Monday 2 July 2018

How Not To Market Yourself: 5 Common Marketing Mistakes to Avoid Like the Plague

Every company wants to put their best foot forward. That’s why you and your marketing department are working really hard to build your reputation. But are you accidentally screwing up your own marketing efforts by making common marketing mistakes? We have come across many common mishaps that businesses often make in their effort to promote their products and services. Here are some things not to do!

five5 Common Marketing Mistakes

DON’T Only Talk about Yourself

Your marketing, contrary to popular belief, should not focus on solely promoting your own products and services. Instead, focus on communicating what your services or products do for people. The customer should always be the center of your marketing efforts, not yourself. Your customer is the reason you are in business. Concentrate on showcasing how valuable your services are, but don’t go overboard. Focus on filling their need.

DON’T Make Assumptions

A surefire way to fail at marketing is to assume you know your buyer personas. Companies often make assumptions about their customer and what they want and sadly, some companies will function under false assumptions for years. You must know your audience- both your current and future customers. Discover what they want and need. Then, appeal to that profile instead of a preconceived notion about who your potential buyers may or may not be.

DON’T Market by Committee

Marketing is honestly subjective. Everyone is good at having an opinion, especially in the marketing world. The fewer the people involved in the creative process of marketing at your company, the better. You will never please everyone. Allowing too many people to add their creative input will waste time on a round table discussion that could go for hours. You can always ask someone’s opinion if you need some outside perspective, but keep your marketing team small, focused, and excellent.shutterstock_1313574717

DON’T Rely Only On Example

Be innovative. Maybe you have a new marketing idea, but can’t find any research to prove if it is a profitable idea or not. You’ll never be different if you only rely on marketing examples already set. This is one of the most common marketing mistakes we have seen. Most marketing is based on:

  • Rationality
  • Logic
  • Data
  • Information

But studies have shown that consumers don’t always make decision with the left side of their brain. Most purchasing decisions are based on emotions. So if you have a new idea on how to connect better with customers, don’t wait for a study. Go for it!

DON’T Give The Silent Treatment

If you have a social media component to your marketing (hint: you should), then you have to be alert and engaged through those platforms. If someone attempts to connect with you via social media, don’t give them the silent treatment. They will expect a response and usually a prompt one. Stay connected to your social media platforms and remain engaged with your online audience.

These are the top 5 most common marketing mistakes that we find. Don’t waste your time and your money on marketing efforts that actually work against you or your reputation. If you avoid these mistakes, your marketing department will be strong and effective. For more information on marketing in general, check out our blog for more marketing tips or download a free ebook on internet marketing here below!

The post How Not To Market Yourself: 5 Common Marketing Mistakes to Avoid Like the Plague appeared first on Farotech.


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