Friday 8 June 2018


How to Get More Patients into Your Dental Practice

If you’re stuck in a slump with no new patients coming in, or you have a low retention rate, it’s time to change things up. Find out how to get more patients into your dental practice and retain them as well. It’s not as difficult or expensive as you think. After you’ve taken the first step to research different options, commit to trying something new at least once a month to get more business going.

1. Check Out Your Online Analytics

Where do you turn when you need to find a new solution or service provider? Chances are, you do at least some of your research online… and so do your potential patients! If your website is the first–and sometimes only–impression that you make on a visitor, it is important that your website is clearly visible and conveying the right message.

Start by taking a look at how your website is performing. If you don’t know how to do this, get in touch with your web designer or developer. Look at details like how many visitors you get, where those visitors are coming from, and how long they spend on the site. If you are getting a lot of traffic but aren’t see this translate into customers, something isn’t right. Your visitors may be getting lost on the site, or navigating away quickly if they don’t immediately find what they are looking for. If you don’t have an easy to use website, we can help provide you with more information on how to get more patients into your dental office through quality web design.

2. Prioritize Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is all about getting visitors to your website. Essentially, the goal is to optimize your website so it shows up high in the results on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing when potential patients search for keywords like “dental office” or “where do I get Invisalign?”

Unfortunately, many dental offices make the mistake of focusing too much on regular SEO and not enough on local SEO. Local SEO includes geographical modifiers with those keywords (like dental office in Conshohocken) to ensure they are getting the right message to the right person. Fortunately, these geo-modified keywords are actually easier to rank for than broader keywords like “dental office.” Take advantage of that and run some local SEO campaigns. And since many potential patients will be searching on their phone, a local search with a map automatically comes up. So you’ll want to focus on ranking in each town or city near you. That’s one of the best ways to get more patients into your dental practice!

3. Manage Your Online Reputation

Of course, your website isn’t the only place online that potential patients will go to learn about your services and staff. Many will look at online reviews, such as Google Reviews or even Yelp. (It’s not just for restaurants!) So shouldn’t you know what is being said about your practice there? If you find negative reviews, take the time to respond, to show you are working to resolve the complaint. If you find positive reviews, be sure to thank those who wrote them!

And if there aren’t any reviews yet, you can do something about that as well. Create an incentive program– such as entry into a raffle for a free electronic toothbrush, or other prize–to encourage your happy customers to share their experiences online.

Action Items & Takeaways

  • Review the analytics on your website. If you don’t know how, schedule your complimentary assessment.
  • Identify which geographical areas you want to target, and put together a local SEO campaign.
  • Find out what your patients are saying about you in online reviews. If there aren’t any, consider offering an incentive to those who leave a review!
  • Consider starting a blog where you can incorporate keywords and phrases, including local geographical modifiers. If you don’t think you can keep up with regular blogging, contact Farotech today for help!



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