Sunday 17 June 2018

Identify the Best Promotional Video Ideas in 5 Easy Steps

Promote, produce, profit.

When you’re looking for promotional video ideas, think of it like a marriage proposal.

Promotional-Video-IdeasA marriage proposal sets the tone for your entire lifetime. Granted, it’s not the sole factor that goes into Who You Become and What You Achieve, but it sure is a big one. Just try googling “How should I p_____” or “Best ways to p_____.” The most-Googled result is ‘propose.’ Nobody wants to mess up a proposal.

How to Choose the Best Promotional Video Ideas

For a proposal to succeed as the properly epic precursor to your fabulous lifetime partnership, or for a promotional video to bring in new clients, you need the following things:

  1. An original idea
    Flash mobs. Bruno Mars. Tractors. These are just some of the elements that have made for proposals so good that they went viral, invariably reducing people of both genders to tears. When sorting through promotional video ideas, it’s crucial to look for the most original idea. Originality shows that you care, that you’re invested in your business. Originality keeps people watching, wondering what will happen next.
  1. The element of Surprise
    Nothing beats surprise when it comes to getting results. Humans are wired to be surprised, hence the absurd success of Game of Thrones. No one in TV history had dared to actually kill everyone off. So it was surprising, for about 4 ½ seasons. By the time it was no longer surprising, it was too late: everyone was hooked.Of course, surprise counts for nothing if there’s no original idea behind it. The poor fellow who proposed to his girlfriend on the kiss cam and got horribly, epically denied in front of millions of Americans had no originality. Chances are, his plan was flawed to begin with. Which brings us to our third point.
  1. Know your selling points
    If the audience isn’t in love with you, they’ll never get to see your product, and these promotional video tips have gone to waste. Be confident. What makes you different, unique, special?
  1. Keep it short
    If you’re in love with a person/product/business model, it’s easy to talk about it. You talk about it with your friends, neighbors, family, classmates, colleagues. You talk about it until you’re blue in the face and they’re sick of hearing about it but you just can’t stop yourself because you love something. But no matter how much you love a person, you’re not going to spend hours detailing and rehashing every single thing that you love about them. Why not? Because you want an answer. A response.To get a response, whether it’s a profound Yes! or a click on your site, you have to be quiet. Give them time to act, react, choose. It’s just common courtesy. But on top of that, when it comes to how to make promo videos, keep in mind that, according to Peep Laja, half of people stop watching promo videos around the 26-second mark, and if a video is longer than 1:30, people are significantly less likely to hit play in the first place.
  1. Collaborate
    If this makes sense, but the implementation of these promo video tips seems a little fuzzy or overwhelming, Farotech is here to help. A team of marketing experts is on hand to make your business promotional video ideas a reality.Because at the end of the day, you deserve nothing short of a ‘Yes.’ Create content. Get new clients. Expand your business.

Create. Captivate. And watch the Capital flow in.

promotional video ideas | promotional video ideas

The post Identify the Best Promotional Video Ideas in 5 Easy Steps appeared first on Farotech.


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