Tuesday 10 July 2018

A Few Things You Should Never Hear Internet Marketing Companies Say

In order to be and stay successful, internet marketing companies need to adapt to the changing times. This could be said in almost any industry, but specifically for internet marketing companies, the trends need to be followed closely and adhered to strictly because new developments are constantly taking place and change is the norm in this industry.

Here Are a Few Things You Should Never Hear Internet Marketing Companies Say:

1. “We Only Do Design”

Internet marketing companies that focus solely on design are placing themselves at a disadvantage. Businesses marketing themselves as “internet marketing companies” should understand that the business of marketing online is much broader than simply graphics. Great graphics are an important part of marketing and clients and their customers are sure to appreciate some genuinely wonderful design work, but the work cannot stop there. An internet marketing company should have higher goals than just designing a nice looking website. They should have the skills and tools necessary to help clients reach their marketing goals quickly. Developing SEO, social media and brand awareness campaigns are three great places to start when it comes to figuring out how to go above and beyond providing just a nice website.

2. “SEO is Unnecessary”

Internet marketing companies today may feel tempted to make and act on this claim because of the rise and prevalence of social media marketing. While social media marketing is essential to the process, the fact is that it doesn’t replace SEO at all. Instead, it actually compliments it. Social media and SEO go hand in hand in today’s internet marketing world. Using both of these things well will enhance your company’s profitability and prove to your clients that you are internet savvy and know how to follow the trends. Creating content through onsite optimization and off-site optimization are huge parts of what an internet internet marketing companiesmarketing company should be doing. And creating the content isn’t where it stops; social media is a tool that can help spread and share that content and in turn, help clients reach their goals for online exposure.

3. “Our Employees Don’t Really Use Social Media”

Whoa! Big red flag here…Internet marketing companies will be most successful when they are made up of people who know and understand the internet and the ways it is being utilized in today’s world. Social media is a huge part of the online marketing right now and internet marketing company employees should be not only familiar with but active on social media sites. Consider these reasons for the rising trend and importance of employee-generated social media in your marketing campaigns:

  • people are beginning to trust the “average guy” over a company’s CEO a lot more these days
  • employees can publish and share SEO content through social media, thus getting it to a broader audience faster
  • the more familiar employees are with using social media tools, the faster and easier it will be for them to implement these tools for clients

The post A Few Things You Should Never Hear Internet Marketing Companies Say appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/a-few-things-you-should-never-hear-internet-marketing-companies-say/

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