Friday 27 July 2018

What Do Marketing and Dating Have in Common?

Turning cold leads into clients with lead nurturing best practices

So you’re at a party, and you see a really cute girl or guy across the room. They look up at you and give a little smile.

You’re in.

You walk over, real smooth, and then… “Will you marry me?”

Seems ridiculous, right? No one, outside of a Disney movie, is going to say yes to such a spontaneous proposal. You have to get to know a potential spouse through dating, meeting one’s parents, and having an extra toothbrush to leave at their place.future of marketing

Why, then, do we try to get away with this kind of spontaneity in marketing?

Without a proper marketing plan, businesses will introduce themselves, show their appeal, and try to get an “I do” from their lead… all within the first meeting! And just like with dating, the answer will likely be a resounding “No.”

That’s why it is essential to use lead nurturing best practices. Lead nurturing activities will help your business build a solid client base through the nurturing of a business-client relationship that spans from first meeting to tying the knot.

An At-A-Glance Guide to Lead Nurturing Best Practices!

Not even sure how a lead nurturing marketing plan works? Here’s a breakdown of what lead nurturing best practices should look like:

Get their digits.

With lead nurturing, you have to start somewhere, which means making contact with potential clients. First impressions are vital, so advertise yourself as a company that is trustworthy, competent, and above all, willing to have a relationship with your clientele.

Give a teaser.

Make contact within 24 hours and introduce yourself, but don’t go overboard. Your lead doesn’t need to hear you boast about your accomplishments, but they should know what you’re about.


Offer a place, be it social media or a live-chat, that your lead can have access to your company. Knowing that there is a real person behind your conversations, and not just an automated machine, will go far in building a client relationship.

Deep conversation.

Find out what your lead is looking for. Know what their past experiences have been, and show how you can be better.

Define the relationship.

It’s time to start talking about where this relationship is going. Ask your lead how they feel about the experience with you thus far, and if they feel that your services may be the right fit for them. If they don’t think you are Mr. Right, find out why and try to show that you can offer what they are looking for.

Pop the question.

After setting the stage, now it is time to ask: “Will you be my client?” But remember, the hard work doesn’t stop here. The relationship is just beginning, and you will need to keep open lines of communication, check in about your status, and see what you can be doing better in order to maintain a healthy relationship.

Farotech, Your New Wingman

Converting cold leads to clients can be tricky, but with Farotech by your side, the clients will be kicking down your door. We have tips on the best lead nurturing software and lead nurturing marketing plans that will make your business soar!

If you want help developing a solid marketing plan with lead nurturing best practices, contact us today!

The post What Do Marketing and Dating Have in Common? appeared first on Farotech.


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