Thursday 19 July 2018

An Offer Development Guide from the Perspective of a Lead Generation Company

offer_developmentWe are an experienced lead generation company with a track record of success at helping businesses build effective offers for their
websites. Much of our business revolves around helping other companies convert more site visitors into leads. Over the years that we have been in this business, we’ve realized the true importance and value of “the offer” – the hook that pulls the visitors into your sales funnel by exchanging their information for a resource of some sort. There are a few tricks that we have found effective in the process of offer development and we’d like to share just a few of these tips with you.

How to Execute Offer Development like a Professional Lead Generation Company

The main idea is that your offer has to intrigue your readers from the very start. Your description and title have to be compelling enough to give them a reason to fill out that form and download your ebook, whitepaper, or whatever offer you are promoting. There are many ways to maximize offer development, but three of the most commonly used are as follows:

1. Short, Quippy Titles:

If your title is not specifically formulated to catch the eye of visitors, then chances are they will not even see it promoted on your site. Your CTA button’s design and placement do have a lot to do with this as well, but even simply the title itself can be a make it or break it aspect for click-through rates to your landing pages. A great title alone can be the difference between a new lead for your business and a lost opportunity. People see hundreds of titles a day, so yours needs to stand out. It needs to be catchy and memorable (most of the time that means short and maybe even slightly provocative or controversial).

2. Current Relevancy:

A great way to boost the popularity of your offers is by taking advantage of current or local news. If some major event has happened or some trend in thought is sweeping the nation, linking your product to that already popular idea will draw more visitors and entice more of them to download your offer. People love what is on the cutting edge and so simply by showing some relation between your business and current events, your conversion rates will improve. Get creative and have fun! This one will take some extra effort since relevant content will expire. However, with a few clever edits, that same content can probably be reused in another format months down the road once the trend has passed. The important thing is that you do take advantage of the trend because the traction you’ll see in a couple of short months with a timely offer can be significantly more than the overall conversions you’ll have some a long-standing, general offer that sits on your site for years.

3. Scarcity:

limited_timeYour offer needs to show the world what makes you different than all the other companies out there. If you offer the exact same resource as twenty other similar companies, there is no specific reason that a visitor would download an offer from you as opposed to the next guy. Along with keeping your offers unique and specific, if you create a limit on how many can be given away or even develop a “limited time offer,” chances are that people will have a greater sense of urgency about taking advantage of it right away. Why do you think every infomercial has a special “if you call now” offer? Because it works. Generally, consumers love things that are rare or special and showing your products off in this way will boost the demand for them.

We hope you find these offer development tactics to be as effective for you as they have been for us. Keep your offers fun, catchy and current. With outstanding offers, you can truly increase conversions dramatically and take your business to the next level!

The post An Offer Development Guide from the Perspective of a Lead Generation Company appeared first on Farotech.


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