Saturday 21 July 2018

Defining the Sales Funnel Part 3: How the Bottom of the Funnel Impacts the Marketing Sales Process

Find out how the bottom of the sales funnel can affect your marketing sales process.

It’s pretty obvious why BOFU (the bottom of the funnel) is important to the marketing sales process; it’s the part of the sales funnel where visitors are ready to buy. They have decided that they need to take action, and the only decision left is who to buy from. So while you’ve laid all that important ground work through TOFU and MOFU, BOFU is where you finally seal the deal. If you don’t get this part right, then all of your previous work and investments might go to waste.

How to Make BOFU the Successful Final Step in the Marketing Sales Process

You have carefully selected, guided, and narrowed your leads down through TOFU and MOFU; now you are reaching the end of the marketing sales process, and you want to see all of your hard work pay off in great conversion rates. But how do you do that? Let’s take a look at the basics of creating an effective BOFU for your business sales process:

  • marketing sales processWho do you target?
    In the BOFU stage of the funnel your visitors have reached the point where they know they need a solution to their problem and are now just trying to decide which product or company to go with. These are the visitors you want to focus on at this point in the marketing sales process.
  • Where do you reach them?
    Offers are a great way to reach clients who are in this stage to give them that final evidence that your company provides what they need. Pay close attention to analytics at this stage to determine which marketing venues are most effective–for example, social media versus email–and adjust tactics based on those results.
  • How do you engage them?
    While some buyers at this stage are ready to make an immediate jump to buying your product, not all of them are 100% there. It is helpful to provide more information of the MOFU type alongside more straightforward BOFU offers in case they aren’t quite ready to make that jump yet.
  • What content do they value?
    At the BOFU stage, buyers want to know exactly why your company is the best and why they should purchase your product. Don’t hesitate to tell your visitors why your company and this particular product is exactly what they need.
  • How do you push them down the funnel?
    At the BOFU stage, potential buyers have reached the bottom of the funnel and you just need to convince them to buy. But be sure to constantly reassess and analyze the effectiveness of each step of this process and continue to use that feedback to upgrade your funnel marketing sales process.

Need more info on how to improve your marketing sales process? Don’t hesitate to reach out to the marketing experts here at Farotech to learn more. Contact us by calling 267-387-6620 or email us at

The post Defining the Sales Funnel Part 3: How the Bottom of the Funnel Impacts the Marketing Sales Process appeared first on Farotech.


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