Sunday 25 March 2018

3 Critical Homepage Optimization Tips You Are Likely Missing

You would think it would be difficult to overlook the home page of your website. After all, you’ve spent all sorts of time and effort optimizing your content to create the online visibility you need to connect with potential clients. Once you’ve made that connection, the homepage is often one of the first things a potential client might see! So, it is important that you spend some time making sure that new visitors will stay engaged and even turn into great leads for your business. Check out these great homepage optimization tips from the marketing experts at Farotech to get you started.

home page optimization tips1. Engagement

When a potential client lands on your homepage, they most likely arrived because of some interest, question, or concern about a service you offer. They want information, yes. But, more importantly, they want to know how to get to the next level of personal interaction, how to start the process of getting the service they need. Make sure your home page includes bold and accessible calls to action that help visitors request the services they need.

2. Images

We live in an increasingly visual society. Just think about how much of our day is spent taking, sharing, and viewing pictures. Each photo grabs our attention and makes a more powerful impact than a block of text ever could. This is why including striking and relevant photographs, not simply text or stock photos, will help create deeper and quicker connections with visitors as they are drawn in through the power of the image.

Additionally, ensure that the images you use are consistent with the corporate identity you are trying to convey with the rest of your site. Image choices, just like all other marketing decisions, should be made based on the message you are trying to communicate to your potential clients.

3. Organization

Finally, it is imperative that your site is clear and organized. We all know how frustrating it is to have to sift through confusing pages or click around to try to find your way on a cluttered page. This is one of the most important homepage optimization tips, even though it is often overlooked. Especially after you have made major changes to other aspects of your site, revisit your home page and ensure that its organization still make aesthetic and organizational sense.

For More Homepage Optimization Tips

If you like these homepage optimization tips are interested in more ways to optimize your design and online presence, contact Farotech today. Our marketing and design experts can help you bring your website and your marketing campaign to the next level.

The post 3 Critical Homepage Optimization Tips You Are Likely Missing appeared first on Farotech.


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