Saturday 28 July 2018

The Most Creative Ways to Make Your CTA Buttons Convert

Call to action buttons, banner and other images are a necessity. But too many people just throw them up on their site without actually understanding how to use them effectively. If you depend on your CTA buttons in any way for conversions, you might want to rethink your strategy. Here are a few ways to get creative in updating and revamping your CTAs.

The Most Creative Ways to Make Your CTA Buttons Convert

Customize Your Butt….on Copy

Did you know that people actually read what your CTA buttons say!? It’s true! If you use the same generic copy that everyone else uses, such as “click here” or “purchase now,” you may be missing out on conversions. Come up with your own button copy that actually relates to your service or your product and provides the viewer with more information. This can have a major impact on your conversion rate. And don’t be afraid to make your button copy a little longer if need be. (For example, “Download Free Marketing Ebook” is much better than “Click Here”) You will have to play around with it before you find what works for you.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Conversions

Sometimes a simple CTA button with just text can be a little confusing or just plain boring. Maybe people don’t exactly understand what clicking the button will get them. So, try adding a picture of your product to your CTA button. Test out different sizes and colors. Try to keep your picture in balance with your button. Make sure your picture matches the rest of your site, including logos and font type and size. Design consistency is key here.


Make Them Wait For It

No one likes desperation. Maybe you have too many CTA buttons scattered all over and people are being turned off by your overwhelming calls to action. After all, no one wants to feel like they’re being asked to do 12 things at once…that’s just plain stressful! Experiment with the location of your CTA buttons on your site and in your materials. Try making your visitors watch a video before the button pops up. They will end up knowing more about your product and when they finally get a chance to click one of your CTA buttons, your visitors will be more interested and informed.

“After all, no one wants to feel like they’re being asked to do 12 things at once…that’s just plain stressful!”

Reverse Psychology

As we have already discussed, people actually read your CTA button copy. So why not get creative or interactive with it? You could try changing your button copy to basically say the opposite of what you want your visitors to do. For example: “Don’t click here” grabs someone’s attention immediately. Plus, it shows that you actually put some personal thought into your CTA buttons. It points to a creator behind the website and the product. Use a little humor even and people will immediately feel more connected to your site.

Don’t Get Too Artsy Fartsy

Before you get too crazy with your CTA buttons, remember that simple is better. Change the color, font, or size of a button, but don’t stray too far from the traditional button. Getting too artsy can confuse people or turn them off. Smaller and more subtle changes are better than completely changing the look of your CTA buttons. Save the artistic flair for your web design (where appropriate).

Build Some Suspense

Similar to the real estate business, location is extremely important in relation to your CTA buttons. If you’ve been following the typical advice to place your CTA button above the fold, consider experimenting with location. Some people may want to read more about your service before committing to clicking the CTA button. An above the fold CTA does not guarantee higher conversions. Try moving your calls to action around on your site and see where it works best for your purposes. Track your analytics so you can actually see the numbers and find out where you are getting the best conversion rates.

Above all, keep testing. Don’t be afraid to change things around and see what works. Copying other websites won’t necessarily get you more conversions. You have to get creative and personalize your CTA buttons for your own user base. We hope this list has been helpful for you. For more great tips and information on how to boost your marketing efforts, check out our free ebook below!

The post The Most Creative Ways to Make Your CTA Buttons Convert appeared first on Farotech.


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