Sunday 8 July 2018

Online Marketing: How to Market Your Business Like a Jedi

Are you tired of clunky marketing that never seems to bring in the results you are looking for? Well, you don’t have to settle for mediocre, ineffective online marketing any longer. With the help of some key marketing tips and some awesome new technologies, you can start marketing your business like a Jedi.

You are probably wondering what exactly that would look like. Well, marketing like a Jedi has two primary components. The first is knowing what your clients want without them even having to tell you. A Jedi can anticipate movements and actions before they take place–successful marketing means anticipating the interests and desires of potential buyers or clients.

Second, you must convince site visitors to accept your offers without them knowing you are trying. Remember Star Wars Episode IV, when Obi Wan waves his hand to the storm troopers and says, “These aren’t the droids you are looking for.” The storm troopers promptly respond, “These aren’t the droids we are looking for” and continue on their way. Obi Wan uses the force to direct their attention where he wants. The best part is that they are not even aware that he directed their decisions. That’s exactly what smart online marketers do.


The “Force” of Online Marketing

For online marketing, the “force” we use is a little more concrete, but can be just as powerful. We use advanced marketing technologies to study the psychology of marketing, the impact different types of media have on viewers, and what marketing techniques are most effective in promoting your business.

The more information we have on what and how viewers are reacting to content, the better we can anticipate their needs in our online marketing. To gather this information we use some awesome technologies that seriously enhance our Jedi-like abilities.

  • Heatmapping: This technology tracks mouse movements and clicks to tell us where vistors are spending the most time and energy on your site.
  • Scrollmapping: Scrollmapping allows us to track time spent on a page vertically–we can see if viewers are paying attention the whole way down, or just for the first few paragraphs.
  • Confetti: Tells us about every click that occurs on your site and where it came from. This helps us to determine how to prioritize space on your site so that the best offers are optimally placed.
  • Visitor Tracking: Cookies allow us to know not just how many people are visiting your site, but also where they are coming from and whether they are new, or returning visitors.

All of this information allows us to anticipate and direct the needs and desires of your viewers just like a Jedi. Our online marketing is able to be both powerful and subtle. Don’t let your business wait passively to be engaged with by visitors–revolutionize your web marketing using your new Jedi mind tricks. Need a little extra help? Let the Farotech Jedis work the force on your web marketing and watch your visitors fall in line.


The post Online Marketing: How to Market Your Business Like a Jedi appeared first on Farotech.


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