Friday 13 July 2018

Farotech Shows You How To Boost Sales Through Blogging

Boosting sales in your company never got easier with these 5 steps.

Are you looking for a way to increase your profit? Maybe you’ve tried everything from marketing online to running special deals to your prospective clients. How has your ROI improved? Here at Farotech we understand that as a business owner, you’re a risk taker. Sometimes those risks involve winning and losing.

Lucky for you, Farotech is here to show you how to boost sales through blogging.

Who knew you can boost sales through blogging? The best part about it, is Farotech will put in the hard work for you. Our content writers here at Farotech use a keyword list that we have developed for you to rank your page higher on major search engines.

According to Neil Patel of Quicksprout, blogging creates 67% of leads per month.

How To Boost Sales Through Blogging

The first step to boosting sales, is creating exceptionally written content. Some tips include:

  • how to boost sales through bloggingGetting Personal. When you write your blog, be sure that you write the word “you” more than “we” or “them”. This creates a sense of relationship between you and the reader.
  • Write Simply. Don’t overuse your vocabulary. You are writing to bring your reader in by laying out your information as simply as possible, without them pulling out the dictionary to understand your synonyms.
  • Create Conversations. Don’t shy away from getting bold with your statements, or italicizing your emphasis on the subject matter. This helps your reader understand where you’re coming from and makes your blog more personal.
  • Show Authority By Proving Your Point. How does the reader know you’re telling the truth? By backing up your blogs with statistics increases your authority and reassures the reader that you know what you’re talking about.

Step number two, market your content.

  • Involve yourself in a network of blogs, tweets, facebook groups and more that are in an industry similar to yours. This will help you develop relationships and provide an opportunity to market yourself.
  • Become a guest blogger for websites that could help market your company. Let them know you would love to read about a specific topic and let them know how you could tie their blogs together by blogging for them about the topic that will tie it all together. Guest posting drives traffic to your blog and help you gain readers.
  • Link out to other bloggers on your website. When you write blogs, reference other blogs that you may have pulled information from. Once this happens, be sure to email the authors of those blogs and ask them if they could share your post with social media.

Step 3 is the easiest step of all. Pick up your phone, or shoot us an email here at Farotech. Here at Farotech – marketing is in our lifeblood. We do it all, from SEO’s to blogs, to marketing and building websites. Are you looking to place videos on your website? We do it. Are you looking to have ebooks and infographics for your clients and prospects? We create those with our eyes closed, (ok not literally).

So what are you waiting for? Choose Farotech and let us show you how to boost sales through blogging. It will be the best decision you’ll ever make for your company.

The post Farotech Shows You How To Boost Sales Through Blogging appeared first on Farotech.


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