Wednesday 28 February 2018

Need-to-Know Tips: Professional Search Engine Optimization

Top 5 Tips for Professional Search Engine Optimization

Professional search engine optimization that actually benefits your business is worth its weight in gold. Quality SEO can take a business that was essentially invisible online and place them on the first page of Google search results. With internet marketing here to stay, it’s time to figure out how to harness the power of professional search engine optimization to set your company or website apart. Use our top 5 tips to create and facilitate a successful SEO strategy.

Start With Great Domain Name

professional search engine optimizationYour domain name sets the entire foundation and tone for your business, website, blogs, keywords, and SEO. Decide what your top 5 keywords will be, both in your industry and for your company specifically. Use at least one or two of those keywords (if it sounds natural) in your domain name. Do a little research about the domain name you’re considering and don’t pick anything that could be easily confused with another popular site. The best domain names will always end with .com. An easy to remember and easy to type domain name will only help in the long run. And the shorter it is, the more memorable it will be.

Consistently Fresh Content

Content is the one professional search engine optimization factor that you cannot ignore without serious consequences. It is the most important variable on your website. But poorly written content or content without proper SEO techniques won’t benefit your business at all. Unique and relevant content to your business that will be attractive to your readers is what really matters. You’ll need to use back links and keywords, but write your content for your customers first and foremost. If you have to hire writers, it’s worth it to have quality content on every page of your site. Industry specific content has the power to set you apart as an industry authority.

Link To Yourself & Others

Don’t forget to include links to other pages on your website in your content. It’s also essential to create links to outside sources and content. Find some well-respected website specific to your industry and use them as connection points for your content. Experts recommend reaching out to those companies and seeing if they’ll return the favor by linking some of your pages to theirs. That can really boost your online presence.

Optimize For Different Channels

Keywords for your blog may be different than keyword for Facebook or even unique hashtags you create for your Twitter account. You can use professional search engine optimization services to create a keyword strategy that spans all relevant channels. This includes Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, blog posts, guest blog posts, email blasts, and even offline marketing like radio, magazine, and TV ads. Use a consistent keyword strategy for all the channels but branch out based on what would be most relevant for each different platform.

Be Search Engine Friendly

All search engines are looking to see if your site has:

  •         Quality user experience – easy to navigate? high or low bounce rate?
  •         Authority – instructional content that is unique?
  •         Performance – fast loading speed?
  •         Content – relevant to your business and industry?

It’s also helpful to know what search engines are not looking for or will penalize you for:

  •         Purchased links – links have to be organic and legitimate.
  •         Poor user experience – a high bounce rate, too many ads, or a poor layout can all count against you.
  •         Keyword stuffing – this strategy faded a long time ago and it will only hurt your online visibility.

Making your website search engine friendly is one of the best investments you can make. Hire a professional web design company to overhaul your site. Consider looking into professional search engine optimization services to get you ranking better.

For more quality internet marketing tips, especially about professional search engine optimization, contact Farotech.

The post Need-to-Know Tips: Professional Search Engine Optimization appeared first on Farotech.


The Truth About Local SEO Service Industries Need to Know

Let’s face it. The Yellow Pages are dead. In the web-based world we live in, the only good use for those bulky and outdated publications are to perform feats of strength by ripping them down the middle. For many service-based industries who cater specifically to local clientele, this might seem to be the end of local marketing. Fortunately, this is far from true as search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing are becoming increasingly concerned with local searches for keywords and queries based around geographical locations. To take advantage of what is called local SEO service oriented businesses simply need to follow a few basic principles to be found by folks in their community.

local_seo_servicesCheck Out These Tips for Utilizing Available Local SEO Service:

1. Be Specific

When people search for things locally, they want to find goods and services close to where they live and work. When thinking about targeting local keywords, be as specific as you can. For example, let’s say a plumber in Manhattan wants to generate new business through local searches. It would be best if he targets keywords like “plumber Manhattan” or “Manhattan plumber” instead of “plumber New York.” “Plumber New York” has too many other locations that can be listed instead of Manhattan. In order to generate good traffic from local searches, target keywords for your specific service area.

2. Get a Google Places Account

The first step for a local business to be found on Google is through a Google Places listing. When you setup your account, be sure to include photos, videos, and other current media that clients and customers would be interested to see. Be sure to regularly tend to your places listing adding photos and content for events and promotions as they occur. Google likes to see a vibrant Google Places account in order to let searchers know that you are an active business in the community.

3. Be Active on Social Media

This might sound exactly like tip 2, but social media can make or break a local business. Be sure to have active accounts on Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Keep these profiles active by adding interesting content and videos that your friends and followers want to see. Again, Google likes to see an active online business so that it can support you with a ranking. Additionally, social media is a great way to reach potential and current clients without having to launch an elaborate marketing campaign. Reach out and be natural, telling people exactly what you are doing to serve those in the community.

While it might seem daunting, local SEO for service -based industries can be an effective way of reaching out to local markets and drawing in new clients and customers. People love to rep their hood, so be sure that you allow them to do so online by choosing your business through local SEO. 

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An Introduction to Using Memes for Marketing: It’s Time to Get Creative!

What Are Memes?

shutterstock_13456871111110Technically speaking, the word “meme” is defined by its creator (Richard Dawkins) as a “package of culture.” The word has been around since 1976 and today is usually used to describe the popular video, picture and word trends online. These include things like Twitter hashtags, videos of individuals performing a culturally trending activity (like planking), and photos of recognizable or funny objects that include a clever, witty piece of text.

For our purposes of using memes for marketing it may be helpful to think of a meme as any piece of relatable content that spreads across the internet.

Why Using Memes for Marketing is a Great Idea

Building and maintaining a strong platform for your business on the internet should be a key part of your marketing strategy. Using memes for marketing online is a small but helpful tool in the overall process of marketing to individuals via the internet. There are many reasons why utilizing this tool makes sense:

  • Memes are viral. This simply means that memes are pieces of content that easily spread across the internet and will be seen by a large number of people.
  • Memes are easy to process. Because people look to the internet to be a source of entertainment, memes are the perfect way to grab someone’s attention and make them smile and laugh, all the while getting a message across about your business. They are also normally fairly small pieces of content that people don’t need to spend a lot of energy or time trying to read or figure out.
  • Memes are relevant. Staying relevant in your field is critical, especially for your presence on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Memes make keeping your products and services up to date with cultural trends easy.
  • Memes are easy to make. For not too much time and effort, your business can create valuable, shareable and relevant pieces of content. This kind of cost effective content is what any business should be looking to generate.

Getting Started

As we’ve seen above, using memes for marketing is a worthwhile way to spend some of your business’ marketing budget, energy and time. Here are a few simple tips to keep in mind when creating memes for your business.shutterstock_13644338223223

1. Make memes appealing to your buyer personas.

Marketing to your particular set of potential clients is always important to keep in mind. Creating memes is no different. Think of things that your buyer personas would find interesting and entertaining.

2. Make a few versions of every meme you create.

The first picture and line of text that pop into your mind may not be the best option for the meme you are wanting to create. Allow yourself some wiggle room and try out several variants of wording before you choose a final draft.

3. Allow others to comment and even criticize the memes you’re working on creating.

This should be part of many of the processes used in marketing. Feedback is usually helpful in bringing about an even better result than you may have originally thought possible.

4. Be creative and have fun!

Using memes for marketing should be an enjoyable process for everyone involved. Those creating, those posting and those viewing.


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Five Inbound Marketing Tips for Orthopedic Doctors

So what is inbound marketing, anyways? And how can it help orthopedic doctors grow a customer base for themselves and their practice? Inbound marketing, finds its strength in a methodology based upon letting the potential customers come to you.

Inbound marketing focuses on creating quality content that draws potential customers to your practice, using the material you publish on the internet to increase traffic to your site. Sometimes knowing where to start on this path can be a difficult challenge, though. That is why Farotech devised a list of the top ten inbound marketing tips for orthopedic doctors:

Inbound Marketing Tips for Orthopedic Doctors to Increase Their Reach inbound marketing tips for orthopedic doctors

Before we get to the tips, it is important to understand how traditional “outbound” marketing is different from Inbound Marketing. The common practices you know run the gamut: buying ads on the TV or in print, buying email lists, and waiting for leads; these all are formats of outbound marketing. Think of outbound marketing as having an outward focus to try and hook potential customers. And then remember, the goal of inbound marketing is to draw people inwards to you.

  1. Know Your Goals: The key to any successful marketing campaign is having clear measurable goals. Before you go trying out all other sorts of inbound marketing tips for orthopedic doctors, make sure you have your goals firmly set, so you know which options are the best fit for your strategies.
  2. Know Your Industry: Research as much as you can to stay ahead of the curve in your industry and be sure that you are out-performing your competition in measurable goals.
  3. Know Your Customer: Confer with your sales and/or customer service representatives to know what your greatest strengths and weaknesses are, from the customer’s point of view. This knowledge equals power when you are able to boast your customer’s best reviews and also address their biggest concerns.
  4. Identify Your SEO Keywords: One of the best inbound marketing tips for orthopedic doctors is to include the search engine keywords you think your clients will be searching within your content. Use your keyword in a page title, three to four times in page text, the page URL, and image tags. (For example, see how many times the phrase “inbound marketing tips for orthopedic doctors” appears on this page. Yes, that’s a keyword!)
  5. Blogging: Called the “universal remote” of inbound marketing, a consistent blog with quality content is a sure-fire way to increase traffic to your website and build strong interest in your practice.

If after reading these tips you are still unsure about how to get started on your inbound marketing campaign, let Farotech do the work for you. Contact us today for your free marketing assessment and let us show you what your company’s online presence is truly capable of. Your start to a fresh, quality marketing campaign could be just a click away!

The post Five Inbound Marketing Tips for Orthopedic Doctors appeared first on Farotech.


Tuesday 27 February 2018

3 Physical Therapy Marketing Ideas You Need To Try!

When you began your journey in the field of physical therapy, marketing ideas were probably far from your mind.  However, with experience, you have come to realize that one of the best ways to help people toward their recovery is to assist them in finding the services they need.  A solid marketing campaign can help make the connections they need to physical therapy practices like yours.  So, whether you are just starting out a new practice or looking to revamp your existing campaign, check out these new physical therapy marketing ideas from Farotech.

1. Research the Competition

…After all, you can be sure that your potential clients are doing the same!  With the web at their fingertips, patients are doing more research than ever when it comes to choosing a physical therapy office.  They are comparing services, specializations, and other aspects.  Make sure that you know what patients are searching for and which practices are showing up as results.  Then, you can work towards optimizing the information on your site and the way it shows up in search engines.

2. Be Present in Your Communityphysical therapy marketing ideas

One important facet of physical therapy practices that is difficult to convey through a website or advertisement is the friendly and caring nature of your doctors and staff.  Instead of depending solely on reviews and reports, although these are important as well, consider going out and leaving an impression in the community.  Does your practice sponsor a local sports team?  You should have a representative on hands at the game.  Do you participate in community races or festivals?  Making personal connections at events like these can be invaluable to your practice.

3. Revamp Your Online Presence

Finally, take a long look at your own online presence.  Does your website accurately and consistently portray your practice’s brand and personality?  Is your social media activity, such as blogs or a Facebook account, updated regularly with helpful information?  Is your website easy to navigate?  All of these questions demand serious consideration if you are going to maintain an effective online presence for your physical practice.

Want More Physical Therapy Marketing Ideas?

An important thing to remember when trying any of these strategies is that you are not alone!  At Farotech, we are excited to help you maximize the benefits from your current marketing strategy and also offer more physical therapy marketing ideas for the future.  For over 10 years, we have been helping practices like yours make the connections they need, and we cannot wait to work with you as well!  Contact us today to get started.

The post 3 Physical Therapy Marketing Ideas You Need To Try! appeared first on Farotech.


Effective SEO for Physical Therapists

What is SEO for Physical Therapists?

SEO for physical therapists consists of a variety of services that work to place a physical therapist’s web pages at the top of searches conducted in search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo! SEO pages are typically written for specific keywords and added to the backs of a physical therapist’s already existing website. Depending on the company you hire to provide these services, your website may also be able to be optimized for SEO. This process includes rewriting or incorporating certain keywords into text on your site so that it is more easily found by search engines. This may also include creating and continually adding blog posts to your site that also make use of SEO keywords.

SEO for physical therapists can prove to be extremely effective in spreading the word about your practice online. Many times, Internet users fail to scroll at all and therefore only look at the top one or two matches after they conduct a search. Having your site appear at the very top of these searches can be the difference between building your patient base and losing income.

Why Trust Farotech for Your Service?

Farotech began providing services for clients in 2001. Farotech is an all inclusive type of web development company that is able to offer its customers a wide range of services depending on their specific needs. SEO for physical therapists has been one of our most popular services and our years of experience in the field make us a leader in this industry. Our SEO services are comprehensive and our background in website development makes us the ideal company to handle all of your SEO needs.

From website optimization to SEO pages and blog articles, Farotech is ready to offer you exactly what you need to maximize your presence on the web. Our talented writers will provide your website with the boost it needs to place it at the very top of searches. Our services are unique in that they make use of long tail keywords, which other companies are not doing. We also allow our clients to choose new sets of keywords every month. Other SEO companies typically allow a client to choose only a few keywords that they then continually write for. To learn more about our SEO for physical therapists services or any other of our products, please contact us today. We look forward to working with you!


The post Effective SEO for Physical Therapists appeared first on Farotech.


Monday 26 February 2018

Competitive New Jersey SEO Company Gets 1st Page Results on Google

Google, Yahoo and Bing! are complex engines that direct millions of Internet users towards desired sites each day. Websites at the top of search results receive countless more views than do websites on the secseo_new_jerseyond or third page of the search results. However, top ranking websites are not just picked at random. Search engines utilize a very specific algorithm in order to determine the placement of websites on the search engine results pages (SERPs). Nobody knows the exact mathematical formula with which search engines determine top results. In fact, these engines continually alter and change the method in order to prevent marketers from attempting to create and implement any shortcuts to beat the system.

So, while it is difficult to fully understand search engines and how they work, it is certainly not impossible to drastically improve the ranking of a website – all the way up to the first page and at the top of the search results for Google. It just takes experience and knowledge, all of which a good New Jersey SEO Company will possesses.

How a New Jersey SEO Company Can Help


The most important variable associated with the New Jersey SEO company is

its experience. It takes countless methods of trial and error in order to see exactly what causes a shift in search results. This is especially the case with Google, as it introduces new aspects to its algorithm on a continual basis. Of course, you don’t want some New Jersey SEO company that is simply going to experiment with your website, because after all, you are paying good money for the services.

Farotech has been in the business long enough to know what is going to improve the search results and what needs to be shifted and changed to benefit your website. In the world of SEO, experience and knowledge is very important. Only trust a provider who has a proven track record of success.

Methods Used to Improve Your Website

There is a combination of different variables that any good SEO company is going to integrate into your website. This includes specific keywords and phrases, images, meta tagging, backlinks, title tags and other information. All of this is considered when search engines such as Google look into what websites should receive higher rankings. Your New Jersey SEO company should have all of the necessary tools to determine the best keywords, placement of images, and necessary tagging, etc – all of which are going to play vital roles in your success.

The post Competitive New Jersey SEO Company Gets 1st Page Results on Google appeared first on Farotech.


The Best Medical Marketing Plan for Your Physical Therapy Office

Physical therapy is a field in the medical industry that is experiencing explosive growth. People are seeing the benefits of both physical therapy and preventative maintenance. If you have a physical therapy office, you may be wondering how to utilize the power of marketing to grow your practice. As you formulate your medical marketing plan, consider both the keys to physical therapy marketing and how to get great results.

The Key to Physical Therapy Marketing

With so many physical therapy offices out there marketing themselves, how can you stand out? First, you need to determine how marketing for a physical therapy clinic is different than other marketing. A medical marketing plan will look a little different than a marketing plan for a bakery, a bookstore, or another type of business. General principles will apply, but take some time to ask yourself how a physical therapy office is different than other places of business. What do you offer your clients? Why do they need your services?

All the experts agree – the single most important key to quality physical therapy marketing is relationships. The medical industry, and specifically physical therapists, exists to serve people. Your average patient will use trust as the foundation of all their medical decisions. If you can build trusting relationships with your current patients and with the outside community, you’ll be well on your way to being a successful physical therapy practice.

Your Medical Marketing Planmedical marketing plan

You should build your medical marketing plans around the key of building relationships. So what does that look like in practice?

First, use any existing relationships you have, either with current patients or with other industry professionals to gain new relationships. Focus on networking, meetings, and even informal social gatherings.

Second, be honest with those around you about what you’re interested in doing – specifically, building your business and your brand. Once you have trust built, tell people that you’re working towards a better physical therapy office. Wait for the right time and keep it relaxed and professional. You don’t have to feel like a salesman.

Third, don’t forget about actually building your brand. Your brand is what you are and who you serve. Your logo, design, name, and office all stand for something. Whatever goal you have is what people should understand when they meet you or come into your physical therapy office. Your brand gives people a brief outline of what services you provide, what kind of results they can expect, and what the environment of your practice is like.

Putting Your Plan Into Practice

Other than the suggestions listed above, it’s important to utilize social media, blogs, your website, and traditional advertising avenues to promote your brand. Your medical marketing plan should include whatever advertising you think will reach your intended audience. These marketing practices will help you get in touch with relationships you don’t have yet. If you want to focus on older people dealing with chronic pain issues, then use the radio and magazine ads. If you want to focus on younger athletes, use social media and the web. Whatever you choose, make sure it fits into your marketing plan logically.

If you make building relationships the center of both your marketing plans and your day to day life in the office, you will see great results. For more medical marketing tips, contact Farotech or visit our blog.

The post The Best Medical Marketing Plan for Your Physical Therapy Office appeared first on Farotech.


Great On Page SEO Tips

These days, the majority of marketing takes place online.  This shift makes sense, as more and more people use the internet exclusively to find the products and services they need.  How can you make sure that your company’s website is visible and effective?  Check out these four great on page SEO tips from Farotech to get started!

What Is On Page SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of your website in a search engine’s organic results.  On page SEO includes optimizing the actual set up and content of your site in order to fit the ideal algorithms of search engines.  Html code, meta tags, and keyword usage are all aspects of on page search engine optimization.  These can be compared to off page optimization, which include factors that you cannot control, such as popularity and ranking.  Once you have the basics down, get started developing your page with the great on page SEO tips below!

Great On Page SEO Tipsgreat on page seo tips

  • Keyword Density: you know that keywords are important, but did you know that overusing them can actually backfire?  Overly dense use of a single keyword can come across as spam-like and can actually reduce your ranking in a search engine.  To get around this problem, include variation in your keywords, including synonyms and changing the word order or even pluralization.
  • Page Titles: every page should have a unique title.  This will help search engines and  visitors to your site understand the purpose and content of your page.  These titles should include specific keywords which match the actual content of the page.
  • Optimal Images: we live in an incredibly visually-oriented society, so images are imperative.  However, the images need to be used well in order to have the effect you are looking for.  First and foremost, use original images so you do not have to source another site. Make sure they are small enough that they do not slow down your site’s loading time.  Additionally, using ALT tags to describe the images you use helps the search engine to understand the image and take it into consideration.
  • Internal Links: finally, linking to other pages within your website can help optimize the page for both users and search engines.  It helps viewers (including search engines) know about your other pages and also helps lead to those which are most important.  It can also increase the time that potential clients spend on your site as the follow links which promise and deliver more information on their topic of interest.

For more great on page SEO tips contact the search engine optimization experts at Farotech today!

The post Great On Page SEO Tips appeared first on Farotech.


5 Things That Any Good Lead Generation Service Should Provide

lead generation servicesAny lead generation service company should be able to show you, as their client, concrete results within 60 days of working with you. Their job is to create a solid lead infrastructure and then deliver by increasing your leads so that you have noticeable results! There are many strategies that lead gen companies will use to make this happen. Five of the most important ones are listed below.

Is your marketing company or lead generation service offering you these 5 things? If not…it might be time to find a new service provider.

1. Development of Premium Content

Most of the visitors to your website will come through search engines and therefore, the keywords and phrases that you choose are vital. Your marketing company should be assisting you with keyword research and advising you with content strategies for site pages, blogs and social media. In addition, they should be diving even deeper into content development by helping you create resources like whitepapers or ebooks that visitors to your site can utilize. If the content of these offers is enticing enough and actually delivers something useful to visitors, then it will be successful in creating opportunities to obtain more lead information from otherwise casual website visitors (because you can use your content as leverage – we will talk about this more in point #3).

cta_example2. Creation of Calls to Action

Calls to action (CTAs) are the buttons that site visitors will click to get them onto a landing page. These buttons have to be cleverly developed and carefully placed. The buttons need to be catchy both visually an

d mentally which means great graphics and great wording are both essential here. Your lead generation service should know exactly how to create and use the most beneficial types of CTAs for your site and should also be able to advise your developers on where and when to place them on your pages.

3. Development of Landing Pages

After a site visitors click on a CTA, they will be directed to a landing page on your site where they will be offered access to a special resource or a free gift (this is where you use your excellent content – point #1 – as leverage to gain lead information). These pages should consist of several key components, including:

  • a description of the offer
  • an image showcasing the offer
  • a simple form where the visitor can fill out some basic information like their name, email (vital for increasing leads) and industry

Not only will your marketing company help you design offers and then develop landing pages for them, but they will also assist you in building great “thank you pages” where new leads will land after completing the form on your lan

ding page.

4. Promotion of Blogs

Any good lead generation service will not only set up or assist with establishing a blog for your website, but they will also be continually developing content for new blog posts as well as promoting the blog online to increase attention and traffic to it. Blog promotion can happen in a variety of ways including: promoting through social media, adding the blog URL to employee email signatures, and adding anchor text as links which will take readers from other associated site pages to relevant blogs.

5. Promotion Using Social Media


Sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ are becoming more and more significant in the world of internet marketing. Customers of all ages are using these platforms to discuss and share information about everything, including products and businesses. So, as a business, you need to ensure that your brand is part of these conversations. Lead generation service companies will know exactly when and how to post links and content to your social media pages to get followers and friends onto your site and increase conversion rates. They should also be able to utilize social media tracking tools to determine which sites will be the most productive for your particular company to focus on. Generally, Facebook is very productive for B2C businesses, but often times Twitter or LinkedIn works best for B2B.

If you’d love to work with a company that provides these services and focuses on complete client satisfaction, you landed in a great spot. Here at Farotech, we’re experienced in this field and ready to put our experience to work for you.

The post 5 Things That Any Good Lead Generation Service Should Provide appeared first on Farotech.


Sunday 25 February 2018

For the Love of Long-Tail Keywords!

Everyday you compete with hundreds, if not thousands, of other companies to draw people to your site in an attempt to convert them into customers. Once in a while, it helps to step back and ask yourself: Am I competing as efficiently as I could? Most people think that in order to control their industry, they have to dominate Google, Yahoo! and Bing results for the most competitive keywords related to their business. But the truth is that if you are ignoring a long-tail keyword strategy, you are missing out on a great opportunity to “play smart.” These longer keywords give you many advantages that you simply don’t get from the more generic, competitive keywords and a long-tail strategy will bring you more, stable success in the long run. Let us explain…

Why Long-Tail Keywords are SEO’s Hidden Gem

  • long-tail_keywordsThey Give You a Backdoor for Keyword Domination– Vying for a short-tail keyword like “migraines” is the equivalent of diving into a battle that will be near impossible to win There are simply too many competitors, so unless you are already a huge company with a regionally recognizable name, your best bet is to leave those short-tail words alone. If you instead focus on being first for “simple migraine treatments,” you will face much less adversity and will be able to “win” and totally dominate for that search term. Repeat that process for multiple other specific keywords and with the same reasonable amount of effort, you can begin to truly maximize your strategy. Being a higher rank (ideally, number one!) for many different long-tail keywords will give you more views than ranking on the 2nd or 3rd page of Google for a really competitive search term. It’s not that we have anything against shorter keywords. It’s all about efficiency, really.
  • They Synchronize with the User Experience– SEO is all about getting into the user’s mind and ultimate, knowing what they will type into that little, magical search box. Many people use Google to solve their specific problems and so their searches will reflect their issues. Often, their searches will be worded in the same why they would casually ask a friend a question. Searchers are not going to search for just general information about a topic as often as they will be looking for specific details and answers. And that is exactly what long-tail keywords specialize in – identifying specific issues/needs/wants. They match targeted_longtailup more often with the searcher’s thoughts and therefore are more valuable in terms of your ability to really connect with your potential customers.
  • They Provide You With More Targeted Leads- We know this might come as a shock, but consider the following statement: The goal of SEO was never to get as many people to your site as possible. While high levels of traffic are great, what you really want is the right people coming to your site – targeted leads. What do we mean by that? Well, let’s say that you run a surfboard repair shop. It’s not monetarily profitable to you to have searchers looking to buy new surfboards arriving on your site by the hundreds IF you don’t actually sell new boards. It can’t hurt to have them on your site (who knows?…maybe they crack their board a couple of months down the road and remember your site and return to do business with you then!), but it’s not the kind of lead you’re really looking for. When you focus on longer keywords, you increase your ability to specify/target the kind of potential customers that you really want to cater to. You’ll be drawing people who are already specifically interested in what your site is all about. Now that just makes sense, doesn’t it?

Long-tail keywords are helpful tools for many reasons. But, to put it simple, you really just end up getting more bang for your buck (or at least more results for your effort) when you use them. If you have questions about how to develop a comprehensive keyword strategy, let Farotech help. Schedule a free assessment call with one of our SEO specialists!


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3 Quick Business Marketing Ideas for an Online World

Now more than ever, your consumer base will spend much of its time and money online. Operating in the cyber arena is crucial; without it, your business is invisible to a growing majority of clients.  And if there is one thing we know about people, it’s that they won’t go out of their way to buy something if it’s already at their fingertips elsewhere.  Garnering these customers, however, can be as simple as a click of a button.  Here are some easy social media  business marketing ideas to help you make the most of your online presence.

3 Social Business Marketing Ideas

1.) Use Many Sitesbusiness marketing ideas

It is true that having accounts with Facebook and Twitter will connect you with the largest audience,  keep in mind that these social media giants are connecting your competitors to that audience as well.  Make sure you branch out and sign up with other social media sites as well. For instance, Pinterest has a rather large online community, but it is rare to see businesses using it as a resource. Being creative in your approach to these other online avenues can expand your marketing horizons.

2.) Post Often

The second of our business marketing ideas is the notion of consumer having a notoriously short memory. All too often, infrequent posts are inevitably lost in the news feed. A lack of posts and current information is just as bad for business as not having an online presence at all. Instead, keep your customer base engaged by posting often.  Like an eye-catching storefront, online interaction is a great way to market your business.

3.) Post Well

While the frequency of your posts is important, posting imaginatively and intuitively is a crucial idea for successful business marketing. Use social media to offer specials and promotions, but don’t underestimate the power of customer interaction. Interesting posts, surveys about your products, or requests for feedback all serve to draw people to your business. By keeping this open channel for communication you are telling your customer that you hear them—making them more likely to recommend and use you in the future.

As the world at large continues to log on, it is necessary to make your online presence known.  While it is up to you to decide how to do it, implementing these simple business marketing ideas is certain to give you a head start!  These 3 tips are a great place to start, but are by no means an all inclusive list on what you should do for your online presence. For more information contact Farotech.

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The Secrets of Modern Marketing for Physical Therapists

You’ve been through years of school and countless hours of certification training. You’ve opened your own PT practice and hired an outstanding team of therapists to help you provide great service to patients. You’ve ordered your equipment, set up your exam rooms and now you’re just waiting for people to walk in the door so all your hard work can be put to good use helping people!

We get it. Your expertise is in physical therapy – not in marketing. But without a great strategy for marketing for physical therapists, your practice can’t maximize all the great effort you and your staff have put in so far. The answer to this dilemma is to learn a few basic pointers that will help keep that phone ringing and will keep new patients walking in the door on a consistent basis.

Here at Farotech, we’ve worked in the field of Physical Therapy for many years and are proud to say that we’ve been able to help PT centers optimize their online marketing and boost their business. Let us help you so you can focus on what you do best – taking care of patients! Read on to discover a few of our top tips on how to improve your marketing, especially when it comes to reaching your prospective patients online…

The Secrets of Modern Marketing for Physical Therapists

1. Don’t Get Down on Yourself: Bigger Isn’t Always Better

You may be thinking that because you’re a small, independent physical therapy center you can’t compete online with the big dogs. Well, research is proving that just isn’t true. Although the large, established PT brands will attract the most traffic online, this means that they will attract all sorts of clientele – including those patients who will end up being disproportionately costly to care for. So if being a big brand means you take on the burden of the less profitable patients, then being a small practice isn’t so bad after all!

In fact, we can help you gear your online marketing for physical therapists efforts so that you are actually targeting the specific buyer personas that make you the most profit. You can still provide a valuable service and help your patients, but proper marketing will ensure that you do it in the most profitable manner for your business.

2. Put in the Time to Analyze: It Might Be Time to Make Course Correctionsmarketing for physical therapists

Too many business in the medical field forget the importance of regular marketing analysis. Because marketing isn’t typically your primary focus, the actual reviewing of data and tracking of results tends to get put on the back burner. We know this isn’t top priority in your office on a weekly basis, but we promise that it is extremely important and well worth your time.

If you can’t assign this job to someone in your office staff, considering hiring a professional marketing company like Farotech to help you analyze your campaigns and optimize your efforts. For example, Farotech can implement a sophisticated software on your website that tracks where users click, which pages they visit most frequently, how far they scroll down those pages and more! These metrics can be invaluable when it comes to making small tweaks to your site that can mean big changes to your ability to collect leads online.

In addition, we can set up an SEO campaign for you that will help you start to get ranked on the first page of Google for your business’ main longtail keywords. In the process of running this campaign, we’ll provide regular reporting to you that will help you see – at a glance – where we are making progress and where we need to implement a new strategy.

3. Prepare Your Office Staff Adequately: Phones Will be Ringing

If you’re properly utilizing your website as a search tool, you should be bringing in web leads on a weekly basis. Consider setting up calls to action on your site, which would lead to landing pages where you could collect prospective clients’ contact information in exchange for some type of helpful resource. Imagine this…

Danny has a severely strained calf muscle and is looking for ways he can treat it at home. He lands on your site and because you’ve implemented your marketing for physical therapists genius strategy, he finds a free PDF download of a flyer outlining some stretches he can do for his calf. He prints the flyer and hangs it on his fridge, hoping that he can take care of this issue himself at home. However, 2 weeks later he is still limping around. While the stretches have helped and your resource has provided him with some valuable tips to help him at home, what he really needs is to schedule an appointment at your office and get some professional help. Luckily that flyer has your office phone number right on the bottom of it and Danny picks up the phone to make his first appointment.

With a properly aligned strategy, your phones should be ringing consistently with leads that have been generated from your website. If you would like more information on how to make an inbound marketing plan like this work for your practice, contact us today!


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Saturday 24 February 2018

Breaking the Mold: How To Get More Patients To Your Dental Practice

Discover how to get more patients to your dental practice with help from the marketing experts at Farotech.

Are you asking the same question as all of the other dentists in your area? At Farotech, we’re willing to bet that you are. After 14 years of working with many other dental practices like yours, we have found that almost everyone wants to know the same thing: how to get more patients to your dental practice.

The Old Approach: Outbound, Outdated

What have you done to try to solve the dilemma of how to get more patients to your dental practice? Most dentists try the same old approaches every time. Spend more money. Advertise more. Try to gain the attention of new patients with clever ads or new material. But these outbound approaches are outdated and fail to provide the results you need. Instead of continuing to waste time and money looking outward, it’s time to turn inward to embrace a better way.

A Better Way: Inbound Innovation

how to get more patients to your dental practiceHow well are you really using the resources you already have? If your marketing plan does not involve incentivized referrals, you are missing out on one of the best ways to connect with potential patients.

Your current patients have the potential to be the best ambassadors for your practice. They have received your excellent service and enjoy the results you have provided. Equally importantly, they are connected to a great network of friends and family throughout your community. With those relationships already in place, they can offer the trusted recommendation many people need to make the commitment to a new practice. But how often is this really happening in your practice?

Probably not very often. Without incentive, even the most satisfied patients don’t think to offer these valuable referrals to their friends and family. To embrace the power of these potential brand ambassadors, you need a comprehensive way to:

  • Break the ice
  • Ask for referrals
  • Reward referrals
  • Continue the conversation with old and new patients

How Farotech Helps: The Dental Referral Book

Farotech can help you achieve all of these goals with one, comprehensive program: the Dental Referral Book. In an easily usable iPad, begin by working with our marketing team to identify 20 to 30 products in the $25-40 price range. Once you have this simple system established, all you have to do is ask for that first referral to see the magic unfold:

Matt tells Susan that she should check out your dental practice. During Susan’s first appointment, you sit down for a brief conversation:

You: Thank you so much for coming in! I’m also hoping to thank Matt for referring you, and I’m hoping you can help.

Susan: Sure, what can I do to help?

You: Check out these products in our Referral Book and find one that you think Matt would like. Then, we’ll send him a card to thank him for referring you to our practice!

Susan: Do you do this for all of your referrals?

You: Absolutely… our patients are the most important ambassadors of our practice; we want to make sure that they know how much we appreciate their good word to friends and family members.

By the end of the conversation, you can see the wheels turning in Susan’s mind. She can’t believe that Matt is going to receive such a great gift for referring her to this practice! After her great experience, including getting to participate in choosing Matt’s gift, she can’t wait to do the same. After just one visit, you have two loyal brand ambassadors who are enthusiastic about spreading the word about your practice.

Want to Learn More About How To Get More Patients to Your Dental Practice?

Matt and Susan’s story is just one of the amazing illustrations of the power of incentivized referrals. Pretty soon, you won’t have to ask how to get more patients to your dental practice; you’ll be too busy keeping up with scheduling all of your new referrals!

What, if anything, are you currently doing to encourage your patients to refer their friends and family? How is it working? Share your stories with us in the comments section below.

Then, if you’re ready to learn more about getting more patients into your dental practice, give us a call at 267.387.6620.

The post Breaking the Mold: How To Get More Patients To Your Dental Practice appeared first on Farotech.


How Can A Lead Generation Service Help My Business?

You know how it works. New clients are key to expanding and transforming your business.  However, before someone becomes a loyal, or even a first time, client of your company, they begin as a lead.  Each new lead is an exciting opportunity for your business to make a first impression and begin a conversation that may lead to that conversion.  But how can you generate more leads to begin with?  A lead generation service like Farotech can play a transformative role in not only this stage of the sales cycle, but in your whole marketing model.

Generate Leads Through Inbound Marketing

lead generation serviceWhether you are a large, globally reaching business or a smaller local service, the lead generation service you need begins with inbound marketing.  Today, nearly everyone is searching online for the products and services they need and want. Your potential clients go out everyday into the world and onto the web; shouldn’t you be there to meet them?

Inbound marketing focuses on creating content that matches the searches and inquiries of potential clients.  Through search engine optimization, social media, and other best practices, you can ensure that your name and brand, your product and expertise, are the first things potential clients find.  Then, through calls to action and strategic web design, you can turn these visitors into leads.

Nurture New Leads

Of course, nurturing those newly generated leads is just as important as creating them in the first place.  Otherwise, those leads will stay at the first stage of the sale cycle without forming a relationship with your business.  A lead nurturing service such as those provided by Farotech can target buyer personas with personalized content and then track their progression as their interest develops.  Our automated systems save you hassle even as regular reports help you to track when and how visitors to your site becomes leads and then eventually loyal patrons.

More Than Just Lead Generation Service

At Farotech, generating and nurturing leads for your business are just two elements of a transformative marketing campaign.  Not only will we help you connect with and track these leads, but we can transform your online presence from every angle as well.

From website design to comprehensive branding packages and content generation, we offer all of the services you need to expand your company and make an impact in your community, your field, and on the web.  Whether you start with just a lead generation service or go for a larger package, we guarantee you’ll like the results that you see.

For more information about how to get started with Farotech, contact us today at 267.387.6620.

The post How Can A Lead Generation Service Help My Business? appeared first on Farotech.


The Interview You Should Have When Hiring an SEO Philadelphia Consultant for Small Business

SEO (search engine optimization) is one of many great tools for small businesses to use in their online marketing strategies. If you’re looking to hire an SEO Philadelphia consultant for small business needs, there are several questions you should be ready seo_philadelphiato ask and certain answers you should look for in return. Here’s a hypothetical interview to glean from.

The Interview You Should Have When Hiring an SEO Philadelphia Consultant for Small Business:

Q: Why should I choose you?

A: Well, based on that fact that you are here and having this conversation with us, we’re assuming that you already understand the importance of having your business ranked on the FIRST page of Google. When it comes to your top keywords, you can’t afford to be on page 2. This is one case where there is no reward for coming in second because we know from countless studies that the attention span of internet users is short. You’ve got to get onto the first page and we can help.

Of course, a major part of why we think we should be your consultant of choice is our ability to get those results that you need. Our success rates show that we can get your business ranked # 1 on search engines. But, we know that a lot of companies will promise you that. We are dedicated to maintaining an open and honest working relationship with you as our client and will clearly communicate with you as often as is necessary to keep you informed along the way. You can expect wonderful customer service from every single member of our staff and will always be spoken to in a friendly and respectful manner…… 

(The key to listen for: The SEO Philadelphia consultant should provide specific reason why his/her company deserves your business.)

Q: How will you get me ranked so highly and can you explain how the spammers are working the system?

A: Sure! We use a technique called long tail keyword targeting. What this means is that we focus on keywords other companies aren’t targeting and by doing so are able to win some valuable real estate online for your business that isn’t being fought over as heavily. The key components to this strategy are… (consultant would fill in more details).

We’re constantly educating ourselves about the newest rules being applied to SEO by Google and other major search engines. Spammers are doing this illegally (breaking the rules) by…. (consultant would fill in more details).

(Keys to listen for: The consultant is quick to give a very precise and clear answer/ is happy to explain the technique he/she uses (there are lots of techniques out there). Clearly, he/she is knowledgeable about helping your business in a legal fashion and knows the illegal things that are happening and plans to avoid those methods.)

Q: Will I control access to all of my accounts?

A: Yes. While we can help you create and or reboot old accounts online, you will be the one in control of the access to these accounts. This means that you will know and/or create all profile names and passwords and while I will need to know these as well in order to properly manage your online presence, we will not create usernames and/ or passwords for you on our own accord or access any accounts without permission from you.

(Key to listen for: The consultant is quick to ensure your control over access to your accounts. This will protect from losing the ability to sign into accounts if ever you and the consultant part ways and also for you to still have a certain level of access/control over what is going on with your profiles online. With a great SEO Philadelphia consultant, you should never have to worry about your account security.)

marketing_programQ: Can you give me some proof of your abilities?

A: Here is a list of several companies that we have helped to rank on the first page of Google in the past few months. Here you can see how long this took us to accomplish for each and how we were able to to it. If you look at the first company on the list…(consultant would fill in more details).

(Key to listen for: Consultant is able to give concrete results that reflect well on company’s claims of success.)

If you are interested in improving your online marketing and are looking for an SEO Philadelphia firm to help you in the process, we encourage you to check out our helpful ebook about SEO for small businesses. Or, call us directly today and speak with a dedicated member of our team.

The post The Interview You Should Have When Hiring an SEO Philadelphia Consultant for Small Business appeared first on Farotech.


The Transforming Power of SEO for Sports Medicine Practices

Have you ever stopped to ask your clients how they became connected to your sports medicine practice?  You may be aware of direct referrals from friends or familiar doctors, but relying upon this mode alone significantly limits the potential of your company to connect with new clients. More and more people, including the athletes you will be treating, are turning to the internet to help them find the services and products they need, including the best sports medicine practice in their area.

SEO for Sports Medicine Practices

So if potential patients are searching for your company, shouldn’t you make it easier for them to find you?  This is what SEO for sports medicine practices is all about.  An SEO company like Farotech can help your practice connect to potential patients who are searching for you simply by changing the way you think about your website.


What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of organically affecting your practice’s website visibility on major search engines.  First, it considers what your potential clients may be searching, such as the best sports medicine practice in their area.  Then, it anticipates this search by strategically using key phrases like that in helpful content, such as an onsite blogs.  The search engine algorithm recognizes these matches and bumps your site up toward the top of the list.  So, the next time someone in your area is searching for the best practice for their injured athlete, your site is easy to find and immediately offers them information about how your practice might be able to answer the need they were searching.


What is the Importance of SEO for Sports Medicine Practices?

SEO for sports medicine practices can be transformative for your business on several levels.  First and foremost, it enables search engines to display the quality of your site and your doctors.  When you feature clear and helpful information, you can create an instant connect with the potential patient.  In the world of sports medicine, you have a level of expertise that your clients are looking for, and SEO allows you to share that while building potential patients’ confidence in your expertise.


Additionally, SEO for sports medicine practices is important because it allows you to focus your attention on local patients.  After all, aren’t these the ones who will most often be coming through your door?  By including geographical modifiers in your keywords and phrases, you can direct local searches right to your business.
For more information about SEO for sports medicine practices, contact Farotech today!

The post The Transforming Power of SEO for Sports Medicine Practices appeared first on Farotech.


Friday 23 February 2018

3 Internet Marketing Ideas for Orthopedics Offices

3 Important Internet Marketing Ideas for Orthopedics Offices

Internet marketing ideas for orthopedics doctors and offices should be taken seriously and utilized for what they are; helpful steps toward advancing your practice. The marketing a business does online is a major piece of the way it develops a solid and continually growing client base. As the Internet becomes even more important in the years to come, orthopedics offices need to recognize the vitality of creating and maintaining a strong online presence. Internet Marketing Ideas for Orthopedics

Farotech has been providing top quality internet marketing ideas for orthopedics practices and a variety of other client types for the past decade. We have learned from first hand experience how to make the most of your marketing efforts online and are, on a daily basis, working with clients to help make this a reality. To get started, check out these three tips.

Personalize, Personalize

As is the case in any industry, a good orthopedics internet marketing idea to start with is this: always market your practice as unique. There is competition out there and those practices that do not make a name for themselves will not be able to stay ahead. How do you make a name for yourself? By being different! Don’t settle for providing average information. Let your potential patients know who you are and why they should specifically choose your practice.

This can be done in several engaging ways on your website as well as in ad campaigns. One example is to create and share a storyselling video for your practice. These short videos attract immediate attention and are able to share a lot of information about your practice’s unique story; its history, its values and its goals.

Consider the Future

Internet marketing ideas for orthopedics offices always need to be looking ahead. The future of the Internet in general is in constant motion. Staying on top of the latest trends is vital. For example: Google recently purchased a company that was focused on the development of “the Internet of Things.” This phenomenon has really been around for ages but is now becoming a hot topic of interest. It refers to the way in which the Internet can provide smart technology for homes.

Although it may seem like a roundabout idea right now, soon companies will be pushing to better understand and customize their internet marketing strategies for smart devices that are used in conjunction with the Internet of Things.


Perhaps your practice is starting with this whole internet marketing thing from scratch and you are interested in having a brand new website developed. If that is the case, we recommend hiring a company with ample experience and proof of success. For a majority of practices and businesses, a website already exists but may benefit greatly from a “facelift.”

Whether it is a complete rehaul of your site or a few minor but effective tweaks in color or text, redesigning may be exactly what your practice needs. To get a better sense of what works and what doesn’t in the design world, consider the strengths of successful competitors’ sites and get some professionals involved!

The post 3 Internet Marketing Ideas for Orthopedics Offices appeared first on Farotech.


Simple, Effective SEO Ideas for Orthopedics Practices

The Need of SEO Ideas for Orthopedics Offices

Innovative and cutting edge SEO ideas for Orthopedics offices are necessary in today’s world because of the huge impact of the Internet on businesses of all kinds. The Internet is the way in which so many people find and decide on providers. If your Orthopedics office does not have a presence online, your practice is simply missing out on reaching a majority of potential clients. If you do have a presence online but it is weak, the truth is that you are still going to be failing at reaching a good portion of potential patients. Search Engine Optimization services are a key factor in developing the right type of platform for your Orthopedics Office on the Internet.

3 SEO Ideas for Orthopedics Offices in Today’s World

If your practice wants to get serious about increasing its patient base and turning a larger profit, these SEO ideas for Orthopedics from Farotech are a great place to start!

1. Keep it Coming

When it comes to SEO, more is better. The more keywords you can get ranked in the number one spot on major search engines, the more success your practice will have. Farotech utilizes a unique SEO idea for Orthopedics offices in our quest to get many keywords ranked first for our clients. We use long tail keywords rather than one word keywords which allow us to provide our clients with faster results and more options. Shorter keywords, although they are more popular, are harder to get ranked because of the high competition and many times become ineffective altogether at aiding in the process of making your practice number one.

2. Utilize That Blog

An easy, but often undiscovered, SEO idea for Orthopedics practices, is to optimize your blog articles for SEO. This means first, developing a blog that is continually updated with informative and engaging posts and second making these posts part of your overall SEO campaign. Farotech provides this service as part of our SEO packages. Contact us to learn more!

3. Hire Professionals

Creating, implementing and continually managing a SEO campaign for any business is a time consuming process when done thoroughly and with much success. This is why Farotech suggests hiring an outside group of well reputed and equipped professionals to deal with this part of your business for you. Having a solid team handle all of the details of this process will take the pressure off of your already busy employees and give you the peace of mind you need, knowing that the task is in good hands. Farotech is ready to provide a large number of effective SEO ideas for Orthopedics practices and fully manage SEO campaigns. To learn more about the services we provide, please contact us today.

The post Simple, Effective SEO Ideas for Orthopedics Practices appeared first on Farotech.


3 Key Medical Marketing Goals for 2018

Essential Medical Marketing Goals

Medical marketing goals for your practice are essential if you want to continue to expand and provide valuable services to your patients. Do you have a marketing strategy in place? If so, how is it working so far this year? Have you gained any new patients? Have you expanded your influence online and through social media platforms? If not, it’s never too late to continue to develop your medical marketing goals. Whether you currently have a successful medical marketing plan or not, make sure to incorporate these three key goals to continue to improve.

Develop More Content

In the marketing world, there is a saying that “Content is king.” Developing quality and relevant content for your website and blog is the best way to show the world your areas of expertise. Becoming a known authority on a topic can really benefit your medical practice. Whether you’re an oral surgeon, an orthopedic surgeon, or a physical therapy office, people want to know that you know what you’re doing.

Demonstrate your knowledge through interesting and engaging blog articles online. These articles can serve many purposes including:medical marketing goals

  • Educating your patients
  • Offering valuable practical tips
  • Share client testimonials and/or pictures
  • Answer important questions

Some people may not want to call your office and ask a bunch of questions, but they might like looking through your blog posts and reading on their own time. More content will get you more traffic to your website. Incorporate this key medical marketing goal into your strategy and enjoy the results.

Expand Socially

One of the newer but important medical marketing goals is to expand your social reach. The medical world is slowly becoming more and more active on social platforms. Don’t be left behind – go where your patients are. You instantly become more relevant and accessible to certain target audiences if you have a social media presence. As you create more content, use your social media platforms to share that content. Your patients will appreciate being able to connect with you a new way on their own familiar territory – Facebook, Twitter, etc. While developing quality content takes time and effort, posting things on social media can be faster and more casual but it will help you stay available and on people’s minds.

Create Resolutions for 2019

The most important medical marketing goals are only achieved by looking ahead to the future. While you create more content and develop your social media presence, don’t forget to look forward to next year. Where do you want to be in a year from now? It’s never too early to start planning your marketing goals for next year. Focus on areas in which you want to grow and then come up with creative ways to market your office. And if you need help, contact Farotech. We specialize in helping medical practices develop and implement their marketing strategies.

The post 3 Key Medical Marketing Goals for 2018 appeared first on Farotech.


4 Ways to Beat Facebook Organic Search Decline

Note: If you want to know the full context of why we believe Facebook has totally changed the game. Click here to zoom right down to the tips on how to win on Facebook Advertising, despite the constant updates.

The times are changing at Facebook. With content exploding on the social network at an exponential rate, the reins are tightening on users’ news feed experiences. The move is described by Facebook as an effort to improve user experience and increase interactivity.

Facebook has confidence that it knows what its users are most interested in, and it structures its newsfeeds accordingly. Facebook has long employed an algorithm to determine which stories appear in its users’ newsfeeds.

testimonial1The inner workings of this algorithm are a mystery. But Facebook claims that the sole aim of the algorithm is to provide the best newsfeed experience possible and limit users’ interactions with unwanted content. Whatever Facebook’s intentions, for many users, the algorithm is a source of frustration.

In the recent hit indie film, Boyhood, the film’s naturally-aging protagonist, Mason (Ellar Coltrane), shows a great deal of concern about the dangers of modern information technology. In one scene, Mason wonders to his mother whether colleges might start using social media algorithms to determine ideal college roommate pairings.
Mason’s concern is that society has begun to let information technology in general, and social media specifically, determine what and who we interact with. At least as far as Facebook’s practices go, Mason isn’t too far from the truth.

The content you interact with on Facebook is up to Facebook. Facebook gets to decide whether your cousin’s baby-shower photos show up on your newsfeed or not; and as bad as that seems, from a marketing perspective, the Facebook algorithm is an even bigger headache.

It’s important to realize that no matter how you structure your social media strategy, Facebook has complete control over what pieces of your content will be visible to your clients and patients. Recently, Facebook has come to the decision that the percentage of your posts your potential patients would like to see is somewhere very close to 0.

Let’s break this down…

Say your practice has created a fun, informative, interactive Facebook page filled with eye-catching photos, links, and videos.
You’ve built a strong social media presence, accruing likes by the bucketful.

In an ideal world, the benefits of organic reach would kick in from there.

Your page’s likes would facilitate strong social network bonds between your followers. Your content would appear frequently on their newsfeeds, and your strategic offers and calls-to-action would draw them down the sales funnel.

Even better, your posts would accompany your followers back to their networks of friends, exposing your practice to a much broader field of clients and patients.

But we do not live an ideal world. Organic reach is on its way out.

At the peak of organic search, Facebook’s algorithm allowed visibility for about 60% of your content. That number subsequently dipped down to about 30%. These days, your content is only being seen by about 2% of your followers.

Graph provided by:

This means that all the extra work that you’re doing, all the time you’re spending on clever and informational pitches – all of this is becoming a misuse of the valuable money and time that you put into marketing.

The days of getting a free lunch are over. Just ask food-delivery company Eat24. For Eat24, the dropoff in organic search was cause enough to abandon Facebook altogether. In a marketing ploy, Eat24 sent an amusing “break-up letter” to Facebook, including such highlights as:

“All we do is give, and all you do is take. We give you text posts, delicious food photos, coupons, restaurant recommendations… and what do you do in return? You take them and you hide them from all our friends.”

With a strategy based around organic reach, Eat24 couldn’t cut the pasta in the new Facebook system. But though organic search should now be looked at as a thing of the past, this does not mean that your practice doesn’t have a future on Facebook. All it means is that to succeed, your practice must adopt new strategies for reaching clients and patients.

So, what does this brave new world look like?

Essentially, to succeed in the new Facebook environment, you have to change your paradigm. Facebook is no longer a cool place to hang out and pick up friends and attention through organic methods. Facebook is now a public multimedia juggernaut that offers valuable, pay-to-play, advertising opportunities.

This seems like a good time for a metaphor.

Imagine Facebook in its early days as a hip new city park. With its natural appeal as a place to meet up and hangout, the park drew a lot of people. In time, businesses started to realize that they could reach potential clients by sending representatives into the park to interact with the common folk.

testimonial2Months and years went by harmoniously. The park continued to add new features and attract more people and businesses maintained friendly relationships as a part of the crowd. But in an indiscernible moment, a tipping point was reached. The park became less of a fun hangout space, and more of a shouting match, everyone trying to slip a word in edgewise.

Seeing both that the opportunity for economic gain and the crumbling of its hip beginnings, park officials sprang into action. They sent rangers into the park to monitor unruly guests, and they set up sectioned-off booths for business representatives to occupy. These booths demanded financial investment from business owners, but it was a price that was worth paying to remain in the sightlines of the park’s numerous guests, even if the former direct contact was now limited.

Here are four marketing initiatives to aid in your adaptation to the future of Facebook:

1) Invest in Facebook real estate.

follow me
Joe McCaffrey, lead planner for social media at the digital agency Huge, explains that in this era your utilization of Facebook should be geared around getting clicks and impressions, rather than around social interaction.

McCaffrey compares Facebook to broadcast television. For your purposes, it’s now primarily a place where millions of eyes gather – eyes that could be getting exposure to your brand.

To connect back to our metaphor – even if you can’t directly connect with park-goers; it’s still better to be a visible presence in the park than to not be in the park at all. But it’s not just about being in the park, it’s about creating a positive impression.

2) Put your best foot forward.

Once you have invested in promoted posts and banner ads, it is crucial that you make the most of them.

Brand Networks lists several ideas about how to optimize your Facebook content. The key is to make your brand engaging and relevant.

From a layout perspective, this means employing high quality photos and links that are fitted to the ad space you are allotted.

From a content perspective, it means connecting to Facebook users in a real way. For example, let’s say there was a topical national news story about an injured athlete. A recent example that springs to mind is the shocking announcement of presumed NBA #1 draft pick, Joel Embiid’s, foot injury just a week before the draft. Find a way to reference things people know and care about. Not only will it draw interest, but it will prove to potential patients and clients that you are real people, not just marketing autobots.

In designing content, calls-to-action are also a crucial ingredient. Slap a “Learn More” or “Schedule an Appointment” button on your post and draw Facebook users directly into the sales funnel.

3) Target your Market!

act now
A minute ago, we talked about how Facebook should be compared to network TV, in the sense that both provide the opportunity for your brand to be seen by millions of eyes. But luckily for you, Facebook provides tools that blow television out of the water.

Let’s say hypothetically, you manage an orthopedic practice. There are clearly potential clients who would be more interested in your services than others. Namely, we’re looking at athletes – high school athletes, college athletes, professional athletes, joggers, bikers, and don’t forget the middle-aged dads who show up for rec-league basketball every week. We’re also looking at parents of athletes, who, especially in the case of high school students, have more say about the administration of care.

Let Facebook work with you to establish forms of interruption marketing with your target demographics. Even without clicks, you will still be forming impressions in the minds of individuals who may require your services down the road.

4) Drop Some Cookies

Here’s some good news for you. Your influence in the lives of Facebook users does not end when they venture out from the social media platform to the far reaches of the world wide web.

Through a process known as remarketing, you can drop cookies onto the browsers of potential patients and clients. We’ve all experienced this. One search to confirm that the official boxed set of A Song of Ice and Fire is still well out of your price range, and all of the sudden Game of Thrones and George R.R. Martin start popping up in all sorts of unexpected places.

Drop cookies and stay on the minds of your target market.

Other forms of this approach can happen when visitors come to your website. It is a very simple process to drop cookie for Re-Marketing / Re-Targeting on the users computer so that your banner ads follow them around for 30 – 45 days. To take it to the next level we recommend that your ads are hit your potential clients when they are at the right part of the buyers journey. For more information on buyers journeys, tune in next week. Our blog details out to convert more leads by understanding where your leads fall in the buyers journey.

Facebook still has a lot to offer to those who are willing to up their marketing game.

If you play your cards right, your name will be the first that pops into patients heads when it comes time for them to seek orthopedic care.

For more information on social media, please click get a free 1 hour marketing assessment.

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