Friday 30 March 2018

How to Get Quality Orthopedics Patients: The ABC’s of Inbound Marketing

If you are wondering how to get quality orthopedics patients connected to your practice, the answer may be as simple as ABC.  In our increasingly technological age, people are turning to the Web for help with everything from injury prevention to finding a doctor when they are in need of treatment.  Knowing where your potential clients are seeking answers, it is then your task to meet them in that form.  This is the heart of inbound marketing; attracting inquiries and providing valuable content in order to create connections with visitors who in turn may become those quality patients you are looking for.  The transition from outbound marketing to one which allows clients to find you has been increasing in not only popularity but also results.  Isn’t it time that your orthopedic practice joined in?


Aim for Activity

Your clients are active, both in the world and on the web.  When they are researching how to get quality orthopedics, patients’ online use will likely become even more significant as they seek answers about their health and mobility.  With potential patients adding to those search numbers each day, it’s time for your orthopedic practice to keep up with that level of activity.  First and foremost, you want to keep your content fresh.  Update blogs at least once or twice a month and other social media even more often.  Nothing is more discouraging to find than a practice that has created a promising looking Facebook or Twitter account, only to abandon it after a post or two.  Not only does this increased activity show that you are involved and engaged in conversation with your world, but it also helps to create more content for those search engine algorithms.

Build a Better Blog

Although blogging shows up on many lists of how to get quality orthopedics patients, it takes a strategic approach to make it worth your while.  You know that jamming your posts with ultimately meaningless keywords is no good… but disregarding keywords entirely is hardly a useful alternative.  Instead, choose particular key phrases your potential clients are typing into search engines.  It is especially important to consider the locations they might be searching for, as well as lay-terms for more technical conditions.  When these phrases drive your content, your blog will not only be more useful to readers, but it will also create more matches, increasing traffic to your site.

Turn Comments into Content

If you’re still not sure where to begin with your blog or other social media, start by getting to know the clients you’re hoping to attract!  Once you discover what your clients are asking, wondering, or worried about, you know how to focus your content.  To do this, check forums, social media, or search engine trends that show the most popular orthopedic-related questions.  As an expert in your field, you may realize connections that potential patients do not.  Your response may help them realize that an orthopedist could offer the best possible solution for their problem!

More Ideas for How to Get Quality Orthopedics Patients

Although inbound marketing is still a relatively new turn for many businesses, you don’t have to go it alone.  Farotech, a search engine optimization company, has significant experience not only with inbound marketing but also with how to get quality orthopedics patients to find your site!  For more information, contact us today.

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Use Orthopedics Marketing To Preserve Patient Loyalty

As a professional medical care provider, your practice exists for the purpose of helping patients and offering your “clients” the chance at a healthier life. However, your practice still has to function according to sound business principles if you want to continue to be able to keep your doors open to offer care. One of your primary, practical goals as a “business” should be to maintain a consistent patient base. Your strategy for orthopedics marketing is part of this effort to preserve relationships with existing patients, or “customers.”

orthopedics marketing

Of course, you can and should always seek to acquire new patients, but it has actually been proven to be more economical for you to focus on keeping your current patients. Loyal patients will continually offer their own business, but will actually also serve as free marketing for you because they will tell their friends and family about their experiences with your office. Now, it is important to note that patients will report both positive and negative experiences, so keep that in mind. Offer excellent care and outstanding customer service so that you never have to worry that your grassroots marketing (word of mouth) is spreading negative about your practice.

With all of this said, your orthopedics marketing is important in drawing in new patients, but it is also an essential part of keeping your current ones.

5 Reasons Orthopedics Marketing Fosters Patient Loyalty:

1.    Your understanding of your patients will improve. Once you create your buyer personas, you will get a better understanding of your patients’ needs and interests. Your patients’ interactions with your content (especially through social media) will enhance your recognition of what kind of information is important to your current patients.

2.    Your patients’ understanding of you will improve. Like any relationship, the more your patients know and understand about you and your services, the more they will trust you and the more likely they will stay faithful to your office. Try including a blog section on your website as part of your orthopedic marketing in order to nurture a closer relationship with your patients.

3.    Connection opportunities will be more available. The more you are accessible on the internet, the more likely it is for your patients to connect with your office. Social media is a great form of orthopedics marketing that fosters a more personal connection.

4.    It gives your patients a fresh view of you. Your patients come to you when they experience orthopedic issues. Without thinking much of it, they may be subconsciously associating their thoughts and feelings towards your practice with memories skewed by pain and discomfort. But if you’re intentional about sending positive messages with your marketing strategy, you can help to shape new associations in your patients’ minds as they interact with your content from the comfort of their own home and while they are not actively experiencing pain.

5.    It provides extra assurance for patients. While your patients are at your office, they may have a number of questions and concerns about which they may not have an opportunity to inquire. Give them a source for answers to frequently asked questions they may forget to ask or may not feel comfortable asking when they are with you.

The retention of your current patients is essential to the financial success of your orthopedics practice. Use orthopedics marketing to promote patient loyalty and safeguard the success of your business.

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Thursday 29 March 2018

Play “Hot and Cold” for Best New Website Designs in 2018

Your 2018 Web Design Trend Radar Will Be on Fire

When many of us were young, we played the “hot and cold” game (if you didn’t, it’s never too late). As we approached a coveted item (like a candy bar!) hidden by parents or friends, they would hint at our progress by saying “hot” if we were close and “cold” if we were off the mark.

Trying to find the best new website designs for 2018 can have you feeling like you’re playing a disappointing version of the “hot and cold” game. After all, there are no less than a million web design templates to choose from, and nobody to tell us if we’re getting warmer or colder – or to give us a candy bar!

We can’t accommodate your sweet tooth, but we’ll help you find what’s hot in best new website designs … and what’s not.

How Do You Find the Best New Website Designs? You’re Getting Warmer!

Ready to play “hot and cold”? Let’s get started. Here are some of the top hot new website designs for 2018:


1. Bold and colorful – Gone are the days of white minimalist web design. Many of the hottest new website designs have pops of color or make an all-out colorful statement, like Colorlib’s Pages Template shown below:

2. Targeted landing pagesLanding pages, like the one for Tea Round below, are all the rage. This is because unlike their grandfather “homepage” (see COLD), landing pages are specifically designed to give a consumer quick and easy access to a product or service, minus extraneous or overloaded information.

3. Calling cards – Card-based web design is just that – a calling card for a specific product, service, concept or piece of information. It’s a condensed version of a landing page that can actually be placed on a landing page, like this:

4. Microinteractions – Amazing how something micro can make a macro impact. Microinteractions allow for more user interactivity – such as turning a feature on and off like a light switch.

5. Parallax – This techie trend has everything to do with dynamic design. Typically, parallax describes the use of different movement speeds between the background of a website versus the particular page a visitor is viewing. It can be a unique and dimensional method of storytelling for your target audience, but there are a few pitfalls to consider (see COLD).



As the old saying goes, “what goes up must come down.” The same applies to web design trends. There’s always a bit of cold to counterbalance the hot. Here are some indications that you might be getting colder in web design for 2018:

  1. White is out – White minimalist websites used to rule the roost, but not any longer. Keep things minimalist, but to captivate viewers, it’s time to add color back in.
  2. Bye, bye homepage – Or rather, hello more specialized landing pages. We may never see homepages completely eradicated, but landing pages have become increasingly popular for good reason; they work!
  3. Campy templates – It’s nice to have a theme all laid out and ready to go, but be careful — sometimes overly thematic, pre-made templates feel redundant, especially when there is a push for more creative, unique and original design elements.
  4. Slideshow no-no – No. Just no. Incorporate a video (or two) instead.
  5. Parallax paradox – I know, parallax was also on the hot-trend list, but I mentioned there were some pitfalls. Unless you really have a creative-business foundation and an expert capable of “parallaxing” correctly, you may find that you don’t have the resources or literal bandwidth to properly support the technology.

You’re on Fire!

There you have it! You are officially hot when it comes to 2018 web design trends knowledge. If, however, you’re wondering how to incorporate the hottest and best new website designs into your digital marketing strategy, why not consult with our expertly trained Farotech design team? We’re constantly researching and learning the hottest of the hot web design and development techniques.

Now, go find yourself a candy bar, you deserve it.

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3 Tips in Your Search for a Top Search Engine Marketing Agency

Are you a company looking for SEO services? Sometimes it is hard to know just where to begin. With so many SEO companies out there, how are you to determine the quality and fit? You want to find a top search engine marketing agency, and there are many relevant factors that could affect your search. Consider the following suggestions to begin this process.

How to find a top search engine marketing agency

  • Understand the logic of Google (or the search engine you use). A company might consistently pop up at the top of a list after you search “City, SEO company” but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the best. Google puts a lot of weight on the age of the domain name, and the age of the company (if it is one of the first in an area). So you could go through a whole first-page list of SEO companies and contact them, only to find that they aren’t willing to go with what you’re looking for.
  • Screen out SEO companies through an analytical approach. It’s good to get a sense of the culture of the SEO by reading the materials on its page. Does it have a blog? Does the company talk about SEO matters in a relevant and accessible manner? You can do searches to find out about other people’s experiences with the company, too–search their domain or company name, with the word “review.” Think about other places where they might be active, Facebook and Twitter being examples. If they’re SEO, how are they doing with creating their own online presence?
  • Keep your goals in mind. Going in, you should have an idea of what kind of information you want when you interview an SEO. What sorts of services do you need? Link removal, reputation management, ongoing SEO, link building, retargeting, content marketing, ….the list goes on. Perhaps you’re still unfamiliar with some of these turns. Then, it’s the SEO’s job to explain it well to you. But when you do contract with one, write down your goals and a timeframe so that you can measure the SEO’s work against your expectations (for example, increasing to a certain number of hits on your site). You must know when you’ve hit success!

While you’re looking for a top search engine marketing agency consider Farotech. We are a pioneering SEO company with professionals dedicated to providing you the best and most comprehensive services you need. We want to help you meet your goals. Your company’s success is our success!

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National Nutrition Month: What do Grapefruit, Cotton Balls, and Baby Food all Have in Common?

Fad Diets Continue to Wreak Havoc on Nutrition, but the Solution is Easier than You Think

The answer is that they’re each a basis for some of the weirdest fad diets around and only a handful at that. It’s true that fad diets have existed for a long time, and no matter how often they get debunked people still fall for them left and right. It seems like we know what makes a fad diet a waste of time, and we know the various food choices we should be making, but we still fall prey.

March is National Nutrition Month, and it’s all about finding the ways to make the best food choices for the utmost nutritional benefit. Let’s look at these diets to try and figure out why we still fall prey. At Farotech, we see it all the time, so here’s a hint: it lies in the marketing.

  • national nutrition monthThe Grapefruit Diet, AKA the Hollywood Diet – Grapefruit itself isn’t a bad food choice at all, in fact like its other citrus relatives, it remains a great source of Vitamin C (as well as other vitamins, calcium, and more). Problem is, for decades now it has regularly resurfaced as a magical weight-loss food, guaranteed to drop pounds when combined with a bit of protein. In reality, the weight loss only comes from how restrictive the diet is – you’re basically just starving yourself, making the diet a devious gimmick.
  • The Baby Food Diet – While not necessarily a weight loss plan, this is surprisingly not a completely made up diet for the sake of a good blog. The name itself usually suffices to deter most wary folk, but brave dieters venture boldly forward into the fray. The diet’s logic can’t be blamed – babies are fed only essential nutrients, so a diet of baby food could only be full of good things, right? Well yeah, partially. The 5th state of matter known as baby-food glop was only created because they need to be fed that way due to their sensitivity. Also, baby food is extremely processed, giving it tons of unnecessary carbs to add to your intake.
  • The Cotton Ball Diet – Finally we have the mysterious and unsettling Cotton Ball Diet. In the early 2010s the cotton ball diet went viral online, unfortunately becoming popular primarily amongst young girls in the 9 – 16 y.o. range. Finding themselves under a lot of social pressure to stay slim, girls found the cotton balls to be a tempting and even trendy way to drastically limit food intake. Usually dipped in a liquid, like a juice or soup, the cotton balls served as a carrier for food and made you quickly feel full. The fad quickly began to be less of a diet, and resemble more of a dangerous eating disorder.

Notice any patterns? Each of these diets is marketed specifically to channel your attention to an obscure solution to an age-old problem. Everyone loves an outside-the-box idea, and when weight loss has already proven too difficult, fad diets start to look pretty promising. During National Nutrition Month, the challenge should be to redefine where we find the reward in a diet. This has everything to do with how the diet is marketed.

At Farotech, we understand that effective marketing benefits from quickly grabbing the customer’s attention, but that doesn’t mean the customer has to be deceived. The grapefruit diet targeted the curiosity for obscure foods and their benefits. The baby food diet channeled simplicity, regardless of cost. The cotton ball diet, unfortunately, targeted social norms and self-image.

This National Nutrition Month, don’t be afraid to go the extra mile in choosing the right diet, for your sake, and for the sake of countless others who are walking right alongside you. Find more helpful info at Nutrition Month’s website, and don’t fall prey to the fad!

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Internet Marketing Tips for Physical Therapy Practices

The Best Internet Marketing Tips for Physical Therapy Practices

Farotech is a web development company that has been working with clients in a broad range of industries since 2001. Many of our clients have included those in the health and wellness field. Our internet marketing tips for physical therapy offices come from vast amounts of experience and time taken learning what works and what is not so successful. Today, our clients enjoy high levels of success by using our services. Below, we share with you just a few brief thoughts on internet marketing tips for physical therapy practices.

Understand the Potentialinternet marketing tips for physical therapy

Businesses of all types, ages, and sizes should be informed about the importance of marketing themselves on the Internet. A majority of people today use the Internet as the main means for finding and choosing which providers they will give their business to. This is true for all kinds of industries and is no different when it comes to health providers. People want to be able to quickly find reliable, local healthcare professionals and gain important information about these offices directly from a basic Google search.

Be Creative

Running a successful campaign requires practice owners and managers to incorporate several internet marketing tips for physical therapy offices. What we mean here is that, in most situations, a combination of several different approaches will lead to more profit and visibility than solely utilizing one approach. For example, an SEO campaign should, at least for a time, be supplemented by a Pay Per Click plan of action. The Google ad network and other forms of advertising can also be useful to learn about and utilize.

Hire Professionals

The best physical therapy internet marketing tip we can give is to encourage practices to hire professionals to take care of this important task for their business. A staff of experienced, trained professionals, like that of Farotech, can provide for you top quality service that will inevitably lead to great results. If the company you choose to work with is well equipped, experienced, successful, organized, friendly and ready to handle your specific needs, you should expect to see results from your internet marketing efforts in a short amount of time.

Farotech would be happy to learn more about your physical therapy office and your specific needs for internet marketing. For more information about how to get started with our services, please feel free to contact us today. We look forward to working with you.


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Find Out What Patients Want With These Inbound Marketing Tips for Physical Therapists

One of the goals of inbound marketing for physical therapy offices is to create quality content that will help potential patients find them more easily online. However, obtaining new and effective inbound marketing tips for physical therapists on a frequent basis is also an important task. The Web is constantly changing, new trends are always emerging and the best way to go about inbound marketing is evolving.

What Patients Want to Know: Inbound Marketing Tips for Physical Therapists inbound marketing tips for physical therapists

The following few inbound marketing tips for physical therapists focus on identifying what is important to patients. When searching for care providers on the web, patients are looking for three distinct things. By incorporating these messages into your website and backing up your claims with action, you will be doing your practice a great favor. Above and beyond the basic information you should be providing, as well as general claims about being a great practice, be sure to emphasize the following three ideas in your inbound marketing efforts.

Great Atmosphere

Patients want to know that when they visit your office they can expect to feel welcome and genuinely cared for by every member of your staff. Several aspects play into this reality including general decor/design of your space, available equipment, cleanliness and other physical surroundings. What matters most is the atmosphere created by your staff. This means friendly, encouraging dispositions, respectful listening, and genuinely helpful service.

Extensive Coverage

Be sure to clearly advertise which insurance plans you work with on your website and any other areas you may be discovered online. Patients often choose providers based on whether or not their insurance is going to be accepted at the practice. Don’t leave them guessing or having to call to figure it out.


This inbound marketing tip for physical therapists may seem like a no-brainer but sadly many practices fail to emphasize this area online enough. Prove through staff bios, certifications, training descriptions, patient testimonials and educational resources how well rounded and knowledgeable you are. Physical therapy patients want to know that you will be able to provide them with a clear diagnosis and have the answer and procedures to make it better.

Inbound Marketing Tip for Physical Therapists: Hire Professionals

Creating content that will clearly market the above three ideas can be time-consuming and sometimes difficult. No matter what form you choose to use in portraying these ideas to potential patients, it is important that everything on your website is top notch. Hiring a professional marketing company, like Farotech, is a great way to ensure that these inbound marketing tips for physical therapists are being put to use in the best ways possible.

Quality writing, video production, design, social media interaction and blog population are just a few of the many inbound marketing services Farotech provides for Physical Therapy Practices. To learn more or get started on a project, contact us now!


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Wednesday 28 March 2018

7 Stunning Answers to the Question: What Can An Inbound Marketing Agency Do For My Company?

What have you heard about inbound marketing? This popular technique has been taking businesses of all shapes and sizes to the next level. Perhaps you have even tried to implement some elements of inbound marketing in your existing campaigns, and now you realize that it is time to step up your strategy. It is time to be asking: What can an inbound marketing agency do for my company?

When you bring this question to the marketing team at Farotech, you won’t get a simple, one-size-fits-all answer. Instead, you’ll get the creative enthusiasm of our expert team who dedicate themselves to growing your company

What Can An Inbound Marketing Agency Do For My Company?

Although the specific ways each service may interact with your business and existing strategies, each of the following stages help to answer the question, What can an inbound marketing agency do for my company?

1. Anticipate Buyer Personas

During the first month of strategizing, our team will work closely with you in a series of interviews and surveys in order to determine the different types of clients we want to target via inbound marketing. Typically, there are a variety of different buyers, and once we have identified and separated them, we can help you with marketing to them more specifically and effectively.

2. Create Content

Inbound marketing is all about drawing those potential clients to your site through informative, creative, and useful content. This works most effectively when your content is updated with frequency and regularity. So, our team is also here to write a series of blogs and SEO pages based on the keywords that we believe your potential clients are searching.

3. Maximize Conversion

Although the compelling content is enough to bring visitors in, it is important to give these clients the opportunity to respond and take the next step. Strategically placing “Call to Action” buttons on your site allows clients to initiate a relationship with your company, beginning the transformation from curious visitor to loyal client.

4. Track Your Visitors

Along the way, it is imperative that you track the visitors to your site as well as the leads which develop. At Farotech, we use unique technology to keep track of visitors, how they get to your site, and what they do once they arrive. This information is vital to continually developing and optimizing your site.

5. Nurture Leads with Email Marketing

When a potential client does express interest in your company, your initial response is one of the most important opportunities to convert him or her. So, inbound marketing agencies like Farotech offer automated marketing emails which are sent to clients who download an offer from your site, allowing them to become further acquainted with your brand.

6. Synchronize Social Media

Although you may have social media accounts connected with your company already, are these actually helping you to promote your brand and connect with current and future clients? Probably not. Inbound marketing can help you to ensure that your social media is useful and effective for both your company and your clients as well as expanding its reach.

7. Analyze & Report

Finally, an inbound marketing agency can help your company stay on track by providing regular reports and analysis about your online presence and reach. These statistics are invaluable as you continue to expand your marketing campaign and your business. When you know the progress you’ve made each month, you can easily see what an inbound marketing agency can do for your company in the months and years to come.

Still asking what can an inbound marketing agency do for my company? Contact Farotech today, and we’d be happy to help you discover how these strategies can take your business to the next level.

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Company Facebook for Dummies: How to Optimize FB for Your Business

Having a strong presence on social media sites is an important piece of any company’s overall online marketing strategy. Keeping up with various accounts and being sure they are gaining the most attention possible can be difficult and overwhelming, especially when this concept is something new for a business owner. Traditional business owners are often still resistant to this relatively new world Facebook_1of social engagement, but when you look at the trends, it’s clear that NOT taking advantage of Facebook, Twitter, and the other major social networks would be a huge mistake.

Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms on the web and can be a wonderful tool for companies to utilize in gaining potential customers’ attention. In order for your company’s Facebook page to be the type of tool that actually works for you, there are several things you should be aware of and implement as soon as possible. The great news is that most necessary changes are easy, fast and fit into companies’ budgets! To get the most out of your company Facebook page, you should consider consulting a professional web development company, like Farotech. For now, here are some helpful hints to get you started!

1. Apply Appropriate and Attention-Grabbing Photos

One of the newer applications for photos on Facebook is in the form of the “cover photo” and accompanying “thumbnails.” These pictures are one of the first things that any person will see when he/she pulls up your company Facebook page. For this reason, it is vital that these photos not only grab a potential customer’s attention, but do so for all the right reasons. Having random pictures of just general graphics at the top of your page doesn’t make sense to customers and doesn’t help build your brand. Choose photos (or have graphics specifically designed) that reflect your brand and carry a positive and powerful message for viewers. These pictures can be a great way to make viewers immediately aware of what your company does, sells and is all about. Be sure that the overall feel of these cover pictures fits with the rest of your branding and enhances the overall look and feel of the page rather than distracts from it.

2. Change your Company Facebook Page URL to Fit your Company

When it comes to a well-integrated marketing campaign, URLs are extremely important little pieces of information to customize. For Facebook, your URL can only be changed once your page accumulates 25 or more “fans.” As soon as you reach this, take a moment to change your page’s URL so that when your company name is searched for in search engines, your Facebook page will pop right to the top of the list of search results! Changing the URL for your page is easy; simply do the following:

  • Find the “Page Settings” on your homepage and choose “Edit Page.”
  • Then choose “Update Public Info” and “Basic Information” located in the left column.
  • Find the “Username” tab and click the “Change Username” option.
  • Once you’ve typed in your desired customized URL, be sure to hit “Check Availability” to make sure no one else is using that URL. If it is available, you will see a box notifying you of the change that will be made and you can simply hit “Confirm” at the bottom of that box to finish the process!

3. Get More “Likes”

An easy way to make people awafacebook_likere of your company Facebook page and to increase its legitimacy is to ask people to “like” your page. You can do this through all of your marketing materials. You can also spread the word to employees, co-workers, family, and friends to increase the amount of “likes” your page receives. Once your social media pages are set up and regularly maintained, all of your other marketing materials, whether they be business cards or pamphlets, should include links to these pages and a simple request for customers to “like” your page.


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Four Things You Need to Know About Twitter For Business

Your business needs to be on Twitter. Twitter is where the conversation is happening—right now, in real-time, all the time. Does a customer love your product and wants to tell the world? News is breaking that affects your brand? Want to know what the world is talking about?

Just tune to Twitter. Over 500 million tweets are sent daily from over 284 million active users. When you want to know what the world is talking about, just check out the trending hashtags in your Twitter feed.

Twitter for business is not an option; it is a necessity. Feeling confused on how to begin tweeting and building your business brand on Twitter? Here are the four things you need to know about Twitter for business and how you can get yourself trending in a heartbeat.

1. You need a Twitter Account.

Twitter For BusinessIf you haven’t already gotten the drift: You need a Twitter Account. Twitter is not just the playground for college students and newsies. Tweets move billions of dollars on the stock market. Tweets turn followers into customers. Twitter is where you network with clients. It is where you join the global conversation that happens 24-7.

2. Make Your Username and Profile Work for You.

Tweets are restricted to 280 characters and your Twitter username will take up some of those 280 characters when someone mentions your name. The best practice for creating a twitter for business handle selection is to pick something short, simple and easy for a user to type. Avoid using strange symbols. Stick to your brand as much as possible. Also, build your Twitter profile with your location, links to your website and creative, informative profile and header images.

3. Tell Everyone You Have Arrived!

Include a link to your Twitter profile in your email footer, on your business cards and on your website. Include easy “Tweet This” buttons on all blog posts, so your customers, clients, and readers can automatically share and link back to your Twitter profile.

4. Tweet, Follow and Join the Party.

Begin tweeting—share news about new products, participate in #FollowFriday (or #FF) to grow your network, follow and tweet at brands and experts you love, share meaningful content, retweet news you think is informative and join a Twitter party or two. Be consistent with your Tweets. You can consider using an outside social media service such as HootSuite, to organize and schedule your tweets in advance. Just like at a cocktail party, using Twitter means making small talk not standing in a corner avoiding conversation.

Twitter can be a valuable tool in growing your business and reaching out to potential customers. Want to learn more about using Twitter for business? Call Farotech! We specialize in helping companies grow through a variety of digital marketing and social media techniques, including Twitter.

The post Four Things You Need to Know About Twitter For Business appeared first on Farotech.


Tuesday 27 March 2018

SEO Ideas for Orthopedic Doctors: Simple Steps to Guaranteed Success

When someone is in need of a good orthopedic doctor, they might ask a friend or a family member for advice on finding a reliable orthopedic practice. There is a good chance, however, that the first thing this person does is to type specific keywords into their favorite search engine, trying to find a website for a local orthopedist. Even if they have already been to an orthopedic practice recommended by a friend or a primary care physician, they could be looking for a second opinion they can trust before making a very important decision about their health.

These days, more and more businesses are finding that they need to adjust to the world of online marketing in order to bring in new customers. Even orthopedic practices are adapting to the reality that people search primarily online for an increasing amount of goods and services – yes, even medical treatment! This is why it is more important than ever for you and your practice to seek out and implement good SEO ideas for orthopedic doctors, in order to draw in new patients.

Putting Your Patients First: SEO Ideas for Orthopedic Doctors

At Farotech, we have experience with search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns for all types of businesses. What we have learned in our experience with a number of medical practices is that a patient-centered approach to internet marketing is the most effective way to attract new clients. With that in mind, here are some important SEO tips for orthopedic doctors to keep in mind as you venture further into the world of online marketing:

  • Use Strategic Keywords
    While some SEO companies like to suggest overpopulating their clients’ web pages with short and common keywords, we have found that quality is far superior to quantity. “Long tail” keywords, which communicate more specific ideas, tend to cater more accurately toward what your potential patients are searching for.

  • Blog on a Regular Basis
    When you start using your more effective keywords, a good way to utilize them to generate more traffic to your site is by placing them throughout frequent blog posts on your web page. As one of the best SEO ideas for orthopedic doctors, blogging is a great way to show your potential patients that you are knowledgeable in your field.

  • Write in Accessible Language
    One mistake made by many medical professionals is using too much medical jargon. This can be a big turn-off for visitors to your site who are looking for a friendly, compassionate doctor. Think about your buyer persona, and write quality content accordingly.

The most important recommendation we can offer you is to hire a professional online marketing team that has years of experience with SEO for orthopedic doctors. When you start to undertake an unfamiliar task like search engine optimization for your business, you take valuable time and energy away from your most important responsibility: dedicated patient care.

Contact Farotech to find out how we can help you bring more patients into your orthopedic practice. We have a plan that fits your needs, and we look forward to getting you started.

The post SEO Ideas for Orthopedic Doctors: Simple Steps to Guaranteed Success appeared first on Farotech.


3 Inbound Marketing Tips for Orthopedics Practices

Successful inbound marketing tips for orthopedics practices are based on the knowledge that 95% of people visiting a website are in research mode. The 5% of people ready to commit their business to your practice are important to reach, but when the 95% is untouched, your office will unknowingly be losing a majority of its potential patients. And that is the danger you face when you don’t implement an inbound marketing approach for your web marketing.

Farotech can help you reach every visitor on your site using a variety of inbound marketing processes and the latest technology. Below, we share just three of our inbound marketing tips for orthopedics clients. Combine these to produce a winning strategy for your practice!

3 Inbound Marketing Tips for Orthopedics Practices3 Inbound Marketing Tips for Orthopedics Practices

1. Usability Conversion Analysis

Any visitor to your practice’s website will quickly develop an overall impression of your practice based on only a few clicks. Knowing where users are clicking, scrolling and searching is a great way to better optimize your site’s user experience. Once this knowledge is gained you can make crucial decisions about big things like the look and feel of your site and small things like where calls to action should be placed, etc.

This knowledge is available using specially designed software for site analysis. Farotech uses the best in the business and provides quality advice and implements changes based on the results. Heat mapping, scroll mapping, and confetti technology are crucial first steps in your journey for successful inbound marketing.

2. Backlinking

Our second inbound marketing tip for orthopedics offices has to do with backlinking. Backlinking refers to the process of requesting other sites to include links back to your site on their pages. These sites will normally belong to industry-related businesses, but backlinks can also come in a variety of forms. You can request proper credit be given to your practice from anyone who mentions it online. Farotech works to create solid networks of backlinks to your site that not only broaden your influence but also set you up as an authority in your field.

3. Marketing Automation Emails

Lead nurturing programs are key components of successful inbound marketing campaigns. Marketing automation emails are just one small portion of lead nurturing but are extremely important. Our advice when it comes to marketing automation emails is to always be sure you are only marketing to the right groups of people at the right times. No one likes to have an overflowing inbox of offers and correspondence with their orthopedic service provider. But carefully selected mailings to specific, target segments will be happily received and will prove to have great results.

Who We Are

Farotech is a web development and inbound marketing company that has been serving clients across the U.S. since 2001. Our clients range in size and type, but our goal is always to help our clients achieve their goals. We work to provide custom solutions and increase their web presence using best practices. For more information, contact us today.


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Healthcare Marketing Mistakes: The Seven Deadly Sins

In the beginning stages of your healthcare marketing efforts, mistakes are expected and essentially unavoidable.  As you mature as a healthcare marketer, these mistakes will typically be identified as easy fixes. As inevitable as it is to make early healthcare marketing mistakes, these missteps are learning opportunities.

healthcare marketing mistakes

However, rookie mistakes are not what this article is here to inform you about. Rather, this article spotlights seven healthcare marketing mistakes that you will want to avoid at all costs. Of course, these “seven sins” are not deadly in that they will utterly destroy your marketing campaign and leave no hope for redemption. There is always a chance to fix mistakes. However, it is in your best interest to steer very clear of these mistakes so that your efforts don’t go to waste and your success is not hindered.

Seven Healthcare Marketing Mistakes You Want to Avoid:

1.     Inconsistency:

Readers will lose interest or just forget about blogs with inconsistent posting schedules. To avoid this, maintain regularity in your output in order to develop a good following of your content. Consistent posting breeds consistent followers. This does not make daily posts a requirement, however posting multiple times a week is your best bet.

2.     Lack of Promotion:

Quality promotion of a post is as important as the quality production of a post. No one is going to read a blog they do not know exists, no matter how well written the posts are. One way this common healthcare marketing mistake can be avoided is by making use of social media networks.

3.    Ignorance of Keywords:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a great way to help your blog be found, this type of optimization necessitates the use of keywords in your content. Identify a search term and make sure to follow the best practices for SEO. One of these is to include 3-4 times within your post so that your page can easily be found through the power of SEO.

4.    Hiding Your Calls-to-Action:

Make your calls-to-action obvious with well-defined instructions so that your readers are not left in the dark regarding how they are expected to interact with your content. Whether they can make an appointment, join an email list, or simply learn more about what they are reading, make sure there is no room for confusion.

5.    Failing to Go Premium:

Premium content includes eBooks, videos, or any other format of content that elicits extra intrigue, action,  and distinguishes that content from the norm. Be sure to include this type of content in your marketing. Of all the big healthcare marketing mistakes, this is probably the easiest fix because of the ease with you can create premium content by repurposing already existing content.

6.    Striking the Wrong Tone:

On top of establishing a generally positive and inviting tone in your content, be sure to maintain a consistent tone for the sake of familiarity for your readers. While this may not seem significant, it can play a big part in the development of a consistent following.

7.    Over-Highlighting Your Agenda:

Healthcare marketing benefits both your company and your clients. While marketing draws more business, your content should also consist of helpful advice for your readers. Emphasize this latter benefit rather than the former. Grab the trust of your customer by producing content in such a way that is more about them than it is about your company.

If you have identified one, or many, of these healthcare marketing mistakes in your own marketing campaigns, don’t give up! Instead, use this article to fuel the improvement process. If you need more help or would like more information please contact Farotech today.

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Monday 26 March 2018

How Video Marketing Can Increase Conversions Using 3 Powerful Methods

3 Ways How Video Marketing Can Increase Conversions and Ramp up Your ROI

If you’re wondering how video marketing can increase conversions, you’ve come to the right place. In fact, in 2016 we featured video as one of the most important marketing trends of 2017 … and according to statistics, it is. One finding reported that 70% of marketers cited video as being the top conversion producer over every other mode of marketing. With another Hubspot report demonstrating that 43% of individuals seek increased video content, it makes sense.

In today’s predominantly short-attention span inflicted world, it’s no wonder video reigns supreme. With improved technology and video marketing capability, now is the time to transform your marketing strategies. Don’t be deceived, however, by the seemingly convenient and prolific output of new videos. Effective optimization of video to improve conversion rates is a commitment and investment of time and resources.

3 Ways Video Marketing Can Increase Conversions and Ramp up Your ROI

Is video marketing as easy as having a GoPro and spokesperson? Not if you want to increase conversion. There are several factors involved in maximizing marketing videos to generate leads, capture clients and essentially act as brand ambassadors for your business.

To increase conversion and catapult visibility through video, it’s time to implement 3 foolproof strategies, including:

  • Live recording
  • An editorial calendar
  • Video analytics

Let’s break it down:

how video marketing can increase conversions1. Facebook Live – have you ever wondered why SNL (Saturday Night Live) has remained on TV for 42 seasons? Besides brilliant script writing and incredible talent, the notion of “live” invokes something incredibly authentic, transparent and edgy. Facebook’s humble marketing beginnings started in 2004 with $10 – $40 fliers tailored to college campus adds. Since then Facebook advertising has become a beast, especially with the advent of “Facebook Live.” Take a look:

  • Since its conception in 2016, Facebook Live makes up one-fifth of all videos posted on Facebook and daily broadcasts have since quadrupled
  • If Live is the “beast” of Facebook, it’s algorithm is a monster
  • Live is being used by businesses for purposes of promotion and highlighting a business interaction or event in real-time

2. Editorial Calendar – remember our earlier caution regarding video deception? Throwing a video together, regardless of whether utilizing an iPhone or cinematic videography, won’t ensure increased conversion. Executing videos to promote a product, service or business must be optimized. An editorial calendar can be utilized to make sure a business marketing vision is parallel to video content by:

  • Coordinating specific video content to correlate with current digital and print marketing and advertising initiatives
  • Helping to organize everything from scriptwriting to final editing
  • Creating a unified platform for brainstorming and testing to ensure effective messaging, branding and optimization

3. Video Analytics – heed this as cautionary tale number two: do not assume your video will go viral!

  • Video analytics are the litmus test of conversion
  • Tools such as Wistia and Google Analytics won’t simply illuminate how many people are watching your video, they can dial in on the number of accumulative “clicks,” the amount of time people are watching and calculate returning visitors
  • Analytics in video marketing has segmentation capability to provide insight into types of viewership, geo location and of course, overall conversion rates among specific demographics

Action Steps and Takeaways

  • All statistics point to video as your “Blue Ocean.” In other words, take advantage of a marketing initiative that no one else is doing (or not doing as well as you will)
  • Ensuring increased conversion requires more than point and shoot, it requires: Live recording, an editorial calendar and video analytics
  • Facebook Live adds authenticity, increased viewership and video conversion rates
  • An editorial calendar provides essential organizational and collaborative tools to streamline video production from start to finish
  • Video analytics provide a breakdown of metrics to reinforce what’s working and help remedy what isn’t

Want to know how video marketing can increase conversions tenfold and catapult your business to the next level? Contact us now at Farotech.

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Outbound Marketing Vs. Inbound Marketing in Philadelphia

Who you choose to partner with matters. Your company represents more than just your brand, it represents you. Get yourself out there and see what Inbound Marketing Philadelphia companies have to offer in comparison to traditional outbound marketing.

Outbound marketing or traditional marketing statistics:

  • Did you know that 44% of mail is simply thrown away and never opened? Paper, postage and time are wasted by the ton every day with outbound marketing.

  • 86% of people skip through commercials if they have the ability to do so- they are seen as time-wasting and unnecessary.

  • There are over 200 million Americans who have put their numbers on the “Do Not Call” list and the trend is only rising as people respond better to less intrusive internet inbound marketing.

  • Pop-up ads are not effective: 84% of 25-34 -year-olds have left websites because of how intrusive and bothersome the ads have been.

  • Inbound marketing is over 62% less costly per lead than outbound.

The Importance of Inbound marketing:

Consumers are picky:

Billboards and TV ads are no longer the main way of branding a product and getting it out to millions. Consumers choose how they wish to receive their information. Whether it’s through social media, blogs or e-books, marketing has taken on a newer, sleeker and more efficient form. Companies in need of inbound marketing in Philadelphia need to understand the power that the web has given the consumer.

Importance of communication:

Inbound marketing means that communication is a two-way street. The consumer is no longer meant to be “bought” but rather have their interest piqued and from there choose which products work for them. The attention of the web-user in inbound marketing is earned and not bought by providing engaging content.

Unobtrusive is Key:

We want to be as unobtrusive as possible when we show our brand to the consumer. Gone are the days of annoying calls during dinner and ripping up envelopes stuffed with junk mail before they are even opened. Research has shown time and time again that these methods are no longer working. People have endless choices when it comes to practically any product. What makes a company stick out is going to be a positive connection.

Creating the positive inbound marketing Philadelphia residents want is possible. The best possible outcome is for the consumer to take away a positive connection, making them more likely to think of said brand when making their future purchases.

Farotech has been at the top of the inbound marketing game for over a decade. We are customer centered, specialized and attentive: three things necessary for excellent inbound marketing. Please contact us for more information and for sample proposals. To learn more about the inbound marketing Philadelphia companies need, visit our website today.


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How Inbound Marketing and SEO Will Change Your Business

It is no secret that inbound marketing and SEO are the latest trend in marketing for all sorts of businesses, from designers to dentists.  But, when it comes to any trend, no matter how popular, sensible business owners will take the time to ask: does it actually work?  Can inbound marketing and search engine optimization really transform your business?

At Farotech, we have taken the time to investigate, and we are excited to say that the answer is yes!  Inbound marketing and SEO will amplify your visibility, revolutionize the way you connect with clients, and ultimately change your business. Exciting, right?  Now it’s time to learn more.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing and SEO Inbound marketing is all about bringing clients closer to you and your product, service, or brand through content, rather than sending salesmen out.  Instead of a cold call or traditional advertising, inbound marketing uses mediums like blogs, videos, and social medium to attract the attention of those already interested in the services you offer.

Search Engine Optimization, also called SEO, is an important aspect of inbound marketing.  This practice focuses on improving your brand or business’s visibility on major search engines through the content on your website.  Because most search engine users don’t look past the first page or two of results for a given inquiry, it is important to have your business appearing early on.  And when you intentionally match the ideas and phrases on your website with those being looked up by potential clients, your company is able to play an active role in affecting this placement and visibility.

How Inbound Marketing and SEO Transform Your Business

Your company’s growth is dependent in large part upon your ability to connect with new clients.  Although you probably have a good idea that local people need the services or products you offer, your business can only expand when they know that as well.  Inbound marketing and SEO can completely change your business by improving your visibility and then creating connections with potential clients through the content of your website. By intentionally using the words and phrases your potential clients are searching when they look for a product like yours, you organically create the opportunity to make a connection and turn that inquiry into a lead and then a loyal client.


Farotech can help your business tap into the amazing possibilities of inbound marketing and SEO.  We are a Philadelphia-based company helping companies make the connections they need to grow and expand through search engine optimization and other vital online marketing techniques.  For more information about how to get started, contact us today.

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3 Simple Inbound Marketing Ideas for Physical Therapy Practices

As you consider ways to enhance your marketing campaign and reach more potential patients, you are probably taking note of the power of the internet for businesses of all sizes and across all industries. Inbound marketing ideas for physical therapy are crucial tools for therapists who want to get their name out, make a great first impression, and communicate their services in order to bring in new clients. Yes, this is true for all types of businesses, but especially when the therapist-patient relationship is involved.

Your first and most important opportunity to win over your client is the moment they do an online search for a physical therapy practice.

The various strategies for marketing goods and services online are relatively new, and it can often be confusing, especially when you spend very little time on the internet throughout the course of your workday. But by following a few simple inbound marketing ideas for physical therapy practices, you can drive traffic to your website and engage your potential patients. Check out these three inbound marketing tips from Farotech:

  1. Consider Who You’re Trying to Reach
    In the world of inbound marketing, the concept of the buyer persona is the centerpiece of any campaign. Ask yourself a few essential questions about your potential patients: Where are they from? What sorts of backgrounds and careers are they coming from? What might they be looking for in a good physical therapist? There are, of course, different answers for every business, but the concept is the same: you are marketing toward a specific group of people, so think about how best to communicate with them.
  2. Reconsider Your SEO Strategy
    While many companies are stuck in the old SEO practices of cheap links, spam comments, and irrelevant or poorly written content, Farotech suggests some more thoughtful inbound marketing ideas for physical therapy. Informative blogs and guest blogging are efficient ways to drive traffic to your site and engage visitors. Focused, long-tail keywords are another strategic component to a successful SEO campaign.
  3. Make the Most of Your Blog
    Of all of the tools that you should consider, your blog may be the one you have underestimated the most. You may not even have a blog on your website, but believe it or not, your potential patients appreciate well-written, informative content that demonstrates your commitment to staying informed and sharing your passion with others. Additionally, focus on keywords and helpful links within your blogs, and share them on your social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) in order to drive traffic to your site.

After getting started with these helpful tips, contact Farotech to learn more about the best inbound marketing ideas for physical therapy practices. We look forward to talking to you about the strategies that have proven to be successful for us and our clients.

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Farotech SEO Has The Inbound Marketing New Jersey Companies Need

When you are making the decision to market your business to an outside company, it is of the utmost importance that you are informed about the company you will be partnering with. Learn what a New Jersey Inbound Marketing Company has to offer below.

Top Five Best Qualities Inbound Marketing New Jersey Companies are Looking For:

1. Customer service:

You want your inbound marketing company to keep you well informed. Nothing is worse than a marketing company who does not communicate strategy and results. When selecting an inbound marketing company, make sure that one of their core values is to provide their customers with solid customer service.

At Farotech, we have prided ourselves for a decade of solid and personal customer service. The partnerships we have created with more than 100 major clients have only been possible through excellent work together to create and reach the goals and visions of each individual.

2. Workmanship:

Farotech offers a veritable, experienced and knowledgeable staff. We continue to hire in order to give customers individual attention and provide the best possible workmanship. Our project proposals are created to meet all your needs. The level of professionalism remains the same whether your business has been established for decades or you just began your own start-up. Our SEO strategies will ensure that your company rises to the top of search result pages.

3. Results:

Our inbound marketing utilizes the “goldmines” of the internet such as blogging and social media. Research has shown that 57% of companies who use inbound marketing have gained customers through Facebook and 42% through Twitter. These numbers, especially those of Twitter, are already rising as the utility of having the world at your fingertips becomes more and more popular.

We want your impressive website and solid reputation to be viewed by as many customers as possible. Our goal is for your company’s business to increase both in the number of customers and in recognition by search engines. 72% of customers looking to purchase will begin their research by clicking on Google to search for their desired item or service. At Farotech, we want to put your company in those search results.

4. Reliability:

You want a company that does what it says it will do. We have been immersed in the inbound marketing world for more than a decade and our experience and satisfied clients show our reliability. We communicate with our clients and work together to ensure a win-win relationship for both of us. New Jersey companies seeking to learn more about the inbound marketing New Jersey residents love, should visit our website today.

Farotech is the Inbound Marketing New Jersey residents should consider. We are a solid, dependable and customer-centered inbound marketing company for any company in the New Jersey area. Please contact us for more information and for sample proposals.


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Sunday 25 March 2018

3 Critical Homepage Optimization Tips You Are Likely Missing

You would think it would be difficult to overlook the home page of your website. After all, you’ve spent all sorts of time and effort optimizing your content to create the online visibility you need to connect with potential clients. Once you’ve made that connection, the homepage is often one of the first things a potential client might see! So, it is important that you spend some time making sure that new visitors will stay engaged and even turn into great leads for your business. Check out these great homepage optimization tips from the marketing experts at Farotech to get you started.

home page optimization tips1. Engagement

When a potential client lands on your homepage, they most likely arrived because of some interest, question, or concern about a service you offer. They want information, yes. But, more importantly, they want to know how to get to the next level of personal interaction, how to start the process of getting the service they need. Make sure your home page includes bold and accessible calls to action that help visitors request the services they need.

2. Images

We live in an increasingly visual society. Just think about how much of our day is spent taking, sharing, and viewing pictures. Each photo grabs our attention and makes a more powerful impact than a block of text ever could. This is why including striking and relevant photographs, not simply text or stock photos, will help create deeper and quicker connections with visitors as they are drawn in through the power of the image.

Additionally, ensure that the images you use are consistent with the corporate identity you are trying to convey with the rest of your site. Image choices, just like all other marketing decisions, should be made based on the message you are trying to communicate to your potential clients.

3. Organization

Finally, it is imperative that your site is clear and organized. We all know how frustrating it is to have to sift through confusing pages or click around to try to find your way on a cluttered page. This is one of the most important homepage optimization tips, even though it is often overlooked. Especially after you have made major changes to other aspects of your site, revisit your home page and ensure that its organization still make aesthetic and organizational sense.

For More Homepage Optimization Tips

If you like these homepage optimization tips are interested in more ways to optimize your design and online presence, contact Farotech today. Our marketing and design experts can help you bring your website and your marketing campaign to the next level.

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Strategic Social Media Management

Don’t jump if you don’t know where you want to land.

The Secrets of Strategic Social Media Management

Don’t jump if you don’t know where you want to land. Social Media Management survey tools can provide you the landing pad you’re seeking.

Social-Media-CampaignsManaging someone else’s social media account is challenging on its own, but what if you’re managing an account as an industry expert? That’s the day-to-day job of inbound marketing agencies, such as Farotech. Understandably, clients want to know they are in good hands. How can you be certain you can entrust that important aspect of your business to an external agency?

Step One in managing a social media campaign involves us getting to know your business from the inside out. You may be wondering why we need to know your business so intimately if all we are doing is hanging out on Facebook and posting a couple tweets on your behalf. Well, proper social media management is so much for than that.

We don’t want to be the pushy sales-guy on a soapbox, shouting about how our services are superior or that our products reign.

Rather, a great social media strategy is about sharing your story with the world. It’s about connecting with people on a personal, professional, emotional or casual manner. People naturally desire to build relationships with others and feel connected – which is why it’s so important to utilize the free tools available to help you do that while generating sales in the process.

But in order to build meaningful connections that actually turn into customers, we need to know what you stand for and why you do what you do.

A Two-Step Social Media Strategy

Step Two is our social media client intake form, which is basically a social media survey. This survey is comprised of three main ideas: areas where we want to get to know you better in the following ways:

  1. First, we want to get The Big Picture. An overall idea of why you want to join the social media world, what your marketing goals are for social media, what your company stands for, where your comfort level lies, and where you’re going.
  2. Then we want to know more about your brand so we can create a unique voice that speaks to your target audience. We want to know who you believe your target audience is and where you think we can find them. This allows us to create a great baseline for those first free steps.
  3. Later, we analyze this information alongside the demographic analytics provided by your social media platforms to see if we are aiming in the right direction.
  4. Finally, we want to know your thoughts and position on content. Hubspot also points out that having a strong content strategy is vital to a creative social media campaign. Different types of content translate differently across the various social media platforms. What works well on Facebook, may not work on LinkedIn. Additionally, we want to know what type of content your brand identifies most with and how you’re comfortable sharing that content.

We can determine all that from our intake form. However, that social media client intake form is just one slice of the pie. We have an inbound marketing team that is happy to work with you on all levels of your social media campaigns, from conception to management, to research and more.

Social Media Campaigns | Farotech

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3 Key Inbound Marketing Tips for Physical Therapy Offices

Why Spend the Time to Obtain Inbound Marketing Tips for Physical Therapy Offices?

Inbound marketing tips for physical therapy offices are vital to the success of any PT marketing campaign. The Internet is a major platform for PT practices to make a name for themselves and effectively sell their services. Today, when potential clients want to find a local, reliable and worthy physical therapy office they get online and search for one.

Understanding how powerful the Internet is and how much difference it can make in the success or failure of any modern business is vital. Inbound marketing methods are the ways in which a practice, company or business promotes itself online. There are many different parts that make up a successful inbound marketing campaign. To get going on the right track check out these inbound marketing tips for physical therapy offices from Farotech.

3 Essential Inbound Marketing Tips for Physical Therapy Practices

Farotech is a successful inbound marketing service provider that has helped physical therapy offices across the country reach their marketing goals via a variety of inbound marketing methods. The staff of Farotech is happy to be able to share these inbound marketing tips for physical therapy offices. inbound marketing tips for physical therapy

1. STOP!…and Determine Your Buyer Personas

Before any other steps are taken, buyer personas need to be determined. If your practice has already moved forward in an inbound marketing strategy, our advice to you is to stop, back up and complete this step before anything else is done.

Determining buyer personas can be as complex or simple as you would like and the process will differ for each practice. The concept is the same. Buyer personas are the types of clients you would like or could see your practice serving. Inbound marketing techniques are focused on marketing to specific buyer personas so it is important for your practice to have at least a decent understanding of who these are.

For more tips on how to specifically figure out your practice’s buyer personas, contact Farotech today!

2. Get a New Approach to SEO

Another major inbound marketing tip for PT offices that we would like to suggest is getting a new approach to SEO. Search Engine Optimization is a major part of internet marketing but many providers are stuck using old versions of SEO processes. Newer and more effective ways of doing SEO have to do with focusing on long tail keywords.

Farotech utilizes this new approach and has thus far seen only outstanding results from doing so. We are able to offer our clients more keywords every month for less money, use best practices and provide the results our clients want.

3. Make Your Blog Work Harder

Does your practice’s website have a blog? If the answer is no, the first step in this aspect of inbound marketing is to make one! If yes, our physical therapy inbound marketing tip here would be to discover the ways in which you are not currently making the most of your blog and make changes to do so. This may mean that your blog articles are not being written as additional SEO pages or it may mean that you are not connecting your blog with your social media platforms. For additional tips in this area, contact Farotech today!


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Can’t Miss Inbound Marketing Ideas for Orthopedic Doctors

Inbound marketing ideas for orthopedic doctors are essential to the growth of a practice’s patient base. The Internet is the way that most of your potential patients will connect with your office. Inbound marketing is the means by which a business sets itself up to be easily reached by interested clients.

Inbound marketing ideas for orthopedic doctors span a wide range of specific areas; each significant in its own right. To learn more about these key areas or to get started with an effective, thorough inbound marketing strategy, contact Farotech! We’ve been in the business for over a decade and specialize in creating successful, customized strategies for our clients, many of whom are orthopedic doctors and other health professionals.

Creating Quality Content

Most areas of an inbound marketing campaign include or revolve around the creation of content. Because this is such a prevalent and important theme that spans so many of the specific areas of this topic, Farotech has put together a few creative tips for the development of quality content. When it comes to inbound marketing ideas for orthopedic doctors, keep in mind that any approach, in any category, should always be answering the all-important inbound marketing question, “What’s in it for me?”

Content Inbound Marketing Ideas for Orthopedic Doctors

For the Bloginbound marketing ideas for orthopedic doctors

1. Write bio articles for current and new employees in your office that will have face to face interaction with patients.

2. Blog about important upcoming events either at your office or that your practice is going to be participating in.

3. Write informative, educational blog posts about new techniques and methodologies that your practice plans to utilize.

or Social Media

1. Post links to blog articles.

2. Share pictures and brief bios of staff members.

3. Share patient testimonials.

For the Website

1. Create an informative, engaging video about your practice’s history and unique characteristics.

2. Offer links to or create your own educational resources relevant to your practice’s procedures.

3. Develop a webinar that explains why your practice is the premier place to receive care.

Inbound marketing ideas for orthopedic doctors don’t end here! There are so many potential ways to better your current campaign or create a brand new strategy. To learn more about inbound marketing for your practice or to get started with a project, contact Farotech. We look forward to learning about your office and helping you build your patient base.

The post Can’t Miss Inbound Marketing Ideas for Orthopedic Doctors appeared first on Farotech.
