some food or a beverage.
  5. Thank a Military or Law Enforcement Officer for their service
  6. Ask a Police Officer their favorite part of their job, and their least favorite. It may surprise you and offer perspective of the challenges they face.
  7. Make a charitable donation to a local organization.
  8. Watch a documentary on another culture to understand a lifestyle that is completely different from yours.
  9. Did someone offend you? Rather than coming back at them aggressively, ask them to explain their position and try to understand their perspective before explaining your own.
  10. Volunteer at a food bank, church, or orphanage and talk to the people it serves.empathy challenge
  11. Thank someone for even the smallest gesture of kindness today and let them know how it made you feel.
  12. Help an elderly person, or mother of small children carry shopping bags. Sometimes an extra hand is all we need to improve our day.
  13. Hold the door open for someone, even if you’re in a hurry, you’ll feel better even if you’re late to your next stop.
  14. Truly listen to others. We often ask others “how’s it going?” and don’t even notice when they do not respond. Stop and listen to their response, and if they don’t answer, ask again more earnestly.
  15. Call your grandparents just to say hello and ask about their day.
  16. Watch the sunrise and be thankful for another day of opportunity.
  17. Stargaze as a reminder of just how big the world really is and consider how you can contribute to it.
  18. Pick up litter and properly dispose of it. Together we can make a more beautiful place to live.
  19. Walk or ride your bike instead of driving somewhere today. Enjoy the energy boost it provides and know you made the planet a little greener today.
  20. Send a note to an old friend.empathy challenge
  21. See someone who is disabled, don’t stare, perhaps ask how you can assist them.
  22. Read a blog or news article about a topic completely foreign to you. Knowledge is power.
  23. Tell a Joke. Even bad jokes are good jokes if they make someone laugh.
  24. Give someone directions, or show them the way.
  25. Make your partner’s favorite dish for dinner.
  26. The next time you’re stuck in traffic, let that person merge in front of you, or let that big rig in. We’ll all get where we are going, just remember to breathe.
  27. Enjoy a family dinner without any distractions. That mean no cell phones, tablets or TV. Enjoy the conversation and learn about each other’s day.
  28. Been meaning to send a thank you card recently? Take a moment today to send it.
  29. Long line at the self check-out? Let someone with less items go in front of you.
  30. Challenge someone to complete the empathy challenge and tell them what you learned about yourself and others in doing it.

Don’t forget to tag your empathetic acts #challengeaccepted #bleedorange
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The post We Challenge You to Be the Spark That Ignites The Flame appeared first on Farotech.


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