Tuesday 27 March 2018

Healthcare Marketing Mistakes: The Seven Deadly Sins

In the beginning stages of your healthcare marketing efforts, mistakes are expected and essentially unavoidable.  As you mature as a healthcare marketer, these mistakes will typically be identified as easy fixes. As inevitable as it is to make early healthcare marketing mistakes, these missteps are learning opportunities.

healthcare marketing mistakes

However, rookie mistakes are not what this article is here to inform you about. Rather, this article spotlights seven healthcare marketing mistakes that you will want to avoid at all costs. Of course, these “seven sins” are not deadly in that they will utterly destroy your marketing campaign and leave no hope for redemption. There is always a chance to fix mistakes. However, it is in your best interest to steer very clear of these mistakes so that your efforts don’t go to waste and your success is not hindered.

Seven Healthcare Marketing Mistakes You Want to Avoid:

1.     Inconsistency:

Readers will lose interest or just forget about blogs with inconsistent posting schedules. To avoid this, maintain regularity in your output in order to develop a good following of your content. Consistent posting breeds consistent followers. This does not make daily posts a requirement, however posting multiple times a week is your best bet.

2.     Lack of Promotion:

Quality promotion of a post is as important as the quality production of a post. No one is going to read a blog they do not know exists, no matter how well written the posts are. One way this common healthcare marketing mistake can be avoided is by making use of social media networks.

3.    Ignorance of Keywords:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a great way to help your blog be found, this type of optimization necessitates the use of keywords in your content. Identify a search term and make sure to follow the best practices for SEO. One of these is to include 3-4 times within your post so that your page can easily be found through the power of SEO.

4.    Hiding Your Calls-to-Action:

Make your calls-to-action obvious with well-defined instructions so that your readers are not left in the dark regarding how they are expected to interact with your content. Whether they can make an appointment, join an email list, or simply learn more about what they are reading, make sure there is no room for confusion.

5.    Failing to Go Premium:

Premium content includes eBooks, videos, or any other format of content that elicits extra intrigue, action,  and distinguishes that content from the norm. Be sure to include this type of content in your marketing. Of all the big healthcare marketing mistakes, this is probably the easiest fix because of the ease with you can create premium content by repurposing already existing content.

6.    Striking the Wrong Tone:

On top of establishing a generally positive and inviting tone in your content, be sure to maintain a consistent tone for the sake of familiarity for your readers. While this may not seem significant, it can play a big part in the development of a consistent following.

7.    Over-Highlighting Your Agenda:

Healthcare marketing benefits both your company and your clients. While marketing draws more business, your content should also consist of helpful advice for your readers. Emphasize this latter benefit rather than the former. Grab the trust of your customer by producing content in such a way that is more about them than it is about your company.

If you have identified one, or many, of these healthcare marketing mistakes in your own marketing campaigns, don’t give up! Instead, use this article to fuel the improvement process. If you need more help or would like more information please contact Farotech today.

The post Healthcare Marketing Mistakes: The Seven Deadly Sins appeared first on Farotech.

source https://farotech.com/blog/healthcare-marketing-mistakes-seven-deadly-sins/

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