Sunday 11 March 2018

SEO Experts Say These 4 Tricks Make All the Difference

No matter what industry you are in, you will face some level of competition and when it comes to SEO, that competition plays out in an online battle for keyword rankings. While it may seem like a major challenge to surpass other larger, more established companies in your efforts to draw searchers to your site, there are some SEO tricks that can help you achieve that goal more easily.

The 4 Tricks that SEO Experts Know Will Get You to the Top

1. Focus on Your Audience

Configuring your web pages around the algorithms of search engines is not an effective use of SEO techniques. While it is important for your site to be SEO-friendly, it is even more important that it is user-friendly. You can draw millions to your site through SEO tactics, yet no one will stay long if it is not a site that is built to meet their needs as a researcher and a potential client. Configure your site to make it simple, attractive and helpful for the users and they will be much more likely to do business with you.

2. Know Your Keywords

SEO experts always do their research. They know which keywords are worth going after and how each keyword is working for their business. It is important for you to know everything about your keywords; their competitiveness, their effectiveness, and their relevance. If a keyword is not drawing searchers to your site, you need to be able to determine why it is ineffective and how you can fix the problem. That may mean dropping the keyword completely, adjusting the phraseology or adding a geographical modifier.

3. Write Great Content

If you want to be successful in the competitive world of SEO, the content of your website must be quality content. Like we talked about in point number one, it is all about knowing your audience and writing for them. If you have not established your buyer persona yet, you need to do so quickly because all of your marketing needs to be geared toward that particular profile. Write for them. Provide them with content on your site that is unique (don’t get penalized for duplicate content!), helpful and easy to read. Search engines are getting smarter by the day. Google can tell if you’re actually trying to help searchers find what they’re looking for or if you’re simply keyword stuffing!

4. Optimize Your Title

Search engines rate articles based heavily on their titles. Use your title to communicate what your article is about and to use your target keyword. Keep your titles short and to the point (less than 70 characters is a good rule of thumb). Working your keyword into the title will allow that page (as long as it is full of unique, helpful content) to get ranked higher in the SERPs.

SEO experts have truly perfected the science of appealing to search engines while also staying client-focused. These tricks are just a few that are vital to taking your business to the next level of success in your online marketing efforts. You will find that much of your effort will come down to finding the perfect balance between writing for search engines and writing for users… test and tweak until you have found that balance and then maintain it as you pursue your SEO campaign.


The post SEO Experts Say These 4 Tricks Make All the Difference appeared first on Farotech.


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