Tuesday 19 June 2018

3 Keys to Creating a Successful Sports Medicine Marketing Strategy

Ah, the 21st century. How long we have been awaiting its arrival! Not that the cavemen were sitting in their caves, dreaming of iPhones and Mars Rovers. But there is a primal something in the human spirit that hunts down progress, that gathers innovation. From the discovery of obsidian for better arrowheads, to the global holding-of-breath and waiting-in-line in the hours leading up to a new iPhone’s availability, we humans long to improve.

As we live with our hopes and our dreams, we live with our fears and limitations. Humans are extensively gifted, yet terribly distractible. But sometimes, when we work together, we can accomplish truly great things. Think of the pyramids, the Great Wall of China.

Think of Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Wozniak was the brains behind the technology now glued to our ears, while Jobs had just the right touch of charisma-bolstered brilliance to market the now-ubiquitous Apple products. Take away one of them, and we would most likely still be stuck in the Age of Nokia.Sports Medicine Marketing Strategy

When it comes to establishing a Sports Medicine Marketing Strategy, you don’t have to go it alone. We provide you with 3 keys to jump-start your Sports Medicine Marketing Strategy.

3 Keys to Jump-Start Your Sports Medicine Marketing Strategy

1. Use who you know (not ‘what’, but ‘who’).

Jones & Bartlett’s guide to Sports Medicine Marketing Strategy states that identifying your target audience is a crucial first step to marketing. The 80/20 rule dictates that 80% of future clientele will come from 20% of existing patients. Direct your attentions towards them, taking time to network.

One helpful tip is to have a CRM (Client-relationship Management) that employees can use to catalog and store client information. That way, even if you haven’t seen a patient in years, you can show you care in tangible ways, bolstering the relationship over time.

2. Focus on SEO.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a way of creating background content with focused, thorough keywords that will bring your site up to a potential client, even if their search is fairly nebulous.

3. Create content.

In order to become a reputed “thought leader” in Google’s eyes, it’s necessary to publish good content often. This is easier said than done. In order to publish content, you need to write a blog and keep it maintained. That’s a bit of work.

All the Sports Medicine Marketing Strategies in the world are useless without a little elbow grease and a lot of time spent making it happen. But that’s what we humans do: we make things happen.

There is one more tip, however, that could save you a lot of time and effort: contact Farotech. Our team of expert technicians can help streamline your website, and our writers can help create content that will A) draw the reader’s attention with engaging, helpful information, and B) boost your place in Google search results.

Enacting a Sports Medicine Marketing Strategy can seem daunting, but you don’t have travel this journey alone. Farotech is here to help.

The post 3 Keys to Creating a Successful Sports Medicine Marketing Strategy appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/3-keys-to-creating-a-successful-sports-medicine-marketing-strategy/

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