Saturday 28 July 2018

SEO Ideas for Physical Therapists – Here’s a Few You’ve Never Heard!

If you own or manage a PT office and you’re looking for SEO ideas for physical therapists, you’ve come to the right place. Farotech is a leader in SEO methodology and we’ve been providing outstanding online marketing services to a wide variety of clients for years. We’re specifically proud of the work we do with our clients in the medical field, including orthopedic offices, dental practice, and physical therapists.

If you think you’ve heard it all when it comes to SEO techniques, you’re in for a nice surprise. Today we’ve decided to focus on one particular aspect of SEO marketing and we’d venture to guess that you’ll walk away having learned something new! (That is, of course, after the initial confusion wears away!)

SEO Ideas for Physical Therapists

Our #1 Tip: Forget About Search Engines

That’s right – we said it. Forget about them! Ok…are you confused yet? You may be wondering how in the world it is possible and WHY in the world it would be recommended to forget about search engines while trying to achieve SEARCH ENGINE optimization. But before you dismiss us as crazy, hear us out…

Yes, SEO techniques and keyword strategies are certainly important, but we truly believe that the most important aspect of your online marketing is your ability to connect with your potential patients. So when you sit down to adjust your web site’s formatting or to write new content for a page, think FIRST about your patients and SECOND about search engines.

Consider the following questions:

  • What are my potential patients really looking for when they’re searching online?
  • What kinds of information would they find most helpful on my site?
  • Who is my target audience and how can I best connect with them?
  • Will people visiting my site feel welcomed and invited to visit my practice?
  • Will their questions about PT, staff, facilities, costs, insurance, etc be answered?

Yes, we think it’s important to optimize your site. But we think you should base your optimization decisions on what’s best for your clientele.

It’s Time to Sit Back and Remember…

Sometimes marketing has a way of taking you back to the basics. After long weeks of managing a staff of therapists, working towards new certifications, updating office protocols, ordering new equipment, etc., it’s good to have to ask yourself the simple questions, such as, “Why does my practice exist in the first place?”

Remember Your Purpose: When you get right down to it, of course, the reason for pursuing SEO ideas for physical therapists is probably the same reason you opened your doors, to begin with – because you want to be able to help as many patients as possible to achieve a better quality of life through physical therapy. Your purpose as a business revolves around helping patients. Keeping that thought in the forefront of your mind will take your marketing efforts a long way!

Remember Who Pays the Bills: Let’s face it – Google can seem like the king of the web and in many ways, it is! But does Google write your practice a check every month so you can stay in business? No! The patients who you provide services for are the ones who pay your bills. So when considering SEO ideas for physical therapists, remembering the needs and priorities of your patients is a great place to start. Write your content geared toward them. Organize your site to make it user-friendly for them. Include access to information that would be helpful for them.

We think you get the picture. Hopefully it now all makes sense as to why you need to forget about search engines before you can truly master them. Good luck!


The post SEO Ideas for Physical Therapists – Here’s a Few You’ve Never Heard! appeared first on Farotech.


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