Monday 9 July 2018

A Step by Step Guide to Great Offer Development

Understand Why You Need Digital Offers

Before you can develop a great offer you need to understand what an offer is and how it can benefit your business. An offer is simply a piece of downloadable content that offers visitors something of value, often packaged as a solution to their pain points or an educational resource. When a visitor opts to download your offer, that visitor now becomes a lead and potential customer. The reason offer development is vital to any successful business is once a user downloads your offer you’ll have all the necessary contact information needed to thoughtfully follow-up with them, and guide them down the sales funnel.

Offer development is an extremely important tool for any business that wishes to generate leads and drive potential leads into the sales funnel. Additionally, high quality offers position your business as a thought leader with a digital presence and sense of authority within your industry.

How to Begin

The process of offer development begins with research. Here are a few questions to get your gears turning:

  • What is your competition offering users?
  • What information do your potential customers find valuable?
  • What are your customer’s pain points?
  • What kind of offer speaks to your brand?

Doing a little market research and knowing what kind of information your audience is seeking allows you to generate an incentivized piece of content that will benefit not only the customer, but you as well.

The Heart of the Offer Development Process

The process continues with some brainstorming and outlining. Start a list of offer development ideas and concepts. Consider what type of incentives you can, or want, to include. Great Offers often include:

  • Free consultations or estimates
  • Coupons
  • Free Gift with Purchase
  • Exclusive or Gated video content

The key to great offer development is making sure your offer is perceived as a valuable and desirable resource. A resource that consumers can’t go without. The offer formats we find that work best are:

  • Tutorials
  • Educational Guides
  • Handbooks

Before you start, stop and consider what methods or knowledge can you offer that won’t only benefit the reader, but will also set you apart from competitors. Then decide what the best vehicle is to deliver that content and format your offer to match.

Not sure what your consumers would be excited to see? We recommend reaching out to your customers through surveys to gain insight to help you with your offer development process. Additionally, an often forgotten and very valuable resource is your sales team. Utilize any team members that communicate directly with consumers for their input. Your sales team is an invaluable resource for generating great offer development ideas. Utilizing these resources will make your offer development process not only more efficient, but more successful as well.

It’s All in a Name

Once you’ve developed your offer it’s time to formulate a strategic title. You want a title that will speak to consumers. Your title should entice them to download your offer that you’ve spent so much time developing.

This can be the most important step of the entire offer development process. Research shows that 90% of the interest in your offer will be directly related to the title you choose. Here are a few of our tips for naming your offer:

  • Focus on benefits, not features
  • Make use of a title and subtitle to accurately describe the offer’s contents
  • Avoid verbiage that is too salesy
  • Create a sense of urgency or necessity
  • Using numbers or phrase like “How To”, “Learn”, and “Discover” all add value and highlight benefits of downloading your offer

Maximize Your Offers

There are many ways to maximize your offers, but here are a few tips that we have had a lot of success with!

  • Keep your titles comprehensive without being too wordy
  • Use Native CTA placement
  • Use different CTA formats
  • Make sure your offer has a clear branded design
  • Syndicate and Promote your offers
  • Don’t forget about them, a fully developed offer is an asset

This is the perfect time to showcase what is better or different about your company, and what sets you apart from the competition.

Experimentation Leads to Success

No one becomes an offer development ninja overnight. It will take time to read your audience, gather content, and effectively market your offers to the appropriate audiences. In an ever changing industry, even marketing professionals like us are always testing and experimenting!

Experiment with different offers or discounts, different titles, CTA placement, CTA design and more! Remember, it’s all customizable and part of the offer development process. By making subtle changes in language or design you can best meet the needs of your consumers, making them more likely to download your digital offer. Sometimes the packaging is more important than the contents, so never skimp on design.

Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Farotech is a leading Inbound Marketing agency in the Philadelphia area that specializes in developing branded, custom, lead generating offers. We utilize many tools to conduct research and have an entire marketing and design team to ensure your best foot is always put forth. Contact Us for a little (or a lot) of help with your marketing initiatives.

Action Items & Takeaways:

  • Understanding your target audience is essential to great offer development
  • Consistent Branding and graphic design makes good offers great
  • Experiment with various features in your offer, including the title, CTA placement and discounts
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help from a professional marketing agency

The post A Step by Step Guide to Great Offer Development appeared first on Farotech.


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