Wednesday 14 March 2018

An Interview With a Perfect Middle of the Funnel Candidate

Determining buyer personas is an extremely important part of any type of marketing. When looking for leads which will eventually convert to customers, businesses need to consider several factors and attempt to formulate their offers to specifically read out to buyer personas that fit a predetermined mold. Now, of course, we know that not every potential customer is going to be exactly the same…but, most will fall into one of three main middle_of_the_funnelcategories. We like to split leads into what we call a “sales funnel” and today, we’re talking about targeting the middle of the funnel candidates.

Finding middle of the funnel candidates is easy once a business has determined important characteristics of those leads.

To help you in this process, we’ve laid out a hypothetical interview below with a “perfect middle of the funnel lead” for our company. There are generally four important factors that characterize these leads. Whether they are avid fans of our work already or are just very interested in what we have to offer because of previous experience or needs, every one of them:

  • is educated about our services
  • is engaged in our business
  • has done their own research already
  • exhibits behavior that shows us he/she has potential to be a future client


Welcome to our site, Mr. Middle of the Funnel Lead. What do you already know about our products and services?

Mr. Middle of the Funnel Lead:

I know that you offer web development services for businesses of all sizes. You provide website design services, content management services and overall marketing strategies that are proven to increase a business’ search engine rankings.


What level of engagement have you already had with us?

Mr. Middle of the Funnel Lead:

From my navigation on your website, I have signed up for your emails and special offers as well as added you to my list of friends on Facebook and my list of businesses to follow on Twitter. I also recently downloaded a free e-book from your “marketing tips” page.


How much research have you conducted concerning our services?

Mr. Middle of the Funnel Lead:

From my research, I’ve determined that you provide a variety of plans (different combinations of your offered services) as well as more customizable packages and that you do this all at competitive rates. I’ve compared websites that you’ve designed with other websites in similar industries and have found your designs to be clean and easy to navigate. From your list of clients, I can see that you’ve had plenty of experience and are well respected.


Why are you interested in our services?

Mr. Middle of the Funnel Lead:

As the CEO of a mid-sized chain of chiropractic offices I have been looking into different options for marketing strategies and have found that developing a successful website and being actively engaged with my potential clients via the internet is a major way for me to grow my business. I believe that the strategies and services that Farotech offers can help me accomplish that goal.

Now that we’ve gone through this hypothetical interview together, you can start to get an idea of what a good middle of the funnel lead looks and sounds like. Consider this question: what additional middle of the funnel offers could you develop that would attract candidates like this? An ebook on internet marketing, in general, is too broad (top of the funnel), but an ROI calculator tool that shows the value of Farotech services over a one-year investment might be the perfect thing to push that lead farther down the funnel. But, be sure that you also have a compelling bottom of the funnel offer ready to snatch them up once they get there. Consider offering a free consultation or even a coupon for a service discount for first-time clients. For a more in-depth description of the entire sales funnel, check out our blog, How to Generate Leads Based on an Understanding of the Sales Funnel.


The post An Interview With a Perfect Middle of the Funnel Candidate appeared first on Farotech.


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