Sunday 17 June 2018

How to Generate Leads, Simplified

Generate Leads Simply…

This is some pretty epic stuff. ‘To generate’ means ‘to create,’ in the sense of taking nothing and turning it into something. But if you aren’t feeling particularly god-like today, and Hercules isn’t picking up his phone, the task of generating leads can seem monumental.

Well, lead generation is more about conversion than it is about creation. Visitors are already coming to your site, you just need them to stay on your site.

The key to high conversion rates isn’t just about the kind of product/service you offer, or the content you create. Having a stand-out website design is also paramount. But the website design factors impacting lead generation can be difficult to pinpoint. You might look at a landing page and think that the layout is attractive and intuitive and everything appears to be in order, but it fails to produce the number of leads you are looking for.

This is where some helpful tools can make a big difference. Once you understand how your visitors are interacting with your site, you can improve your website design for better lead generation.

4 Ways to Improve Your Website Design for Better Lead Generation

While creating an effective website design for generating leads can be tricky, there are some awesome tools and technology available to simplify the process and give you an inside look on how your website is functioning.

  1. Get Graded: Before you do a total overhaul of your website design, you should figure out exactly how many leads you are currently generating and which pages are doing well and which are not. Lead generation software, like Marketing Grader, can help you figure out your current situation. Having these numbers will be crucial in determining which areas to focus on and judging the effectiveness of the changes you make.
  2. Map It: Heat mapping is a fantastic tool for determining the effectiveness of your content and layout. With heat mapping technology, you can see exactly where on a page your visitors spend the most time, how far down they’re scrolling, and whether or not they are seeing important things like calls to action or offer buttons and links. Click here for a free homepage heat mapping report to see how it works!
  3. Run Some Tests: Try an A/B split test to determine what type of landing pages your visitors respond best to. Create two different landing pages and track which one generates more leads. Upgrade and redesign based on the results.
  4. Try, Try Again: There are plenty of recommendations and guidelines you can find for the perfect website design to get you that optimum number of leads. But the truth is that each site is different and what works best in the world of online marketing is constantly shifting. The most important thing is to try out the changes you want to make and keep testing, evaluating, and tweaking.

If you like to learn more about improving your lead generation website design or to find lead generation website examples, contact the marketing experts here at Farotech by calling 267-387-6620. After all, geeks are better than gods when it comes to web design!

The post How to Generate Leads, Simplified appeared first on Farotech.


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