Thursday 28 June 2018

Ideas for Creating Unique Content – An Overview

We all know that Google loves unique content. So to best optimize your content for Google, you have to learn how to become a unique content generator. Over time, you will find your writing will improve exponentially and the words will come to you that much more easily.

Here are a few tips that will help you produce higher quality, more unique content.

How to Become a Unique Content Generator

1. Be a Problem Solver

Determining the subject of your next blog can literally be as easy as keeping your ears and eyes open. In doing this it allows for you to find potential problems to solve. To be an expert in your industry, you need to know your buyer personas and the common challenges they face. If you are a bank and your potential customers are wondering how to establish a retirement plan that makes sense, why not write a blog (or two or five) around that topic. This is critical in the process of creating unique content.

When writing with the goal of providing solutions, you’ll have many users viewing your blog and plenty of repeat visitors. It pays to write these problem-solving blog entries in a way that will appear in search engines. You really have to put yourself in your audience’s shoes and think about how they would search for answers (preferably your own) for their unique problem in a search engine like Google. Make it your goal to become known as the problem-solver in your industry.

2. Creative Usage of Graphics, Videos, and Screenshots

At this point, it’s a well-known fact that the average viewer has a short attention span. If someone lands on your blog and sees a giant wall of just text and nothing else, chances are they’re going to navigate away as quickly as they came without giving it another thought. Breaking down valuable, unique content into more specific smaller posts is a good start, but we also recommend using infographics related to your blog, eye-catching images/designs, or applicable screenshots.

Small bite-sized videos are also extremely useful in grabbing a viewer’s attention. With videos supplying the information at hand, it will help immerse them further in your brand and ideas.

Using all of these kinds of content in conjunction with each other will not only make your content user-friendly and engaging but will set you apart as a unique content generator – one that will establish you as a thought-leader to viewers who will continue to look to and count on for interesting, entertaining and helpful information!

3. Develop Your Niche

When it comes to truly being a unique content generator for your business’ site or blog, you have to start considering which niche areas you can tackle and master. We believe that it should be your goal to become a thought leader of quality information for readers in a specific audience who they will come to rely on as a trusted source.

For example, rather than try to compete with the thousands of marketing companies out there trying to write general ideas about marketing with social media, decide to make yourself a premier provider of excellent, detailed information about using LinkedIn for business purposes. Focusing in on this sort of unique content will go a long way in establishing your content online.

4. Be an Active Observer

If you are wondering what topics are interesting to your clientele, then it’s time to get into research mode. This doesn’t mean you have to spend hours each week trying to read the minds of your potential customers! In fact, the clues you want are right in front of you.

Start noticing the following:

  • Which of your company’s lead nurturing emails gets the most opens? Take the topic of that email and start blogging about it!
  • What are the thought leaders in your industry saying on Twitter or other social media platforms? Take their ideas, adjust them to fit your audience. Using these kinds of ideas and making them your own lets you be seen as a thought leader on whatever that particular subject is as well as be a part of the original idea’s conversation.
  • What offers on your website tend to get the most traction? If people are downloading one particular ebook more than others, then it’s time to focus on that topic in your other content development as well. Creating offers based on similar or related ideas is also a solid direction to work in and cater to your audience will reaching out to new audience members as well.
  • Are your networks on Facebook and Google+ buzzing about a particular new idea or product? Take advantage of the hype and publish a few timely articles about what already has everyone’s attention.
  • Write engaging headlines and see over time what your audience is gravitating to the most. Using A/B testing is a great way to help refine your unique content.

As with all the listed tips here, following these best practices along with a persistence of trial and error will help establish your voice to the web at large.

In Closing

These are just a few examples of how to create unique content. When working with these recommendations, you’ll find other avenues and ideas will open up to you. Farotech specializes in creating unique content for all of our clients and honing in each unique voice.

Learning and developing these habits for unique content is sometimes a co-venture which Farotech would love to be a part of. Make the decision to work with Farotech and assist with creating your unique content today. For more information on unique content development connect with Farotech on LinkedIn or Facebook!

Action Items & Takeaways:

  • The more often you write, the easier it becomes
  • When generating content identify the problem and offer solutions
  • Use visual creatives to enhance your content and stimulate readers
  • Observation equips a writer with a greater perspective and understanding of their perspective audience


The post Ideas for Creating Unique Content – An Overview appeared first on Farotech.


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