Monday 26 March 2018

How Video Marketing Can Increase Conversions Using 3 Powerful Methods

3 Ways How Video Marketing Can Increase Conversions and Ramp up Your ROI

If you’re wondering how video marketing can increase conversions, you’ve come to the right place. In fact, in 2016 we featured video as one of the most important marketing trends of 2017 … and according to statistics, it is. One finding reported that 70% of marketers cited video as being the top conversion producer over every other mode of marketing. With another Hubspot report demonstrating that 43% of individuals seek increased video content, it makes sense.

In today’s predominantly short-attention span inflicted world, it’s no wonder video reigns supreme. With improved technology and video marketing capability, now is the time to transform your marketing strategies. Don’t be deceived, however, by the seemingly convenient and prolific output of new videos. Effective optimization of video to improve conversion rates is a commitment and investment of time and resources.

3 Ways Video Marketing Can Increase Conversions and Ramp up Your ROI

Is video marketing as easy as having a GoPro and spokesperson? Not if you want to increase conversion. There are several factors involved in maximizing marketing videos to generate leads, capture clients and essentially act as brand ambassadors for your business.

To increase conversion and catapult visibility through video, it’s time to implement 3 foolproof strategies, including:

  • Live recording
  • An editorial calendar
  • Video analytics

Let’s break it down:

how video marketing can increase conversions1. Facebook Live – have you ever wondered why SNL (Saturday Night Live) has remained on TV for 42 seasons? Besides brilliant script writing and incredible talent, the notion of “live” invokes something incredibly authentic, transparent and edgy. Facebook’s humble marketing beginnings started in 2004 with $10 – $40 fliers tailored to college campus adds. Since then Facebook advertising has become a beast, especially with the advent of “Facebook Live.” Take a look:

  • Since its conception in 2016, Facebook Live makes up one-fifth of all videos posted on Facebook and daily broadcasts have since quadrupled
  • If Live is the “beast” of Facebook, it’s algorithm is a monster
  • Live is being used by businesses for purposes of promotion and highlighting a business interaction or event in real-time

2. Editorial Calendar – remember our earlier caution regarding video deception? Throwing a video together, regardless of whether utilizing an iPhone or cinematic videography, won’t ensure increased conversion. Executing videos to promote a product, service or business must be optimized. An editorial calendar can be utilized to make sure a business marketing vision is parallel to video content by:

  • Coordinating specific video content to correlate with current digital and print marketing and advertising initiatives
  • Helping to organize everything from scriptwriting to final editing
  • Creating a unified platform for brainstorming and testing to ensure effective messaging, branding and optimization

3. Video Analytics – heed this as cautionary tale number two: do not assume your video will go viral!

  • Video analytics are the litmus test of conversion
  • Tools such as Wistia and Google Analytics won’t simply illuminate how many people are watching your video, they can dial in on the number of accumulative “clicks,” the amount of time people are watching and calculate returning visitors
  • Analytics in video marketing has segmentation capability to provide insight into types of viewership, geo location and of course, overall conversion rates among specific demographics

Action Steps and Takeaways

  • All statistics point to video as your “Blue Ocean.” In other words, take advantage of a marketing initiative that no one else is doing (or not doing as well as you will)
  • Ensuring increased conversion requires more than point and shoot, it requires: Live recording, an editorial calendar and video analytics
  • Facebook Live adds authenticity, increased viewership and video conversion rates
  • An editorial calendar provides essential organizational and collaborative tools to streamline video production from start to finish
  • Video analytics provide a breakdown of metrics to reinforce what’s working and help remedy what isn’t

Want to know how video marketing can increase conversions tenfold and catapult your business to the next level? Contact us now at Farotech.

The post How Video Marketing Can Increase Conversions Using 3 Powerful Methods appeared first on Farotech.


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