Tuesday 31 July 2018

How to Get More Leads & Convert them Into Customers

Are you looking to get more leads for your business? One of the key components of this process is creating offers for your website visitors. You get more leads comes by accumulating more contact information; however, visitors to your site, new or old, will only be willing to give their contact information if what you are offering to exchange with them is worth their time, catches their interest, sparks a need or reminds them of a need or desire. Offers may look slightly get_more_leads1different depending on your target audience. Remember you want to have great offers for new site visitors (to get more leads) and previous site visitors (to have a better chance of turning those leads into customers).

Thing to Consider When You’re Trying to Get More Leads

What to Offer

In order to appeal to any visitor to your site at any given time, you will want to create a multitude of various offers that each differ slightly. If you want to get more leads, you have to make sure that you are catering to every potential client’s interests. That is why at Farotech, we offer a comprehensive inbound marketing approach to offer development that includes a top, middle and bottom of the funnel offers for each unique campaign. Offers can be simple or complex, creative or straightforward. A few examples of offers include: contests, free videos, free analysis, free guides, free samples and free ebooks or whitepapers. All of these examples, as well as other ideas for offers, can often be pretty easily made up from existing content.

How to Offer It

Of course, gathering more leads that will convert ultimately into new customers is the goal here. To make that goal a reality, there is a simple process you should follow when setting up how your offers will work through your site.
The first step is a CTA (a Call To Action) which can be anything from a line of text to an image which gives the site visitor a small taste of the offer being proposed and coaxes them to click the link.

  • Once they do click the CTA link, they should be taken to a landing page. The landing page should be made up of a detailed explanation of the offer being presented as well as a form for the person to fill out.
  • The form is the key detail in this process because the form is where you actually get more leads by asking for the person’s contact information in exchange for the offer. (If you’re dealing with an already existing lead, you can also link to an offer through an email lead nurturing campaign.)
  • Last but not least, the lead needs to be sent to the final “thank you” page. This page should be made up of the actual offer as well as other CTAs to lead them towards additional resources/offers and keep them moving down the sales funnel.

If you’re looking to get more leads and turn them into customers, be sure to utilize this offering process on your website. For more information on how to implement the steps above, call Farotech to speak to an inbound marketing consultant.

The post How to Get More Leads & Convert them Into Customers appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/how-to-get-more-leads-convert-them-into-customers/

Online Video Marketing Companies: Find the Sharpest Needle in the Stack

What Makes For an Awesome Online Video Marketing Company? – Searching the Stack

Have you ever perused all the unique, handmade clothing on Etsy? You can get lost in the abundance of intricately hand-sewn, boutique-style clothing and accessories. You can also bet that in order to produce the best in fine-quality products, Etsy-shop owners must have the tools designed for precision and efficiency.

After all, the proof is in that detailed scarf, sweater, tu-tu or other hidden gem you found.

We’re not really talking socks here, but sifting through online video marketing companies is very similar. How do you find the best, sharpest needle in what feels like an overwhelmingly massive stack? As visual media becomes increasingly more vital to the success of your digital marketing strategy, video marketing companies become more prolific.

We’re going to help you locate what to look for in the best online marketing company, and not simply because we’re one of them.

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the Sharpest Online Video Marketing Company of All?

Assuming you don’t have a magic mirror to cue you in on what makes the best online marketing company the best, we’re going to help you out. First, know what it is YOU need:

  • You know you need a video, and that’s a great start, but do you need voice-over?
  • A scriptwriter?
  • Video SEO?
  • Beginning-to-end production?
  • Post video-production marketing?

The best online video marketing companies for your business are those that satisfy your specific digital marketing goals.

What Particular Attributes Should Online Marketing Companies Have?

  • Branding chops: It’s one thing to make a video, it’s a whole other ballgame to understand branding (your brand), and only a finely-calibrated company will have the skills to bring it all together.
  • A varied but consistent portfolio: You wouldn’t buy socks on Esty without viewing the merchandise first. Always, always, ALWAYS look through an online video marketing company’s portfolio. Do they have a variety of marketing video material, styles, and lengths? Do they offer examples of interview, presentation and animation videos? Also, look for consistency. Make sure that no matter what the medium is, it turns out professional, polished and to the point every time.
  • End-to-end platform marketing: I’m not saying that niche video marketing is out, but think in terms of the bigger picture. If an online video marketing company has additional expertise in web design, content production, social media strategy and analytic tools – you can call upon them during any part of the video-making process should you decide your business could benefit from additional marketing channels.
  • Buzzworthiness: Word of mouth, social media shout outs, awards and impressive clicks and views are obvious indicators of a successful online video marketing company.
  • Rising stars: Tried, true and trusted companies are obviously a good way to go but don’t discount the up and comers. Google and Apple started off small at one point. The attractiveness of going with a newer online video marketing company is that they’re often hungry to please, have fresh and fun ideas, and are up with the latest software and technology trends.

Now I Know What Makes For an Awesome Video Marketing Company – Anything to be Cautious of?

Please run for the hills if you encounter an online video marketing company that

a) Does not take the time to fully listen to your ideas before jumping in with theirs,

b) Avoids discussion of turnaround time and/or the number of editing opportunities allotted before additional cost is incurred or,

c) Have a portfolio that does not reflect innovative, creative and dynamic videos.

If you’d like more insider information on what makes an awesome online video marketing company, contact us here at Farotech. We’re one of the sharpest needles out there – at least when it comes to all your digital marketing needs. We may not be able to sew you a scarf, but we can make you amazing, noteworthy videos that will go viral faster than you can say “mirror, mirror!”

Action Items & Takeaways

  • Discover what video marketing services you need to support your other marketing initiatives
  • Find the online video marketing company that’s the right fit for your brand and style
  • Know what red flags to look for when scoping a potential video marketing company out

The post Online Video Marketing Companies: Find the Sharpest Needle in the Stack appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/online-video-marketing-companies/

How To Grow Small Business Social Media: 3 Strategies You Need To Try

Learn how to grow small business social media with the team at Farotech!

As a small business, you are probably well aware that social media plays an integral role in your ability to connect with potential clients, build your relationship with current ones, and grow your company. It sounds great, right? If you’re like many businesses, though, you may have set up your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles, only to find yourselves asking… now what!? What should you be saying? Is anyone even listening? How can you get out the right messages to the right people through your social media? At Farotech, we understand how to grow small business social media, and we want to help you take a step in the right direction. Or, make that three steps.How To Grow Small Business Social Media

  • Create Consistent Branding Across Platforms. While it should go without saying, we find that it really does need to be said: one of the first steps to successful social media presence is to create consistent branding across all of your accounts. It should be instantly apparent that your Facebook posts, Tweets, and blogs are all coming from one place. This calls for a consistency not only visually, but also in the business persona you present. Often, it is helpful to designate one team member to handle all social media accounts to create this clear identity.
  • Get Great Reviews (And Share Them). Positive reviews are an instrumental part of successful marketing, as well as how to grow small business social media. Forbes writer John Rampton calls attention to BrightLocal studies which found, “73% of consumers say positive customer reviews make them trust a business more.” Fortunately, there are countless resources out there to help you collect and share reviews, including Yelp, GetKudos, or ServiceKick. The secret here, though, is to earn those glowing reviews through outstanding customer service.
  • Try The 50/50 Approach. Let’s be honest, though: no one likes a bragger. While it’s great to share positive reviews that happy clients have written, if all you ever do is share how great your company is, your followers are going to get really bored really quickly. Instead, try the 50/50 approach to social media. Focus just half of your social media posts on your company. With the other half, share informative information or articles about the industry. You’ll establish yourself as a thought leader, rather than a narcissist. It’s a win/ win!

Want more ideas for how to grow small business social media? Be sure to check out the great marketing ideas in our blog.

How To Grow Small Business Social Media | How To Grow Small Businesses With Social Media

The post How To Grow Small Business Social Media: 3 Strategies You Need To Try appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/how-to-grow-small-business-social-media-3-strategies-you-need-to-try/

Monday 30 July 2018

Tired of Old, Ineffective SEO Ideas for Physical Therapy Practices? Try This!

The New Set of SEO Ideas for Physical Therapy Practices

Wed developers and marketing strategists know how important it is for businesses to have successful SEO campaigns if they want to make any sort of a name for themselves online. Considering how popular the Internet is becoming for searches of all kinds, most businesses will agree that having a strong presence online is a key part of their marketing campaigns.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has been one of the leading methods of developing a successful internet marketing campaign for the past several years. Many providers have held to a more traditional approach and continued with the same SEO ideas for physical therapy campaigns since they began. The truth is, there is a new, more effective way to make the most of the dollars spent on SEO efforts.

How it WorksSEO Idea for Physical Therapy

The change comes in the types of keywords that practices pay for to be optimized. Many providers focus on single word keywords. If they are focusing on these types of keywords in a legal way, it can be difficult to create much momentum. The most important SEO idea for physical therapy offices is to make sure that whatever SEO company they hire is using best practices and doing everything they do legally. The problem with focusing on shorter keywords is the fact that these are all highly competitive. To make any progress in a campaign using only these words, companies will need to spend more time and write more pages for each one; meaning more money from the client and fewer options.

New SEO ideas for physical therapy practices involve the use of long tail keywords. These are keywords that are in fact more like key phrases because they are made up of more than three words. These words are less targeted and therefore less competed for amongst SEO strategists. Using this approach allows a client to spend less money, make the most of more keywords in less time and see outstanding results.

Time to Make a Change

Farotech is a web development and internet marketing company that has successfully begun to utilize these new SEO ideas for physical therapy offices across the country. We are able to give our clients more variety in keyword choices for less money every single month. Our success is measured by the results we are able to provide and we are proud to have helped multiple physical therapy practices rank number one on leading search engines.

The post Tired of Old, Ineffective SEO Ideas for Physical Therapy Practices? Try This! appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/tired-old-ineffective-seo-ideas-physical-therapy-practices-try/

Corporate Branding: Paving the Way for Future Growth & Success

A company’s brand is its essence. Everything that the company is, does and is perceived to be revolves around their brand, their image. This makes the task of defining your company’s corporate branding definition a vitally important task. You need to consider many things that affect both the present and the future of your company and come to firm answers on many issues, but in the end, when you have a recognizable and desirable brand, it will all be worth the effort.

The world wants to know who you are. Tell them with your brand.

What Corporate Branding Definition Entails…

Definition of Character

Your brand is a testament to the world of how you want to be viewed.

Think of it as your visual voice. People will recognize your product or service based on the styling of your brand and their ability to recognize your brand at a glimpse. Think about big brands like Budweiser, Target, Coca-Cola

You probably thought about clydesdales, red circles and polar bears. That’s branding.

Branding says something about your company, and gives people a way to associate and recognize your company without words. The way that your corporate branding personifies your business has the immediate effect of targeting a certain clientele. It can make your relatable in addition to recognizable.

Not everyone will be drawn to your brand – just the ones who like what you are going for. You already have (and hopefully know) your specific buyer persona and branding helps you take advantage of that.

Definition of Limits

Your brand limits your business in some ways. If you are known as the hip skater shop, having a rigid, highly professional looking logo might not be the best plan. Your brand should portray a clear, visible idea of what you are selling. It should also leave room for you to look at the long term and consider how you can build your company’s image and expand your product line while still remaining true to who you are as a business and staying within the limits of your defined company character.

Your brand should evoke a relatable feeling from your loyal consumers. A recognizable vibe that says, This is who we are.

Your brand is more than a logo. It’s everything your business touches. Are you consistent and defining the limits of your brand?

Definition of Image

Customers love to connect to their favorite brands. They love seeing a product and immediately knowing that it came from a specific store. Corporate branding allows them to do this by giving them an image to personify and learn to love. This is how you develop customer loyalty, which brings in consistent revenue and eventually provides a form of free advertising as simply seeing a product with your logo on it will entice a potential customer to come buy! This is why you want to make your image openly accessible and easily recognizable to your customers.

Define Your Brand

When you confirm out your corporate branding definition, it lays the foundation for any good business. It defines so much about your company and is something that you determine and that you have complete control over.

Your branding must be consistent across all platforms and mediums. This includes any print materials, social media platforms, your website, uniforms, logo, and so much more.

If you need help in producing a creative, recognizable brand for your company, Farotech can help. We have a team of designers who can create a stimulating brand based upon your specific company’s preferences and your unique buyer persona. The world wants to know who you are. Tell them with your brand!

Action Items & Takeaways:

  • Your brand tells the world who you are and what you stand for
  • Define the character of your brand. Be relatable.
  • Understand and define your brand limits
  • Be consistent
  • Branding is more than a logo


The post Corporate Branding: Paving the Way for Future Growth & Success appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/corporate-branding-definition/

Sunday 29 July 2018

SEO Tips for Beginners – 3.5 Myths to Know

Over the past few years, a number of myths and misconceptions have emerged about how search engines operate and crawl websites. For SEO beginners, this causes confusion and frustration about what’s required to perform effectively. I’ve done my best to explain the real story behind these myths. If you are looking for SEO tips for beginners, you’ve come to the right place. Read on…

1. Search Engine Submission

During the late 1990’s, search engines had submission forms that were part of the optimization process. Site owners would tag their site and pages with keyword information, and submit to search engines. After the submission was received, a bot would crawl and include those resources in their index.

Unfortunately, this process did not scale very well, the submissions were spammed often and the practice eventually gave way to purely crawl-based engines. Since 2001, search “submissions” is virtually useless. All popular engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing), publicly note they rarely use “submission” URL’s and that the best practice is to earn links from other sites. To be clear, you can still sometimes find submission pages; however, they are essentially useless. It would be unlikely to earn “link juice” using this “submission” process.

2. Meta Tags

At one time, similiar to search engine submission, meta tags were an important part of the SEO process. You would include the keywords you want your site to rank for, but as you can image this process was quickly spammed to death. This process is now eventually dropped by virtually all search engines as an important ranking signal. Other tags, like the title tag and meta description tag are a critical piece of successful SEO. Lastly, the meta bot tag is an important tool for controlling spider access. But SEO is not “all about meta tags”, anymore.
40-percent-marketers-algorithms-search-seo3. Keyword Density (stuffing)

Engines bots are quite smart. More recently, Google’s Panda upgrade included sophisticated machine learning algorithms to combat spammy links and low value data at a scale never witnessed before online. That said, a persistent myth is SEO revolves around the concept that keyword density – is used by the search engine for relevancy and ranking calculations. Keyword stuffing is not effective. Ignore it and use keywords intelligently and with usability in mind. The value from an extra 10 instances of your keyword on the page is far less than earning one good editorial link from a source that doesn’t think you’re a search spammer.

3.5. Paid Search Helps Bolster Organic Results

It’s time for the most common SEO conspiracy theory: spending on PPC advertising improves your organic rankings. In all my experience, tests and case studies this has never been proven nor has it ever been a probable explanation for effects in organic results. Google, Yahoo and Bing all have very effective walls in their organizations to prevent precisely this type of crossover.That being said, we have seen anecdotal evidence that bidding on keywords already organically ranked can help increase your organic click thru rate.

The post SEO Tips for Beginners – 3.5 Myths to Know appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/seo-tips-for-beginners-3-5-myths-to-know/

5 Steps to Success for Modern Social Media Marketing

Over the last decade, social media has taken the world by storm. Hundreds of millions of people post their personal thoughts and various forms of information on the web every day on Facebook, Twitter and dozens of other popular networks… and yet, many companies have not yet jumped on this golden opportunity to market their products and services through social media. As a business owner, you can truly capitalize on this relatively new form of information sharing through the process of social media marketing. All you need to understand are five simple steps so that you can effectively utilize the modern social media trend.

Social Media Marketing in 5 Simple Steps

social-media-marketing1. Expand Your Influence – Social networks are a powerful tool to spread your influence across the web. You can target the people you already know will be interested in your product in a way that they can relate to by direct messaging them while simultaneously providing everyone else the means to get to know your company and product through your profile and general posts. Social media marketing is vastly flexible in this area since you can go as broad as you like or stay focused with your communication. But getting your name out there is the ultimate goal.
2. Engage your Prospects– Although regular content production is helpful, social media marketing is not simply about producing mass amounts of information to flood the social networks with. It is also important to engage potential customers in meaningful conversations about your business – or at least about your industry. Ask them what they think and answer their questions in social chat threads. Or, publish a poll or competition to get your fans involved. Social Media can’t be all one-sided. You need to show that you find their input important or else their attention will go elsewhere. Check out the overview of Hubspot’s suggestions here (look specifically at point #1 about the 50/50 rule of social media marketing).

3. Watch for Opportunities– People talk about whatever they are thinking about on social networks, and sometimes what they think of falls under your umbrella of experience. This creates an opportunity to engage a potential customer who is already interested in your product and is therefore more willing to buy; you just need to know the opportunity is there. Luckily for you, there are web tools which you can set up to notify you of these opportunities whenever a keyword is posted. Now, hashtags are another great way to search for specific industry-related terms and see who is posting or tweeting about them.


4. Nurture Your Leads– Social networks provide a great opportunity to keep up with your leads and to convert them into customers. You can keep up with how they are doing directly through avenues like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ and you can show them that you care about more than just their business. Convince them that your company is worthy of their business by showing them that you respect your customers and participate in their normal lives, outside of just trying to close the sale. You might find that your Facebook friends may quickly become buying customers.

5. Analyze Your Process– As with any other part of marketing, you need to be able to evaluate your results. Certain social networks and marketing strategies will produce better results than others and in order to succeed, you need to be able to recognize where you are succeeding and run with that, making adjustments and fixing any problems along the way. Without analysis, you could simply be wasting your time on a network that won’t yield results for your particular business or with unproductive posts.

Social media marketing has become a major part of business, and will only become more important as the years go by. Being able to reach out to your prospects and interact with them at the right time and in the right way is the key to using modern media effectively. Now go capitalize on this amazing opportunity!



The post 5 Steps to Success for Modern Social Media Marketing appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/5-steps-to-success-for-modern-social-media-marketing/

What is Guest Blogging & How Can I Use it to My Advantage?

We Offer You The Dummy’s Guide to Generating More Traffic To Your Business

Guest blogging is the process of submitting your own articles to other sites in order to expand your brand’s visibility online and increase positive backlinks in an effort to boost traffic to your own site. Since all businesses are always looking for new, fresh content (and let’s be honest, most are also struggling with making the time to produce it regularly), many site’s are open to guest_bloggingaccepting and publishing quality content from guest bloggers. If the content is good, it helps their own site’s SEO efforts. More importantly though, guest blogging benefits YOUR business because it provides a FREE and Google-approved way to achieve quality, diversified backlinks to your own site from a variety of authoritative sources all over the web.

What is Guest Blogging? It is a Unique and Effective Strategy for Getting Increased, Quality Traffic to Your Site.



A How-To List for Guest Blogging

1.Write 5 or 6 articles that all target the same longtail keyword

  • Articles should be 400-600 words
  • Be sure that the content is relevant and provides value so that guest blogging sites will actually accept it for publishing
  • Include the keyword in the headings and article content a few times
  1. Post one of the articles to your own site’s blog
  2. Within 2-3 days from posting your own blog on the keyword, also post your other articles to guest blogging sites – one article per site
  • Keep the content relevant and not spammy
  • Include your anchor text links towards the bottom of the article (one to your homepage and one to your specific blog page that targets your keyword)
  • Always be sure to submit UNIQUE content and follow the blogging rules of the site that is publishing your content for you
  • Promote those guest blogs by mentioning and linking to them via your social media outlets

Why Guest Blogging Works

Guest blogging is a strategy that works because it allows you to…

Build Quality Backlinks – Choose sites with high page rank (PR1 or PR2) that already have a significant amount of traffic. Blog for sites that allow you two anchor text links per article so that you can point one to your homepage and one to your inner page with the targeted keyword. Everyone wants quality backlinks, but you have to go about developing them in an organic way that Google won’t penalize…quality guest blogs are the way to do it!

Target Longtail Keywords – you’ll find this to be a more effective strategy in the long run as you will be able to repeat this process over and over and get your site ranked for dozens of great, low-competition keywords that relate directly to your business. If you were to go through the guest blogging process trying to target a general, competitive term like “weight loss,” you’d probably be at it for years with no results. It is really just a matter of using your time wisely.


Build Authority Online – Google likes to see diversification when it comes to link juice. Having a variety of well-ranked sites all pointing to you can only mean one thing…your site deserves to be well-ranked also. When you affiliate yourself with already trusted sites and create multiple sources of links from those sites, you’re proving your own site’s worth.

Guest Blogging Sites to Try:

It would be well-worth your time to do some research and make a list of authoritative sites in your industry that allow guest blogging. Begin to develop a relationship with those bloggers (interact with their content, share and link to their posts, reach out to the page manager, etc.) Eventually, you’ll want to incorporate these into your guest blogging strategy. However, to start off, you can simply begin posting to sites that are always looking for new content. Sites like InfoBarrel and Squidoo are great for getting articles up quickly and easily. While you’re at it, check out Xomba and Hubpages as well!



The post What is Guest Blogging & How Can I Use it to My Advantage? appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/what-is-guest-blogging-how-can-i-use-it-to-my-advantage/

SEO Wilmington: A Review of Google’s Top Tips

Maile Ohye is a Developers Programs Tech Lead for Google, the internet search engine and multinational company that influences the digital marketing world on a daily basis. She has been working for them since 2005 and is an advocate for all website owners. In this video, she offers us expert advice straight from Google on how to do SEO well. We thought the video was a great resource and have provided you with our review of Maile’s top ten tips.

Learning optimization tips from an SEO Agency in Wilmington

1. Be Valuable

Maile encourages all site owners to ask themselves why a user would select their site when a search result pops up. What makes you different and unique from your competitors? Be creative and use detailed language that sets you apart. According to Maile, this will simplify your SEO and help you focus on creating a quality experience for your users.

2. Be Communicative

Maile reminds us that your websites and SEO strategy will feel and look segmented if your marketing and SEO teams are not on the same page. Everyone should be working together to present information and language that flows together effortlessly. Since SEO affects everything, consider it in relation to the entire user experience.

3. Be Efficient

Don’t waste time using time-consuming workarounds. Instead, spend your time researching and implementing new methods and best practices. Google consistently works to create new ways to make your job of doing SEO Wilmington easier and more efficient. So take them up on it and benefit from their tips. Maile recommends subscribing to the Google Webmaster Blog you can keep updated with all the new processes.

4. Be Original

Maile warns against getting caught up in the trap of SEO trends. We can all think back to some unfortunate SEO trends such as the keyword density fad. To use your time efficiently, per the last tip, focus on compelling content. The keywords will always be important, but original and valuable content is always more important.

5. Be Quick

SEO, according to Maile, is always evolving. Google recommends a specific recipe in order to speed up iteration. First, identify your metrics for success. Second, implement needed improvements. Third, measure the impact of those improvements. Fourth, create new improvements. And five, create a priority list of improvements based on results. Then, repeat! Soon you will have your very own SEO cycle that is agile and quick.

6. Be Cool

Being cool relates to being valuable, as we have already mentioned. But Maile reiterates the fact that we need to be unique and original to set ourselves apart from every other search results. This is one the greatest best practices that Google, Maile, or anyone who knows anything about SEO Wilmington can recommend.

7. Be Relevant

Forget about keyword density. Use relevant keywords in all your copy to keep the focus on you and your product or service. These relevant keywords will make marketing and SEO easier. These words should also be user-friendly. Ask yourself what people might be searching for in relation to your product.

8. Be Smart

Maile reminds us to be smart about all our tags and website architecture. Often overlooked, managing these areas can benefit everyone and everything involved. If you pay attention to title tags and meta description tags, you will be able to stay on the right track with your Wilmington SEO strategy.

9. Be Involved

Sign up for email forwarding in Google’s Webmaster Tools. This will help you keep in touch and in the loop with any new notifications or information from Google. Staying involved will benefit you in every area, as well as help you keep up to date.

10. Be Attractive

Finally, Maile recommends that you act like a bee and create a buzz! Bee-ing attractive will create attention, votes, +1s, follows, and natural links. Basically, all the good stuff that you need to continue ranking and providing your users with what they want to see. Maybe you need to continue building your social media campaigns to attract more attention or make your website mobile friendly. Whatever it is, make your next step one towards increasing your overall attractiveness!


The post SEO Wilmington: A Review of Google’s Top Tips appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/seo-wilmington-advice-experts-review-googles-top-tips/

Saturday 28 July 2018

Marketing the Smart Way: The Philadelphia Inbound Marketing Company That Gets You Results

The basic strategy of inbound marketing focuses on helping you get found by customers. Instead of more traditional outbound marketing which involves you going to the client, inbound marketing brings them to you. This is beneficial to you in a variety of ways. It’s also helpful to the customer because they received exactly what they were looking for – your services! If you’re in the market for greater revenue, increased traffics, and more quality leads, this Philadelphia inbound marketing company can help.

Our Philadelphia Inbound Marketing Company

After more than a decade of being immersed in the inbound marketing world, Farotech has a lot to offer you. We have brought our clients success through online marketing, content marketing, SEO optimization, social media, and achieving goals. Whether you are a brand new startup or an experienced corporation, our inbound marketing services can help you reach your marketing potential. Research shows that inbound marketing costs 62% less than traditional outbound marketing. Hiring our company is a budget-friendly and low-risk solution for your marketing needs. With over 100 satisfied clients under our belt, we have created resources and gained expertise that makes our services invaluable to you and your company.

Benefits of Hiring an Inbound Marketing Company

Inbound marketing uses fresh opportunities for marketing such as social media, blogging, and much more. 57% of businesses who utilize inbound marketing have gained customers through Facebook and 42% through Twitter. You may have a great website, a quality reputation, and valuable services for your clients. But if they can’t get to your website, then you’re missing out on a lot of traffic and business. 72% of buyers usually start their research by clicking on Google to search for their desired item or service. If you don’t pop up in the search results, how will they find you? Inbound marketing benefits you by:

  • Creating quality content for your website
  • Increasing visibility and brand awareness
  • Getting you on the first page of Google search results
  • Building credibility in your industry
  • Bringing in new business – more leads and higher quality leads

Once you start to experience the results of these benefits, you will see why inbound marketing works so well. If you want to be viewed as an authority in your area of expertise, hire our Philly inbound marketing company and we can make that happen.

Services We Offer

Our team at Farotech has continued to grow and expand as we have gained more customers and branched out into new territory. We consistently outperform our competition and this is all thanks to our capable team members. Whatever your inbound marketing needs are, we have the perfect staff in place to help you succeed. We offer several inbound marketing services including but not limited to:

  • SEO Optimization: helps maximize your visibility both locally and across the web
  • Branding: helps customize your look, logo, and design to be attractive and relevant
  • StorySelling Videos: tell your company story through a personal and simple video
  • Email marketing: direct marketing specifically tailored for your audience
  • And that’s just a short list of all we have to offer our clients.

If you’re looking for a trustworthy Philadelphia inbound marketing company, contact us for more information. We look forward to building a win-win relationship with you.


The post Marketing the Smart Way: The Philadelphia Inbound Marketing Company That Gets You Results appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/marketing-smart-way-philadelphia-inbound-marketing-company-gets-results/

The Most Creative Ways to Make Your CTA Buttons Convert

Call to action buttons, banner and other images are a necessity. But too many people just throw them up on their site without actually understanding how to use them effectively. If you depend on your CTA buttons in any way for conversions, you might want to rethink your strategy. Here are a few ways to get creative in updating and revamping your CTAs.

The Most Creative Ways to Make Your CTA Buttons Convert

Customize Your Butt….on Copy

Did you know that people actually read what your CTA buttons say!? It’s true! If you use the same generic copy that everyone else uses, such as “click here” or “purchase now,” you may be missing out on conversions. Come up with your own button copy that actually relates to your service or your product and provides the viewer with more information. This can have a major impact on your conversion rate. And don’t be afraid to make your button copy a little longer if need be. (For example, “Download Free Marketing Ebook” is much better than “Click Here”) You will have to play around with it before you find what works for you.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Conversions

Sometimes a simple CTA button with just text can be a little confusing or just plain boring. Maybe people don’t exactly understand what clicking the button will get them. So, try adding a picture of your product to your CTA button. Test out different sizes and colors. Try to keep your picture in balance with your button. Make sure your picture matches the rest of your site, including logos and font type and size. Design consistency is key here.


Make Them Wait For It

No one likes desperation. Maybe you have too many CTA buttons scattered all over and people are being turned off by your overwhelming calls to action. After all, no one wants to feel like they’re being asked to do 12 things at once…that’s just plain stressful! Experiment with the location of your CTA buttons on your site and in your materials. Try making your visitors watch a video before the button pops up. They will end up knowing more about your product and when they finally get a chance to click one of your CTA buttons, your visitors will be more interested and informed.

“After all, no one wants to feel like they’re being asked to do 12 things at once…that’s just plain stressful!”

Reverse Psychology

As we have already discussed, people actually read your CTA button copy. So why not get creative or interactive with it? You could try changing your button copy to basically say the opposite of what you want your visitors to do. For example: “Don’t click here” grabs someone’s attention immediately. Plus, it shows that you actually put some personal thought into your CTA buttons. It points to a creator behind the website and the product. Use a little humor even and people will immediately feel more connected to your site.

Don’t Get Too Artsy Fartsy

Before you get too crazy with your CTA buttons, remember that simple is better. Change the color, font, or size of a button, but don’t stray too far from the traditional button. Getting too artsy can confuse people or turn them off. Smaller and more subtle changes are better than completely changing the look of your CTA buttons. Save the artistic flair for your web design (where appropriate).

Build Some Suspense

Similar to the real estate business, location is extremely important in relation to your CTA buttons. If you’ve been following the typical advice to place your CTA button above the fold, consider experimenting with location. Some people may want to read more about your service before committing to clicking the CTA button. An above the fold CTA does not guarantee higher conversions. Try moving your calls to action around on your site and see where it works best for your purposes. Track your analytics so you can actually see the numbers and find out where you are getting the best conversion rates.

Above all, keep testing. Don’t be afraid to change things around and see what works. Copying other websites won’t necessarily get you more conversions. You have to get creative and personalize your CTA buttons for your own user base. We hope this list has been helpful for you. For more great tips and information on how to boost your marketing efforts, check out our free ebook below!

The post The Most Creative Ways to Make Your CTA Buttons Convert appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/the-most-creative-ways-to-make-your-cta-buttons-convert/

SEO Ideas for Physical Therapists – Here’s a Few You’ve Never Heard!

If you own or manage a PT office and you’re looking for SEO ideas for physical therapists, you’ve come to the right place. Farotech is a leader in SEO methodology and we’ve been providing outstanding online marketing services to a wide variety of clients for years. We’re specifically proud of the work we do with our clients in the medical field, including orthopedic offices, dental practice, and physical therapists.

If you think you’ve heard it all when it comes to SEO techniques, you’re in for a nice surprise. Today we’ve decided to focus on one particular aspect of SEO marketing and we’d venture to guess that you’ll walk away having learned something new! (That is, of course, after the initial confusion wears away!)

SEO Ideas for Physical Therapists

Our #1 Tip: Forget About Search Engines

That’s right – we said it. Forget about them! Ok…are you confused yet? You may be wondering how in the world it is possible and WHY in the world it would be recommended to forget about search engines while trying to achieve SEARCH ENGINE optimization. But before you dismiss us as crazy, hear us out…

Yes, SEO techniques and keyword strategies are certainly important, but we truly believe that the most important aspect of your online marketing is your ability to connect with your potential patients. So when you sit down to adjust your web site’s formatting or to write new content for a page, think FIRST about your patients and SECOND about search engines.

Consider the following questions:

  • What are my potential patients really looking for when they’re searching online?
  • What kinds of information would they find most helpful on my site?
  • Who is my target audience and how can I best connect with them?
  • Will people visiting my site feel welcomed and invited to visit my practice?
  • Will their questions about PT, staff, facilities, costs, insurance, etc be answered?

Yes, we think it’s important to optimize your site. But we think you should base your optimization decisions on what’s best for your clientele.

It’s Time to Sit Back and Remember…

Sometimes marketing has a way of taking you back to the basics. After long weeks of managing a staff of therapists, working towards new certifications, updating office protocols, ordering new equipment, etc., it’s good to have to ask yourself the simple questions, such as, “Why does my practice exist in the first place?”

Remember Your Purpose: When you get right down to it, of course, the reason for pursuing SEO ideas for physical therapists is probably the same reason you opened your doors, to begin with – because you want to be able to help as many patients as possible to achieve a better quality of life through physical therapy. Your purpose as a business revolves around helping patients. Keeping that thought in the forefront of your mind will take your marketing efforts a long way!

Remember Who Pays the Bills: Let’s face it – Google can seem like the king of the web and in many ways, it is! But does Google write your practice a check every month so you can stay in business? No! The patients who you provide services for are the ones who pay your bills. So when considering SEO ideas for physical therapists, remembering the needs and priorities of your patients is a great place to start. Write your content geared toward them. Organize your site to make it user-friendly for them. Include access to information that would be helpful for them.

We think you get the picture. Hopefully it now all makes sense as to why you need to forget about search engines before you can truly master them. Good luck!


The post SEO Ideas for Physical Therapists – Here’s a Few You’ve Never Heard! appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/seo-ideas-physical-therapists-heres-youve-never-heard/

On Page SEO Tips You Need to Know (Video & Infographic)

In the history of search engine optimization (SEO), the content ranked in an engine has typically come down to two key drivers: relevancy and authority built through content on your website. This involved:

1. Picking the best keywords around which to base each of your pages.
2. Making it clear to engines that your page revolves around those keywords.

When you are optimizing your content, focus your copy on specific keywords that match what people are searching for in an engine. Seems simple right? Wrong. Our very first on page SEO tip for you is to really take time to think about what your target users might be searching for and make sure those keywords are on the page. This requires you to sit down and develop buyer personas, but the likelihood of reaching those users as they go to Google, Yahoo and Bing.

I could spend hours writing about how sites used to implement on-page optimization “the old way.” However, your time is valuable and so is mine. So, I’d like to use our time together today to discuss “the new way” and to offer you some helpful on-page SEO tips. Marketing strategies should still be based on keywords. But rather than littering them throughout every aspect of your page, think about the value you want each page to provide. Use a diverse set of related keywords to help your rank for a variety of long-tail keywords.

Examples of Keyword Variation:

  • Hyper-links v.hyper link
  • Marketing for Philadelphia v. marketing in Philadelphia

Lateral keywords would include those like:

  • Dental provider v. dentist
  • SEO v. search marketing


The core components of on-page SEO include, but are not limited to: meta tags, title tags, meta description, content and localization. Our next major tip for today is to make sure to implement each of these components for your site. I will do my best to define each of these, in short.

Meta tags

The official data tag for each web page that is found between the open and closing head tags in the HTML code.

Title tags

An HTML tag which contains a sentence of text describing the contents of its associated webpage.

Meta descriptions

What appears on SERPs describing the content of each page being linked to.
TIP: meta descriptions generally run about 160 characters. Don’t only use those characters well, but stick to that limit so that when the description appears in Google its not to cut off with ellipses.


This is what the engine bots need to associate your page with a set of keywords and/or phrases.


Be sure to optimize your location easily and quickly with the following tools: Google Places, Bing Local, Yahoo Local Listings.

I know this is a quick overview, but I would be glad to explain further how these important pieces of on-page SEO can help your business rank higher in SERPs. If you’re viewing this blog and would like more information regarding these strategies, please feel free to contact me. I would love to hear more about your business!



The post On Page SEO Tips You Need to Know (Video & Infographic) appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/on-page-seo-tips-you-need-to-know/

Friday 27 July 2018

How to Find a Top Search Engine Marketing Agency

If your company is thinking about hiring a search engine marketing agency, you’ll want to do your research first to find out what it is that you should actually be looking for. Don’t just blindly hire any old agency that promises to get all our top keywords ranked in record time! You need a company that knows how to work within the new rules of SEO and has a proven track record of success.

You Want A Search Engine Marketing Agency That Can:

Identify Your Buyer Personas:

SEO is a personal business. If the search engine marketing agency you’re working with has no interest in learning the “in’s and out’s” of your business or identifying who your target clientele may be, then you’ve tied your horse to the wrong cart. This initial process is so important because an SEO firm will recommend keywords, develop content and establish an entire strategy around their perceived notions of who your prime audience is. The research must be done up front and must be done right in order for the rest of the process to be efficient and search_engine_firmssmooth.

Help You Cater to Your Potential Clients:

As Matt Cutts says, it’s time to “focus on the end user.” What does this mean? Well, it means in order to succeed at SEO, you have to have a great website with quality content that is constantly updated. After all, that’s what the end user wants, isn’t it? And we all know that those prospects are searching online for you, but they don’t have a long attention span.The stats tell us that most of them will never scroll past the first page of SERPS. You have to cater to your potential clients’ need for information and get your site in front of them as quickly as possible. Some SEO companies have not taken well to the recent shifts in Google’s requirements, but here at Farotech, we like to think that Google has actually made it easier for us to do SEO in a way that makes sense. It’s not about tricks and shortcuts. Doing it right does take work and it certainly takes time, but a good search engine marketing agency will appreciate the opportunity to pursue quality, logical content marketing.

Optimize Every Aspect of Your Site Pages:

Make sure that your search engine marketing agency is able and willing to give you comprehensive, thorough service when it comes to optimizing your site. A company that throws a few keywords into page content, but then does nothing else to optimize is a company not worth working with. On the other hand, an SEO firm that over-stuffs content with keywords could be doing you just as big a disservice. Before hiring, ask the company what their opinions/strategies are as they relate to optimizing the following:

  • Page Titles
  • Page URLs
  • H1 Tags
  • Image Alt Text
  • Meta Description
  • Internal Links
  • Keyword Density

The post How to Find a Top Search Engine Marketing Agency appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/how-to-find-a-top-search-engine-marketing-agency/

How to Promote My Blog: A Beginner’s Guide

Creating a blog platform that you can consistently publish new content through is a great way to have your company’s main messages delivered to a wide audience. And while creating the platform for a blog is definitely a key step in using a blog as a successful tool, it is not the only step. Blogs need to have content added to them on a continual basis and in order for that content to make an impact, the blog must be properly promoted as well. This may sound like a lot of work (ask Farotech about our content management services!) and your may be wondering…

“How Do I Promote My Blog?”

Check out Our Best Tips Below:


1.) Use your website to promote your blog.

Be sure to add a general link to your blog pages on your website homepage. Adding links to specific blog articles under related menus can also be helpful. Use your website’s homepage and other popular pages as platforms for CTAs (Calls to Action) concerning your blog. A CTA could be anything from a piece of text to an image; the point of it is to provide a site visitor with an attention-grabbing reason to read your blog.

2.) Use email marketing to promote your blog.

Sending an email to leads and current customers with a link to the new blog content as well as an invitation to subscribe is a great way to get the word out about your blog’s existence. The email could also describe the type of content the blog will continue to produce. By using content from your blog in your lead nurturing emails, you can give potential clients an opportunity to actually interact with your company’s content. Be sure to include in these emails a CTA to subscribe to the blog and links to recent popular blog articles. You could also send a similar email to employees and friends. By getting the word out to more people, who also have their own networks of people, you increase the quantity of promoting.

3.) Use social media to promote your blog.

Every time an article is published on your blog it should be promoted through your relevant social media networks. These may include Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Plus, etc. You can also ask your employees (who should already be subscribed to your blog) to also use their social media outlets to promote the new content.

4.) Use thank you pages to promote your blog.

New leads should be taken to thank you pages after landing pages. Thank you pages can serve a variety of purposes. One of the ways you can make more use of your thank you pages is to use them as a platform for a CTA about your blog, to list relevant blog article links, to display an RSS feed of articles, or to share simply a basic link to subscribe to your blog.

The post How to Promote My Blog: A Beginner’s Guide appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/how-to-promote-my-blog-a-beginners-guide/

What Do Marketing and Dating Have in Common?

Turning cold leads into clients with lead nurturing best practices

So you’re at a party, and you see a really cute girl or guy across the room. They look up at you and give a little smile.

You’re in.

You walk over, real smooth, and then… “Will you marry me?”

Seems ridiculous, right? No one, outside of a Disney movie, is going to say yes to such a spontaneous proposal. You have to get to know a potential spouse through dating, meeting one’s parents, and having an extra toothbrush to leave at their place.future of marketing

Why, then, do we try to get away with this kind of spontaneity in marketing?

Without a proper marketing plan, businesses will introduce themselves, show their appeal, and try to get an “I do” from their lead… all within the first meeting! And just like with dating, the answer will likely be a resounding “No.”

That’s why it is essential to use lead nurturing best practices. Lead nurturing activities will help your business build a solid client base through the nurturing of a business-client relationship that spans from first meeting to tying the knot.

An At-A-Glance Guide to Lead Nurturing Best Practices!

Not even sure how a lead nurturing marketing plan works? Here’s a breakdown of what lead nurturing best practices should look like:

Get their digits.

With lead nurturing, you have to start somewhere, which means making contact with potential clients. First impressions are vital, so advertise yourself as a company that is trustworthy, competent, and above all, willing to have a relationship with your clientele.

Give a teaser.

Make contact within 24 hours and introduce yourself, but don’t go overboard. Your lead doesn’t need to hear you boast about your accomplishments, but they should know what you’re about.


Offer a place, be it social media or a live-chat, that your lead can have access to your company. Knowing that there is a real person behind your conversations, and not just an automated machine, will go far in building a client relationship.

Deep conversation.

Find out what your lead is looking for. Know what their past experiences have been, and show how you can be better.

Define the relationship.

It’s time to start talking about where this relationship is going. Ask your lead how they feel about the experience with you thus far, and if they feel that your services may be the right fit for them. If they don’t think you are Mr. Right, find out why and try to show that you can offer what they are looking for.

Pop the question.

After setting the stage, now it is time to ask: “Will you be my client?” But remember, the hard work doesn’t stop here. The relationship is just beginning, and you will need to keep open lines of communication, check in about your status, and see what you can be doing better in order to maintain a healthy relationship.

Farotech, Your New Wingman

Converting cold leads to clients can be tricky, but with Farotech by your side, the clients will be kicking down your door. We have tips on the best lead nurturing software and lead nurturing marketing plans that will make your business soar!

If you want help developing a solid marketing plan with lead nurturing best practices, contact us today!

The post What Do Marketing and Dating Have in Common? appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/lead-nurturing-best-practices/

Thursday 26 July 2018

How CMO’s know if are working with a Great SEO Agency? (Video)

If SEO is the most ever-changing part of digital marketing, how do CMO’s know how to tell the difference between an SEO Hero and an SEO Zero?

If you are looking for an SEO marketing agency to help you through today’s marketing world, you could go to any one of dozens of local, reputable companies. What you need to know when choosing an agency to hire is which one will be best for your business. Each company is going to have its strengths and weaknesses, but there are still certain attributes that you should be looking for in any company you decide to partner with. Since SEO is clearly an important aspect of a forward-thinking marketing strategy, remember that the company you work with will have a significant impact on your business’s future.

1. A Great SEO Marketing Agency Knows Its Stuff

This may seem ridiculously obvious, but it is a very important point. SEO companies need to know who they are, what they do, how well they do it and who they are doing it for. But knowledge is not enough. They then also have to be able to explain their approach and their methodology to their clients. Here’s a basic list of what they should be able to communicate to you:

  • Provide a concise overview of who they are as a company (history, development, philosophy, team members)
  • Explain everything that they bring to the table and what makes their services better or unique
  • Describe how they will target your clients and where they do their keyword research
  • Provide a clear method for delivering results and reports for you on a regular basis
  • Offer a long-term plan for how they will use a comprehensive SEO strategy to help your company grow in the future
  • Assess your site’s current weak points and help you develop a plan to address those

2. A Great SEO Marketing Agency Can Sell Their Results

Being professional, organized and friendly are all important aspects of running a quality business. However, when push
comes to shove, the one quality clients really want is EFFECTIVENESS. Can the SEO company you are about to hire show you proof that their services work and provide real results for their clients? SEO marketing agencies should be ready to show their track record and comments from clients that validate the work that they do. Any sort of outside validation, news clips, articles or referrals are all great indicators that an agency is effective and can get the job done.

3. A Great SEO Marketing Agency Strives to be Greater

Because the world of internet marketing – and particular of search engine optimization – is always changing and evolving, SEO marketing agencies should always strive to become leaders in their industry. They should always be looking to attend any important conferences, learn from bigger, successful companies and stay up to date on news releases from Google and other sources of search engine news. An agency that will take you far is one that wants to go farther themselves and become leaders in their field. Look for knowledgeable employees and attentiveness to recent trends.

When it comes to SEO marketing agencies, there are always many options, but only a few companies that are willing to go beyond the rest. Farotech is one of those agencies. We are always seeking to increase our expertise, expand our services, perfect our techniques and prove our value to each of our clients! If you are a small business interested in beginning an SEO campaign, check out our FREE, helpful ebook by simply clicking below!

4. The proof is in the pudding.

The #1 way to tell if an SEO Agency is worth its salt is to review their success. A good SEO agency should be able to show the following:

  • They haven’t put all of their eggs in one basket … Meaning they have diversified their keywords
  • Are they able to get decent keywords to rank for their clients?
  • And most importantly, ask them to show their analytics. If the keywords or keywords phrases they have helped their clients rank for do not show an increase in quality search traffic in Google analytics that is a serious problem.

Action Items & Takeaways

  • Ask your SEO agency if they are a solid white hat SEO company and make sure they sign a document confirming that fact.
  • Ask them to show the keywords that they have helped their clients rank for
  • Ask them to show analytics that shows that show an increase in traffic to their client’s website due to SEO efforts
  • Ask to see their editorial calendar plan. Any SEO company that says they are going help you rank, but doesn’t have a solid content plan is most likely not tell you the whole truth.
  • Also, make sure to download the 25 Website must-haves for driving traffic leads and sales

The post How CMO’s know if are working with a Great SEO Agency? (Video) appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/what-makes-a-great-seo-agency-better-than-the-rest/

Checklist: What SEO Services for Physical Therapy Should Include…

Running a physical therapy office has its own unique challenges. Keeping track of your finances, managing staff, and ensuring the provision of excellent therapy for your current patients may be all you can handle right now. But what about growing your office? If you’re looking to expand, have a greater influence in the physical therapy community, or attract new patients in need of your services, we hold the key to your future growth. If you want to reach current and potential patients online, you need to consider SEO service for physical therapy.

SEO Service for Physical Therapy

Completely customized and unique to you, the SEO service physical therapy offices need is right here. SEO can help your website rank high in search engine results, attract more traffic, and expand your online reach. The great thing about SEO is that it brings people who are already searching for your services to your website. It provides a bridge that connects you to more potential clients, quicker. The way SEO works is through specific keywords, quality content, and lasting results. It’s a great way to invest in your physical therapy practice.

Use the 3 point checklist below to find out what you should be getting from an SEO service:shutterstock_150164543111

1. Perfect Keywords

The first step is to develop a perfect list of keywords that relate to the services you provide, and what your potential PT patients are looking for. These keywords will be specifically geared towards describing your physical therapy services, your geographical location, and other important details about your practice. These keywords will be used in custom content. It is essential to discover what words or phrases potential patients are using when they’re looking for physical therapy. These keywords or phrases will help link their search to your website.

2. Quality Content

The second step is to create and write quality content. This content will utilize the keywords and discuss all kinds of topics. Content should be well written, relevant to the keywords, and should represent your physical therapy office in a professional manner. Many companies offer SEO content that is poorly written or at worst, useless. Or they use shortcuts that don’t produce good results. Don’t settle for less when looking for SEO service for physical therapy. With SEO, you will get what you’re looking for through the right keywords and articulate content, which both produce lasting results.

shutterstock_1328022471113. Lasting Results

The most important component of SEO service for physical therapy is the ability to achieve lasting results. After all, that’s what you’re paying for. SEO creates both a short term and long term opportunity to invest in your company. If you want your physical therapy office to become more visible, more available, and more valuable, choose to invest in SEO. It’s a great marketing strategy that produces results.

For more SEO tips and best practices, visit our blog. If you’re in need of SEO services, contact us to set up an appointment with one of our search engine optimization consultants.


The post Checklist: What SEO Services for Physical Therapy Should Include… appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/checklist-seo-services-physical-therapy-include/

Five Essential Social Media Apps for a Philadelphia Internet Marketing Company

With perpetually advancing technology, we all have the power of the internet within our pockets, purses, and jackets. Farotech is a Philadelphia internet marketing company that values the power of the smartphone and the limitless possibilities of social media for making your brand known.  Internet Marketing CompanyOur goal is to make internet marketing easy, fast, and simple. Essentially, we want to create a win-win relationship with your company by making internet marketing the best it can be for Philadelphia internet marketing companies. Our tablets and smart phones have become essentials; we never leave home without them (and if we forget them, our lives become vastly more difficult), and they are vital for everyday living. Within the plethora of apps available for businesses, there are many that can assist your company in marketing and with the right technology, the growth can be exponential.

5 social media apps Philadelphia Marketing Companies Should Use

#1 Feedly: Browse and Create Blogs

In order to stay relevant, companies need to be writing blogs. Feedly is a free app that allows your company to read and manage your blog as well as subscribe to other blogs, both business and personal. A Philadelphia Internet marketing company can greatly increase the scope of their brand when they utilize the free and useful platform of blogs. It can increase productivity while cutting down on time because it is all available in one place.

#2 Buffer: Scheduled Sharing

Buffer is a free app that allows you to share pictures, blogs, articles, tweets, statuses, and even videos on a regular schedule. You can set up the Buffer to link to your company’s social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

The best feature of Buffer is the ability to schedule posts throughout the week. This is the perfect app for any Philadelphia internet marketing company. This way you do not need to log onto Buffer each time but rather, you can set it to post at which times during which days. Buffer can also evaluate where your company is receiving the most hits, and hits.

#3 Mention: Find Out Who’s Talking

This insightful app works with social media networks and tracks all keyword mentions and references. Along with tracking your individual company, Mention follows your particular industry whether it be retail or food related in order to inform you of the customers’ needs. Internet marketing in Philly means companies need to know who is talking about them, why, when, and how often. Alerts can be set up for entire offices to receive and can be connected to any social media networks.

#4 Flipboard: Ideas Galore

Flipboard is an image and photography paradise. This free app and website offer clean, crisp images and solid, reliable content. The goal of the site and app is for its users to discover and share quality content, in all platforms and in all industries. There are industry-related videos, pages, genres and videos to keep your company current.

#5 Vine: 6- second-infomercials

vineInstagram now offers 15-second videos but the original video sharing app has been Vine. Vine is basically a platform that sets up videos to go viral. They are looking for maximum play and are short enough to be both memorable without being too long. Many companies use Vine to show customers their creativity along with the ability to stay relevant and even humorous. You do not need to spend copious hours laboring over Vine as its editing and features are outstanding and easy to use. Show the world your brand through this simple and fun app.

The post Five Essential Social Media Apps for a Philadelphia Internet Marketing Company appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/five-essential-social-media-apps-philadelphia-internet-marketing-company/

Wednesday 25 July 2018

How Will Business Marketing Plans Help You Succeed?

Building a customer base is essential to the growth of any business. No matter how spectacular your products and service are, you can only succeed when you’re able to attract and retain customers. Unfortunately, if people don’t recognize who you are, what you’re selling, and why your product is superior, they aren’t likely to seek you out on their own. That’s where business marketing plans will help you out, by setting you up to entice the perfect customers and hold on to them.

Business Marketing Plans Are Always a Good Decision

business marketing plansIt’s easy to hear “marketing”, and think, “ad campaigns”, which can set off a red flag for small business owners and managers striving to maintain low operating costs. Many of today’s small businesses, fearful of an unnecessary expense, are missing out on the benefits of business marketing plans. If this is you, you can take your fingers out of your ears now, and start sharpening your pencils.

A good marketing plan isn’t just about ads. In fact, developing a strategy for marketing your business will likely save you money, streamline your assets, and maximize the ROI of channels you’ve already developed.

Anatomy of a Successful Marketing Plan

A business marketing plan is a living document that outlines a strategy for reaching target customers, focusing your resources, and directing the growth of your business. In order to accomplish all that, your plan needs to include these key concepts:

  1. Mission Statement — Defines the the goals of your marketing strategy. Explains what success looks like for your business, and what steps you’ll take to get there.
  2. Target Audience — Identifies the group that you’re trying to reach. Who are your customers? What do they care about? Where do they shop now?
  3. Unique Selling Proposition (USP)— This is where it gets juicy. A strong USP tells the world why your product is necessary, and sets your business apart from the competition.
  4. Pricing and Positioning — Locates your business within the market. Shows why your brand will be the fanciest, the cheapest, the most convenient, etc. in the industry.
  5. Promotional Plan — Outlines how you’re going to reach new customers. This is the part that can (but doesn’t have to) include advertising. It’s how you make your business known.
  6. Marketing Budget — You know what this is. For those of you who didn’t get that red flag earlier, make sure your marketing strategy fits into a feasible budget.
  7. Action Plan — Get down to business, and lay out all the steps you’ll need to take in order implement your strategy, and achieve your marketing goals.
  8. Projections and Metrics — Determine how quickly you will accomplish each phase of your business marketing plan and decide what measures you’ll use to track your progress.
  9. Look around the Class — Every industry is a little bit different. You should do some research to see what smart people are doing in your market.

Important Tips for Your New Plan

Companies that have established effective business marketing plans have a decided advantage over their less prepared competitors, but having a good road map doesn’t guarantee you’ll reach your destination.

Remember that a marketing plan is meant to be a living document, not one that you file away. Successful marketers and business owners will need to continuously evaluate their plan, and weigh their strategy against changes in the marketplace. Innovative new concepts for engaging customers are being developed every day, and you’ll need to keep up with them in order for your business to maintain an edge.

Fortunately, there are experts that are always happy to help your business stay abreast of the latest topics and techniques in strategic marketing. The wonderful people that specialize in developing business marketing plans at Farotech have all the latest tools and tricks ready at their fingertips, to help you achieve your marketing goals. If you’d rather do your own research, Farotech has a wealth of information available for you on current best practices and marketing tips.

Once you have a strong, up to date marketing plan in place for your business, there’s only one thing left to do: follow it! Go get that target audience, live up to your USP, and watch your business grow!

The post How Will Business Marketing Plans Help You Succeed? appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/will-business-marketing-plans-help-succeed/