Sunday 1 July 2018

Harness the Power of Visual Marketing #MondayMorningBrainDisfunction

If you’re feelin’ anything like me this morning, you’ve got a bad case of  Monday brain disfunction. Too many things to do – all of them important! When you work in the world of marketing (which, let’s face it – all of us do to one degree or another…because whether you’re a professional marketing company like Farotech or you’re a small, local company trying to get strategic about growing your business this year, we’re all trying to accomplish the same basic goal = market effectively to get more customers!)

Let’s Get Focused

Marketing can make you crazy. Especially in the world of online marketing where strategies are always evolving and the rules of the game seem ever-changing. But it’s Monday morning and that is all just a little overwhelming. So, let’s give our brains something concrete to think about…something scientific to chew on. Let’s start our day with a statistic.

65% of people are visual learners.

What does this mean for us as marketers? Well, it means that if we don’t do anything else right today, we should keep one thing a priority – find a way to reach out to our potential customers with a visual medium that will actually draw their attention and visual_marketingentice them to give us more than the average 8 second page scan. Yeah, you read that right…most people scan a webpage for about 8 seconds before navigating on to the next thing. Now there’s a statistic for you!

Harness the Power of Visual Marketing

So, back to our plan for the day. Once you’ve responded to all your emails and put out the fires, take a few minutes sometime today and make these statistics work in your favor. Put the power of visual marketing to work for you. Here are a few ideas that you can put to use TODAY:

  • Instead of writing a blog post with 1,000 words of expert content, try putting that expertise into a creative, visually stimulating infographic to share.
  • Rather than writing what you thought was the perfect social media post to distribute via Facebook, Twitter & other networks, find a great image that says the same thing (and probably much more) as what you were trying to communicate and post that instead.
  • Take 5 minutes to do an honest assessment of your website. Is it just full of pages of endless content or are you making use of white space, images, videos and colorful, catchy CTA buttons? Jot down a list of 5 things you can do to make your website more effective as a visual marketing tool.

And because we believe in practicing what we preach, we aren’t just going to leave you with a wordy blog post today. We’d like to share an awesome infographic with you from a site we love – Neil Patel’s QuickSprout! If you’re not convinced that visual marketing is the way to go, you will be after checking out this fun infographic below. Enjoy!


The post Harness the Power of Visual Marketing #MondayMorningBrainDisfunction appeared first on Farotech.


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