Saturday 7 July 2018

What Not to Do When Hiring a Website Marketing Company

What Not to Do When Hiring a Website Marketing Company

Your company’s website is your 24/7 salesperson. It’s in contact with your customers 100% of the time. What is your website saying about your company? Do you know how to go about hiring a website marketing agency to make it better? A website marketing agency is a marketing agency that specializes in branding and promoting a company and its services online. Using a website marketing agency is a great way to improve your company’s online presence.

5 Don’ts of Hiring a Website Marketing Company

When you Google search online marketing companies 300+ companies appear. Many of them claim they are the best company to optimize your online presence, but how do you know which to choose? Don’t get overwhelmed with all the things to consider when hiring a website marketing company, focus on what not to do.

  • Don’t Hire a Company that isn’t willing to be Transparent

Your company should be willing to tell you:

  • Steps: What is the process going to be? How exactly are they going to accomplish the goals you set together? How do they communicate with their clients? Will you be able to check in and see how it’s going? The company should have clear, concrete and measurable goals for your company’s marketing plan.
  • Team: Who will be working on your marketing? Are they qualified? Is the company completely in-house or will they contract work out to partners? If they do, what are these people’s qualifications?
  • Charges: How are they going to charge? If they charge in a percentage, make sure it’s not of something that they can just drive the cost of up. For instance, if a % of media created is paid to the company they can just advise you to have them create more and more media. Rather, you want them to focus on results seen in your conversion rates and return on investment.

Learning about the company through their website should be easy. Such as Farotech’s About Us Page. Talk directly to the company. In the first conversation ask to see case studies and results of previous work they have done. Ask for exact and concrete numbers. But be careful with a company that makes guarantees. Search Engine Optimization and other online strategies are not an exact science and take time and adjustment to reach optimization.

  • Don’t Hire a Company That Doesn’t Have a Project Timeline

hiring a website marketing companyWhen hiring a website marketing company, they should consult you, develop a plan with their suggestions and your goals, and then be as open about the plan as you want. Get a copy of the marketing plan in writing. This plan keeps both parties accountable, gives clarity to goals and provides checkpoints and deadlines to work towards. Progress goals and open communication allow you to ensure that the company is accomplishing what you are paying for. A marketing plan should also state how the company will handle issues that come up.

  • Don’t Hire a Company That Doesn’t Use Their Own Advice

Consider if a company’s website or social media is out of date or poorly designed. Is their site easy to use? Can you find the information you want or contact the company through it? Their website should show you who they are as a company. Is it creative and unique or just another cookie cutter website? A marketing company’s website is an example of their work. Don’t ignore it.

  • Don’t Hire a Company That Pressures You

If a service that the company suggests seems frivolous, ask what it will accomplish and why it’s the best option. A website marketing company should suggest marketing strategies for you and teach you about them if you don’t understand. They should be able to explain the marketing jargon and even suggest when there are some strategies your company can handle on your own. This is the time to ensure that the company offers a variety of services and doesn’t just apply the same strategy to every client. Marketing is extremely unique to the client.

  • Don’t Hire a Company That Doesn’t Want to Be Your Partner

Marketing presents the uniqueness of a company. Your marketing company’s job is to tell the world why you’re different than all the other companies providing the same good or service. So why work with a company that doesn’t want to know your company, its nuances and vision? Your marketing company is a partner and advisor to your company.

So don’t get overwhelmed with all the things to consider when hiring a website marketing company. There are a lot of options out there and even more marketing strategies. The best marketing company for you will partner with you to provide the best marketing mix for your company. So remember these 5 what not to dos, but most importantly keep who your company is and its vision at the forefront when considering hiring a website marketing company. Find a partner that values your company and shows that through their services. And never limit yourself to consultations with one company, but explore your options.

Partner with Farotech

Don’t get overwhelmed by the marketing world and feel alone when trying to optimize your online presence. Allow us to use our expertise to assist and guide you through. We have the expertise and experience to help you reach the goals you desire, develop a marketing plan for your company and keep it within your budget. For more information or to start your website marketing search today, contact us!

The post What Not to Do When Hiring a Website Marketing Company appeared first on Farotech.


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