Thursday 8 March 2018

The Evolution of How to Achieve Top Search Engine Rankings

Google is constantly changing. So either you adapt your marketing approach or you will be outranked.

We hear a lot of crazy stuff from our potential clients. Crazy theories on how to get top search engine rankings, random pieces of information that clients read on obscure blogs and people’s grand strategies that worked for SEO back in 2002. But if I had to identify which statement we hear the most, it would have to be:

“You don’t understand. A few months (or years) ago, we were ranked all over page 1 of Google for every keyword in our industry. Now we’re not ranked anywhere.”

If I had a dime for each time that I heard that exact story, I would be writing this blog from my yacht. All aboard the SS Misfortune!

From Hero to Zero

So, what is it that made Search Engine Heros turn into Search Engine Zeros? Well, let me tell ya. it’s usually not one thing in particular; it is more likely, a combination of factors. Don’t get me wrong, if you are in violation of the Google Panda or Penguin algorithm changes, you are in serious trouble and your search engine rankings will certainly suffer. That reason alone can explain your drop in ranking. But for the average, run of the mill company who wants to figure how to win online, let me take some time to share with you how to avoid the classic pitfalls of SEO.

There are several points I like to share with every potential client that I ever talk to and I’m going to take the next few blog posts and share them with you!

Today, Let’s Focus on Point #1 for Achieving Top Search Engine Rankings: Set Goals

When working with an agency it is super important that you establish goals early and check back with them often. SEO is not something that happens overnight. Therefore it is essential that you establish a plan that will allow you to optimize content over time through an editorial calendar. Each month you should have a meeting with your marketing agency to go over your Search Engine Rankings (SERP). It is very important every 90 days to evaluate your progress and adjust your approach accordingly.

Farotech has been tackling SEO since 2001 and if there is one thing that I know. Nobody ranks for their content without trial and error. So when you set goals, be realistic that you will need to tweak your approach time and time again. So that brings us to our anecdote for the day:

The Apollo moon rockets were off course 97% of the time. Yet they still reached their chosen destinations – and returned to earth – with pinpoint precision and timing. NASA understands all too well that continuous modifications to the trajectory are the difference between success and failure. The same is true with SEO.Google-Algorithm-changes

Action Items & Take Aways

  • Google is constantly changing. So if you are not willing to adapt, you will most likely be outranked.
  • Just because you ranked yesterday or a month ago doesn’t mean that your website is impervious to competition and changes in the Google algorithm
  • Set Goals and check back with them often.
  • SEO is hard, so expect to tweak and re-tweak your content in order to find the right mix to achieve top search engine rankings.

The post The Evolution of How to Achieve Top Search Engine Rankings appeared first on Farotech.


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