Sunday 24 June 2018

2 Keys to Great PPC Campaign Management

SEO, when it is done right, it truly a powerful tool. But sometimes the average utilization of keywords and other SEO marketing strategies aren’t quite enough to get clients in extremely competitive markets to the top of SERPs. When this is the case, a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaign can be invaluable to a well-rounded marketing campaign. Mastery of the art of effective PPC campaign management lies in the understanding of two keys that, while being simple ideas, are delicate and intricate processes. PPC campaigns can be an amazing source of revenue for companies, but they can also be completely ineffective if not understood. In this article, we’ll break down the basics so you don’t waste any time or money on your PPC efforts.

But What Exactly is a PPC Campaign?

Setting up a pay-per-click campaign is different than the process for implementing SEO marketing strategies. As the name implies, you pay the search engines to put your ad up on their site – this can be through bids or a flat rate, but the amount of your owed payment is always conditional upon the amount of actual clicks your ad receives. Because your ads are seen only by those who searched for certain keywords, this is a form of truly targeted advertising. Generally this means that your efforts in PPC will reap a greater conversion rate of viewers to customers than a general advertisement would.

ppc campaign managementThe Keys to PPC Campaign Management:

1. Keyword Research

Like SEO, the most essential part of a good PPC campaign is the keywords being targeted. The keywords you choose to pay for ads for determine which customer see you and get access to your business. The matching keywords that you write into the ad itself and onto your landing page draw those viewers in as your potential clients. Much of the setup for a PPC campaign therefore boils down to determining the keywords you will use/target. In order to do this properly, you must analyze your customers as well as their interests, circumstances and preferences. Use that information to form your campaign. You need to know what keywords they will type while searching AND what times of the day they are most likely to be typing them! That is how well informed you must be.

2. Campaign Analysis

The second key to proper PPC campaign management is really two major processes grouped together – analysis and correction. Once you start receiving results from your original keyword choices, you must be able to determine whether your actions were profitable or not. You can then adjust your campaign to fit your analysis…whether that means focusing on a particularly profitable time period and keyword or cancelling other keywords that are not drawing viewers. It is all about finding that perfect balance of keywords in your search parameters, advertisements and landing pages, and being willing to tweak the grouping of the keywords in these areas until you get the balance right.

Pay-per-click campaigns are a great way to draw in revenue for your company beyond what you would get from your other average marketing efforts. By specifically studying the target group and then patiently tailor-making the campaign to suit them, the costs of the campaign can be made up for in full with money still pouring in. Farotech can aid in this process by maximizing the efficiency of your campaign from both an economic and informational standpoint. By studying your clients, Farotech can determine the times and places most of your customers will hit your site and then ensure they see your advertisement by predicting their most likely search terms. Being able to effectively implement the keys to proper PPC campaign management can revitalize your business prospects. Let Farotech can help you succeed in PPC!

The post 2 Keys to Great PPC Campaign Management appeared first on Farotech.


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