Monday 5 March 2018

How to Increase Website Traffic: 3 Important Steps

We’ve all experienced the frustration of having a site without traffic. You have spent the time, effort, and resources to develop a killer website full of useful content and tools for visitors and no one is coming to see it. It is easy to let negativity arise at a time like this, but don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to bring visitors to your site. In this blog, we’ll look at how to increase website traffic by utilizing the 3 major players in traffic generation.

3 Strategies to Increase Website Traffic:


1. Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization or SEO is the process of writing coding and content with the purpose of being found and listed by search engines such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing. In the wake of major Google updates last year, many professionals have made the claim that “SEO is dead, and we have killed it.” This is true, for many madmen in the SEO world had been using various nefarious black hat techniques to get keywords to rank. For this reason, Google put a stop to the bad SEO techniques to focus more on authors and content.

For SEO strategies moving forward, content is king. The key to an effective SEO campaign is quality, human-friendly content focused around a specific keyword. Remember that you are not just writing content for a Google spider. Content needs to be relevant and useful for readers who are searching for the keywords you are targeting. Keep in mind that Google employs people to randomly scan pages to make sure content is relevant for rankings.

While content is crucial for SEO, there is a good bit of development that needs to happen on the coding for your site. Be sure to have an experienced SEO firm available to help guide you through this process. With quality content and the right SEO coding know-how, SEO can be one of the best ways of how to increase website traffic.

2. Blogging

increase_site_traffic2For years, blogging was simply a pastime for various amateurs to post about things they were interested in. It has only been in recent years that businesses have begun to see the potential for effective blogging as one of the best ways of how to increase website traffic. For simplicity’s sake, think of blogging as a sort of mini SEO. When you blog, you are able to publish content and target many keywords in the span of a month while keeping subscribers and visitors engaged in your site.

When you blog, it is important that you create articles focused around a specific keyword. For example, if you are writing a blog about blue hammers, you should probably talk about what a blue hammer is, why the person reading might benefit from having a blue hammer, the physical specs of a blue hammer, or what blue hammers can be used for. It’s important to have the keyword appear naturally in the text. Beware of throwing in a string of keyword variations in the beginning or the end. Just be natural.

Additionally, it is important to create author tags that are linked to active Google + accounts. With the shift of focus towards the author, Google has allowed for authors to become credible in the same way that domains or pages might be. Take the time to develop reputable content authors on your site. Combined with quality blog content creation, blogging can be one of the best ways of how to increase website traffic.


3. Social Media Posting

Last but not least, social media posting is a great way to draw traffic to your site. Like blogging, many businesses have thought of social media as a frivolous exercise practiced only by college kids. It has taken some time, but people are starting to see the tremendous value of social media to get their website out there.

When posting to social media, consistency is king. It is a good strategy to include links to SEO pages and blog articles you post on your site to your various social media outlets. If you can’t post every day, be sure to establish a routine schedule in your posting.

In addition to self-promotion, you want to make sure you observe the 50/50 rule. Half of your posts should be self-promotion and the other half should be other posts containing relevant and interesting information. Industry statistics or daily quotes are a good idea here. Photos or videos are also a good idea. By utilizing consistent posting and the 50/50 rule, social media can be another great way how to increase website traffic.

In closing, we’ve seen how to increase website traffic by utilizing the 3 major players: SEO, Blogging, and Social Media Posting. Utilizing all three of these should drive your traffic up, and with the proper marketing strategy in place, you should start to see conversion on these visitors.

The post How to Increase Website Traffic: 3 Important Steps appeared first on Farotech.


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