Saturday 16 June 2018

Defining the Sales Funnel Part 2: Why the Middle of the Funnel is Crucial to the Sales Funnel Process

Find out the importance of the middle of the funnel and how to make yours better.

After reading Part 1 of this series on The Importance of the Top of the Sales Funnel, you can probably see how that initial step is important for drawing in potential clients. And of course the BOFU (bottom of the funnel) is going to be critical since that is where potential leads are actually converted into clients and customers. But what about MOFU (the middle of the funnel)? Why do we need this portion of the sales funnel process and how to do we use it effectively?

Those are the questions we are here to answer–so you can be successful and effective through each of the sales funnel process steps.

How Does the MOFU Fit into the Sales Funnel Process?

In the TOFU (top of the funnel) stage you are going to be bringing in a lot of visitors to your website, but are all of these visitors going to turn into leads simply by arriving at your site? No. So this is where MOFU comes in to sort through those visitors and start creating leads.

This is a critical part of the sales funnel process as you determine which of these visitors will be good leads or bad and which you should spend extra energy following up on. Let’s take a look at how to make your MOFU sales funnel process most effective.

1. Who should you be targeting?
Visitors who have specific needs and problems will be most likely to follow up with your company as they search for a solution–these are generally good leads and should be pursued.

2. Where can you best reach them?
Weed out these promising leads by utilizing conversion forms that request a name and email address so you can follow up with them directly.

3. How to engage MOFU clients?
At this point in the sales funnel process MOFU clients will have needs and problems they need fixed or questions they want answered. This is your opportunity to provide them with the information they are looking for as well as set up your company to be provided as the solution they need.

4. What content do MOFU clients value?
MOFU clients want answers–offer them with interesting and engaging content that draws them in while providing those answers.

5. How do you push them down the funnel?
Now you have provided your visitors with the information they wanted and suggested the solution to their problems, it is crucial that you set your company up as the best provider of that solution. Create a smooth transition from this set up in MOFU to firmly presenting your best offers in BOFU.

Carefully following and investing in each step of the sales funnel process allows you to sort through the massive number of potential clients on the web and transition them from visitors into clients. Learn more about creating a better sales funnel from the marketing experts at Farotech by calling 267-387-6620 today, or email us at

The post Defining the Sales Funnel Part 2: Why the Middle of the Funnel is Crucial to the Sales Funnel Process appeared first on Farotech.


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