Friday 31 August 2018

How to Develop a Brand for My Orthopedics Practice (And Why It Matters More Than You Think)

Whether you are a new orthopedics practice just getting started, or a long-established one looking to reach out to new patients, you have likely asked yourself how to develop a brand for my orthopedics practice.  Before jumping into the process, it’s important to get some of the facts about branding and why it matters not only for your current marketing campaign, but for the future of your entire practice.

how to develop a brand for my orthopedics practice

What is Branding?

Although branding often comes up in conversations about developing or expanding your marketing campaign, in reality, it is so much more.  Your brand is the heartbeat of the relationship you build between your patients and your orthopedics practice.  It tells patients new and old what they can expect from your practice at every turn; simply put, it is your promise to your patients and to the community you serve.

Why Does it Matter for My Practice?

In health services (such as in the orthopedics field) more than in many businesses, your entire practice is based around the relationship between your doctors and patients.  As with any relationship, trust is a fundamental component of success.  Do patients know what to expect when they contact your office for the first time?  And during every visit that follows, can they have confidence in the quality of care they’ll receive?  Your brand should be developed in such a way that the promise of quality and trustworthiness is both clearly offered and consistently delivered upon, every step of the way.

How to Develop a Brand for My Orthopedics Practice

1. Do Some Soul Searching

Once you’ve asked yourself how to develop a brand for my orthopedics practice, some soul searching is in order to discover what the heart of your practice truly is. Start by asking what it is that sets you apart. What can patients in need of orthopedics services find with your practice and nowhere else? In addition, consider your target clients; what it is it that your particular patients need or want in an orthopedist that your practice can provide? The answer to these questions and others will help you begin to really develop your specific brand.

2. Create a Logo

Although it will probably take hours of conversation to answer the above questions, your brand should be concise and easy to communicate once you have a USP (unique selling proposition). Once you’ve developed a tagline that easily summarizes the heart of your relationship with patients, start thinking visually for one of the best ways to build a brand – through a great logo. A logo is easier to remember than a long explanation, and can have a much greater impact through the pairing of key words and images. Your logo will appear everywhere from business cards to websites, and so it should be a striking and memorable representation of your brand.

But wait, you may say, I don’t know how to design a logo; I can barely draw a stick figure!  Rest assured that once you’ve articulated your brand, the experts at Farotech can help you develop a logo that reflects your practice and promise to patients.

3. Move From Icon to Identity

When it comes to branding, one of the key concepts is consistency. Just as your promise should stay the same from patient to patient and year to year, so too should your brand offer a consistent representation of that promise. Once your central logo is designed, it’s time to turn that into a corporate identity that appears throughout your marketing materials in a way that is consistent without becoming repetitive. Developing a corporate identity package will ensure that your practice will maintain the same recognizable promise, even as you and grow and change over the years.

Want more tips to answer your question on how to develop a brand for my orthopedics practice? Contact Farotech today for more innovative branding ideas!

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Can’t Keep Up? Hire Writers for Your Business Blog!

Keeping up with a blog for your business can be a hectic process as you try to balance time spent doing other necessary tasks with the time spent writing for your blog. This does not mean that you can neglect writing a blog for your business just because you’re busy. In fact, in today’s electronic age, keeping a constantly updated, SEO-optimized, well-promoted blog is an essetial hire_writerspart of doing business well. So you can’t afford to just throw in the towel. If you can’t handle the writing workload in house, you simply need to hire writers to help with your blogging efforts. As long as you hire a quality writers, the expense of an extra salary can be easily made up for by the added publicity and revenue you will receive due to being on a regular blogging schedule.

Why You Cannot Afford not to Hire Writers

Not keeping up an active blog or not publishing new content to your website regularly is a big mistake – it is literally the equivalent of sacrificing business. This is because search engines prioritize websites that regularly post good content and rank those websites higher in search results. When you blog, more people will see your website, your brand will be built and you’ll obtain more customers. Since you probably already have your hands full with the regular daily tasks of running a business, having a writer – or a team of writers, if necessary – continuously creating new content for you is the way to achieve your blogging goals without sacrificing any potential business. Be sure to train your writers in the blogging tricks of SEO marketing, such as in the proper use of keywords and H1 tags, which will allow them to further boost your rankings on the major search engines and avoid penalties for over-optimizing. These writers can easily be paid from the new profits you will earn from their work (while still earning you money, of course).

What to Consider When Hiring Writers

  • You shouldn’t just go out and hire any old writer. In order to achieve a quality flow of content, you need to look for someone who is adequately qualified. This seems like it should go without saying, but it is extremely important. Writers must not only be creative and able to write, they must also be diligent and professional.
  • Along with this, they must be able to understand the content they are writing about. If they are not already thoroughly versed in the subject matter, then they must also prove themselves to be an effective researcher.
  • Lastly, you also must have a clear strategy for what you want them to accomplish and an organized system for their writing. Any writer can write pages upon pages of pointless information, but, a good writer, when given clear instruction, can write concise entries that will really benefit your online marketing efforts.

Putting your business’ blog on the back burner because you have too much on your plate already is a huge mistake. You are simply allowing your competition to take the prime spots on search result lists as you slip into obscurity. This is why the decision to hire writers is a critical one that can boost your efforts in gaining new clients and building your brand online. Writing is an important part of business…don’t neglect it!



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Thursday 30 August 2018

5 Business Apps That Will Enhance Your Workday

Business Apps and Why They’re Useful

As technology continually increases in importance, business men and women are finding that keeping up with trends and knowing how to use efficient and helpful tools are vital parts of running a successful business. Business apps are helping make this possible. There are so many available applications that could be used for business and the ones you may choose to utilize will depend on your specific needs and goals. Below, we have taken a moment to briefly describe five business apps that we at Farotech believe to be extremely useful.

fiveFive of Our Favorite Apps for Business

1. Adobe Edge Inspect

Adobe Edge Inspect is an extremely useful business app for those people involved in web development (as we here at Farotech are)! The app allows users to preview work on a variety of devices and change HTML and CSS. The app can be tried for free when you sign up for a free trial of Adobe’s Creative Cloud.

2. Square

Square has proven to be a wonderful addition to the world of business applications that can truly change the way people buy and sell. Square software can be run on Apple and Android devices and allows users to swipe credit cards and accept payment using their phones and tablets. This allows for on the go selling. The app can even text message a receipt to a buyer’s phone. Obtaining a free card reader can be done during frequent Square promotions.

3. Wunderlist

Wunderlist is a wonderful tool for all kinds of people. While it is definitely useful for business owners and employees it is also great for personal use. The app allows for easy organization of to do lists, reminders, events, and notes. Sharing grocery lists with your spouse or setting up a reminder for the entire family is simple; the information recorded on Wunderlist is all stored in the cloud and transferred across devices.

4. Glassboardapps

Glassboard is a social networking type app that can make sharing amongst business team  members more seamless. Team members can post photos, share links and files, have discussions, and post locations on their boards. The boards provide a private space for business teams to connect.

5. LogMeIn

LogMeIn provides a way for users to access their home and office computers via their smartphones. This business app is great for those moments when you realize you forgot something or need to reference a document you have only saved on your desktop. The $30 cost for the app is well worth it for business people who would greatly benefit from being able to connect to important information no matter where they find themselves.


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5 Dental Marketing Ideas That Don’t Break The Bank

Farotech helps you reach more patients on a budget with these five low-cost, high-impact marketing ideas.

Like many dental practices today, you are probably looking for ways to expand your practice and reach more patients. Of course, this may seem like a challenge on a limited budget.  So many dental marketing ideas available today seem to be expensive investments with a limited return. However, at Farotech, we don’t think that you need to break the bank to see results.  So, we’ve compiled a list of five of our favorite, low-cost high-impact dental marketing ideas.

dental marketing ideas1. Foster A Warm Environment.  One of the number one things that patients look for as they search for the right dentist is a warm, friendly environment.  Because a visit to the dentist is often nerve-wracking for individuals, creating friendly relationships and a relaxing environment can go a long way.  Not only does this become obvious to new patients looking for a practice, but it also builds a stronger connection with your current patients, making them more likely to recommend you to friends and family.

2. Ask For Referrals. Of course, even if you have the friendliest doctors and staff in the world, you still need to ask for referrals.  Your patients would probably be delighted to put in a good word about your practice, but may not think of it right away or even know the best medium to use.  Talk with your current patients and ask them if they would be willing to write a review or refer their friends.

3. Check Out Your Reviews.  You may have reviews of your practice already out there on the world wide web… and it is important that you know what people are saying!  Search for reviews of your practice and see what patients are saying.  If reviews are positive, that’s awesome!  Log in and thank patients for their feedback.  If you find negative reviews, think about what you can do to address the problems and then let that reviewer know what you are doing to respond to their concern.

4. Stay in Touch.  This idea really goes back to the concept of a warm environment. You can continue to foster the relationship you have with your patients with positive communication outside the office.  If the only thing they ever hear from you is an appointment confirmation, you may come across as cold and clinical. Think about sending out a birthday card or email to regular patients, and following up with a phone call after visits to make sure they’re still feeling alright.

5. Localize Your Online Strategy. Finally, to keep up with the modern market, you are probably already doing some online marketing.  Make sure you’re getting the most for your money by localizing your strategy and focusing on geographical keywords that will directly connect you to potential patients in your area.

What do you think about these dental marketing ideas? Let us know what you think, or about other strategies that you have tried, in the questions and comments section below.

Dental Marketing Ideas | Dental Marketing Idea

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Wednesday 29 August 2018

Try These Helpful Internet Marketing Tips for Physical Therapists

As a physical therapist, you may often find it difficult to attract new patients to your practice. You have several years of experience, your location is convenient, and you may even have an eye catching, professionally designed website, but it is still a challenge to get the attention of potential physical therapy patients. If you are doing everything else right, it may be time for you to consider a few internet marketing tips for physical therapists.

More and more people are using their web browsers as a primary method of searching for information these days, including information to help them make important decisions about their health. Whereas people used to consult their neighbors, friends, and family for recommendations on doctors and therapy practices, now they might consult Google to weigh their local options. If you implement a few simple internet marketing ideas for physical therapists, you will be prepared for these potential clients to arrive at your website and make the important decision to visit your practice.

Internet Marketing Tips for Physical Therapists: The Key Ingredientsinternet marketing tips for physical therapists

The world of marketing on the internet is relatively still in its infancy. There is no universal formula that works for every website or any type of company; however, there are some very basic but significant trends that marketing agencies have discovered about the world wide web as a powerful tool for businesses. At Farotech, we have several years of experience with the most effective online marketing methods, and we have helped companies in a variety of industries to develop successful strategies.

Here are just a few of the basics you will need to boost your practice’s online presence:

  • The Right Approach to SEO
    When someone looks for a physical therapist through their search engine, they type in a series of very specific search keywords. Google, for example, uses certain algorithms that determine where your website will be ranked in the search results – that is, if you meet this set of criteria, your page will appear near the top of page one. This is the goal of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), and a strategic SEO campaign will put you among the first and few websites that your potential patients visit.
  • Speaking to Your Buyer Persona
    As you figure out which keywords to use for SEO, you will be taking into consideration the type of client you are trying to attract to your practice. The typical characteristics you come up with comprise what we in the marketing world call the “buyer persona.” If you make an effort to think like this persona, you will stand a better chance of effectively communicating with them as you blog, use social media, and update your website.
  • Be Informative But Accessible
    Whether you are adding text or visual content to your website, you have to demonstrate your expertise and educate your potential patients, but you have to do it in a way that expresses a fun and compassionate personality. One way to do this is to include a few short and informative videos about your practice. This is an opportunity to show off your experience, but also to showcase your location and some of your satisfied patients.
  • Blog Often
    As one of the basic internet marketing tips for physical therapy practices, maintaining a blog on your website is a great way for you to demonstrate that you are committed to learning and implementing developments in your field. More importantly, it can be a way to engage your current and future patients by creating a forum for discussion.

Considering the value of online marketing for your practice, you may already realize the advantage of hiring a professional internet marketing company. Farotech is a Philadelphia-based company with proven experience to boost your search engine rankings and help you present a professional image to your online visitors.

Contact Farotech today to take advantage of our successful strategies, and find out how our internet marketing tips for physical therapists can be put to work for your practice.

The post Try These Helpful Internet Marketing Tips for Physical Therapists appeared first on Farotech.


Want ideas to get more clients?

Want Ideas to Get More Clients?

If you’re a business trying to boost your marketing presence, there are many simple things that you can do that don’t take too much time or money, depending on how far you want to go with your efforts. Ideas to get more clients can be as varied as networking around the community, to hiring a consultant to work up your website. Farotech provides SEO services to companies across many sectors, with positive reviews for increased website hits. We are dedicated not only to improving your marketing but also educating you to empower yourself for greater success. Here are a few of our ideas to get more clients:

  1. Focus on the local community. Where you are located is central to who you are. If you have multiple locations, great. You have many more opportunities to network. Depending on the type of business you are, it may be worth putting up flyers in community centers such as the public library, where this is often allowed. You can also disseminate your business cards, or talk to other service providers who link well with the type of services you are providing. They could refer their patients/clients/customers to you when their services have reached the limit of their scope.ideas to get more clients
  2. Develop SEO presence. SEO, standing for Search Engine Optimization, is vitally important in every marketing strategy. You want people to find your website when they type in keywords pertaining to your type of business. If SEO is not your forte or specialty, consider contracting with us, as this is our foremost area of expertise. We’ll make it worth your while!
  3. Personalize. Make it fun! Everyone wants to know their service provider a little better. You can do little things, like add bios of your staff on the website, pictures of your staff or practice, or even insert a GoogleMaps locater to help people find you easier. Adding a blog section to your website is another way to attract people to your business.

Looking for even more ideas to get more clients? Call Farotech today to get a free consultation on how to attract the clients to you!

The post Want ideas to get more clients? appeared first on Farotech.


Tuesday 28 August 2018

What it Takes to Go Viral

What it takes to Go Viral

What does it take for your website to go viral?  We’ve all heard about news items that trend over and over again, or the image that you can’t seem to get off your news feed because everyone’s talking about it. How do you generate a buzz that leads to this kind of excitement about your company?

There’s no exact formula for how to go viral, but here are a few ways we go about it at Farotech:

Developing Creative Content.go viral

Sometimes a catchy phrase, tune, or image is all you need to get out there and be noticed. You’re up against a world of other ideas within marketing so what’s important is that you stay true to who you are. The point is not to be as exciting as you can be, even if that’s important. What you should focus on is bringing yourself to the table as genuinely as possible. People detect that genuineness and respond to it. No one wants to be gimmicked–but they DO want to know who you are as a company and why that should matter to them.

Go Viral with Something New

Going viral generally means that something new is happening. People are curious and always looking for new things to talk about or read. Don’t stay with the old, give them something that they haven’t heard or seen before! Sometimes this just means thinking about something old in a slightly different way. Can you take a well-known image and change it slightly so that it strikes people? These are the ways you can think to freshen up content.

Focus on Excellence

Always put your best foot forward and don’t doubt that you will reap the rewards for doing so. If you feel discouraged, just remember that it almost always takes many tries before success is won. This is a normal part of any experience that seeks to do something new and innovative. So focus on excellence! When you concern yourself primarily with high quality, people will be drawn to that and keep coming back to you. Keeping a commitment to excellence and hard work is what will distinguish your company from the others in the industry.

Farotech can help you on your journey. Please contact us at for a free consultation on how to bring your website from good to excellent.

The post What it Takes to Go Viral appeared first on Farotech.


The Do’s and Dont’s of Effective Lead Nurturing

Simply having a long list of leads does not guarantee that you will have new business flooding in…first you have to convert. Through the various stages of the sales cycle, it is now more important than ever that companies nurture their leads in an effective way. There is lots of competition out there and you have to make your business stand out and really work to develop meaningful, personal connections with your prospects. Why are some companies successful in their lead nurturing efforts and why do others fail? Keep reading to find out the difference between the two groups.

lead_nurturingEffective Lead Nurturing Is…

  • Targeted- Nurturing leads can be compared to the process of nurturing a child in some senses. A child’s needs change as it grows and therefore the means of caring for that child also change. The same is true for lead nurturing. The way you treat a lead depends on how ready they are to buy from you. By segmenting your list of leads into various groups based upon their readiness, you can then target each one more effectively and bring them closer to a readiness to purchase.
  • Focused- Not everyone is ready for all the possible information you can throw at them. An ad campaign aimed at dedicated clients is either going to confuse or turn away newer leads, so be careful what you send to who. Focus your messages to address specific audiences and you’ll find that your lead nurturing will become much more relevant and effective.
  • Strategic- Timing is everything when it comes to contacting leads. You need to ensure that you contact them before your competitors do, so don’t wait too long for that first touch. Over time, you’ll need to regularly keep yourself in their minds, but at the same time you do not want to pester them. Remind them you are there and available to answer any questions or provide information, but be respectful. That means NO 5-emails-per-week kind of campaigns!


effective_lead_nurturingIneffective Lead Nurturing Is…

  • Insistent- Sending emails to your leads every single day is going to drive them away. Not only is the practice simply annoying to your leads, the content of each of those messages is only going to go down in quality and relevancy as time goes on. You only have so much you can say to your leads and eventually you would just be filling space, which is never a good idea. Effective lead nurturing is about keeping your value proposition clear and be strategic about when you send messages.
  • Undiscerning- As mentioned early, your leads are all in various stages throughout the sales cycle. If you just send the same email to every lead in your database, what are you communicating to your prospects?… Simply that they are a name on a list or just a number on a spreadsheet. You destroy any connection you might have had with them and any hope of developing a meaningful relationship with them when you choose to treat everyone the same.

You need to show your leads that they are more than just a name on a list.

Show them that they matter to you on a personal level. This is truly to overarching key to how effective lead nurturing is achieved. For details on setting up segmented list, developing workflows, automating campaigns and an integrating an email marketing strategy, call Farotech today and talk with us about how our advanced software can make these processes simple and seamless for your business!

The post The Do’s and Dont’s of Effective Lead Nurturing appeared first on Farotech.


Monday 27 August 2018

Successful Marketing in Just a Few Hours

Developing a successful marketing campaign is much more difficult than it sounds. Not only is there countless data to go through and interpret, but your content and execution may face or even pose its own challenges, as well. However, there are a few tips and tricks which you would do well to study in order to develop a successful marketing campaign in just a few hours.

From general experience, one of the simplest ways to build up a successful marketing campaign is first to eradicate the campaign’s flaws. Illuminating “Ten Common Marketing Mistakes,” Steve McKee of Bloomberg Businessweek provides some helpful insights into this subject.

Ten Successful Marketing Tips successful marketing

  1. Determine your target market, and stop trying to market to everyone. Narrowing your market will increase your brand’s appeal, pique interest, and drive margins.
  2. In the mind of your consumers, emotions often trump logic when making most purchasing decisions. Try to connect with your prospects, not convince them.
  3. Marketing research data is not always accurate. Be sure to use your marketing research as a valuable tool, be able to recognize the fact that it only sometimes reflects the real world.
  4. New options and outlets will sprout up constantly, but stick to what you know. Let somebody else change their tactics to try something else before you take that risk, too.
  5. Announcing your aspirations to be number one can easily be to your disservice and invite consumers to criticize your performance. Use these high aspirations instead to build employee morale, and try to achieve them in a manner realistic to your outfit.
  6. If you think you can beat out a leader in your market, consider reigning in your ego a bit. Challenging a heavyweight in your industry can easily knock you out of the competition. Differentiating, however, may be a safe way for you to build your market.
  7. The smaller your marketing committee, the better. It may be in your interest to put into action a line of failing and successful marketing strategies, rather than make no marketing decisions at all.
  8. There is a positive correlation between the amount of money spent on marketing and the success of the marketing campaign, so plan to invest in marketing if you want your business to grow.
  9. Keep your marketing messages consistent, in order to build rapport with and gain the trust of potential consumers.
  10. Finally, don’t succumb to stage fright. Sure, you may have to learn how to achieve marketing success through trial and error, but these are just minor steps along the way.

With just a few hours and these helpful tips, hopefully you can change your marketing plan to create more future business success. For more marketing help, get your free marketing assessment, or contact Farotech today.

The post Successful Marketing in Just a Few Hours appeared first on Farotech.


Social Media Tools for Businesses: Finding Connections on LinkedIn & Twitter

Attract VALUABLE customers for your Company using Social Media Tools for Businesses!

Last week I wrote a blog about attracting the right customers/followers for your business using Facebook/Google+ – this week I am excited to cover the next two social media platforms, Twitter and LinkedIn.

There is no denying the benefits of extensive social media reach; consider even, the value of just one single social network, then multiply that by using several of the major players, including LinkedIn and Twitter. If you’ve been looking for some advice on social media tools for businesses, you’ve come to the right place. Today we’re going to answer the question:

What strategies can be used to attract the RIGHT customers to your business using social media?

Social reach (both the quality of your connections and the sheer quantity), can be the single most important driver in building a strong inbound marketing campaign. But how do you attract the right followers for your company using Twitter and LinkedIn?


Getting your keywords right from the onset will make it easier to reach the most efficient/effective prospects! After creating valuable content around those keywords, navigating through the multitude of social networks can be terrifying and time consuming. Dedicate someone on your team to handle this process or consider hiring an inbound marketing company to handle your content creation and social media promotion for you. At Farotech, we use social network platforms for our own blog syndication approx 5-7 times per week. We also service our clients with this same consistent approach.

social_media_tools_for_business1PROSPECT THE RIGHT WAY: LinkedIn

Most individuals will use the “people” search in LinkedIn for job titles, but this will often include a very large pool – instead, try using keywords you’ve identified to help find a more narrow group of prospective clients even quicker. Use subgroups or limit your search pool; generally, this will include a more specific search which may target more specific customers.

On the LinkedIn social platform, the users can also take advantage of “LinkedIn Groups” and “LinkedIn Answers,” which both provide great opportunities to find the right connections. My suggestion: start out by searching for and joining groups that are relevant to your business and connect with group contributors. Connect with people who are talking about subjects or content that you can relate to more simply – you are less likely to connect with someone when you’ve never spoken or interacted with someone. Make the connection familiar or post answers to the individual you are trying to connect with! Sounds simple, right?

On the LinkedIn network, you can also connect using what is called “Skills and Expertise.” This enables you to search for companies based on skills and interest that are specific to the subject matter. You will simply search LinkedIn “Skills and Expertise” to find groups, companies and individuals associated with those fields.


Compared to other social networks, its considered much easier to connect or follow individuals on Twitter, especially social_media_tools_for_business2when you’re talking about specific subjects. You can start by simply find companies/individuals by looking at Twitter’s “recommended list of who to follow.” Remember to balance these “top tweeters” with more targeted tweeters who match your interests, despite their audience size.

Especially be aware of auto-followers (third party applications that promise to rapidly scale up your followers by “auto-following”). This type of automation is not a productive practice. Also, Twitter actively discourages this practice and will remove you from search results when you use these apps.

Review the lists of individuals who follow big influencers in your industry. Simply search Twitter for mentions of your keywords and find individuals who discuss these topics frequently. Look for meaningful subject matter, not necessarily for the volume of tweets.


In review, engaging the social media world can create a meaningful connection for your company. It can increase visitors, leads and sales. It is simple to become a enthusiastic brand advocate for your company online; just remember to spread your social media reach and activity evenly through your work week. Most companies will hire, train and develop a social media expert for this subject specifically! However, as we mentioned, you may find it more practical to hire a qualified marketing agency like Farotech to handle your social media campaigns for you.

The post Social Media Tools for Businesses: Finding Connections on LinkedIn & Twitter appeared first on Farotech.


Sunday 26 August 2018

How To Make Money Online Marketing

If you’re a business owner ready to dive into the world of online marketing or you’ve been interested in internet marketing there are a few pointers that are useful for anyone trying to make money online marketing.

  1. Make Money Online MarketingWebsite Design Your website is the key to bringing business your direction. Your end goal is to make money through online marketing, but your website is where the magic happens. If you already have a website it might be time to do some virtual spring cleaning.  Consider changing the layout of your website, and begin to focus your time on the content of your site.
  2. Content If your website is where the magic happens then consider your content the gift that keeps on giving. Content is what brings customers to you, and then brings them back for more. You want to first decide who your customer base is and let your content reflect that. Then you want to make it clear what your business provides in a language your target audience understands.  Your next step in content strategy is your SEO’s and blogging.
  3. SEO’s and Blogs The SEO’s or Search Engine Optimization is what brings traffic to your site through search results on search engines. Blogging is giving your audience a glimpse into the more personal side of your business. Your blogs should come across as relatable to your target audience with a conversational tone to it. This is where you can separate yourself from others in your line of business, and set yourself up as an industry expert.
  4. Social Media Now that you know who your target audience is it can help you determine what social media outlets to utilize when you want to make money online marketing. Are the people you’re marketing to Facebook users or Instagramers? Do they frequent Linkedin or is Pinterest more their speed?  Social media lets you reach out to people in your area and around the world. Reaching out to your customers via social media creates a connection that makes them feel like you care.

Contact the experts at Farotech today at 267.387.6620, and let them show you the ropes to successful online marketing.

Make Money Online Marketing | Online Marketing Make Money

The post How To Make Money Online Marketing appeared first on Farotech.


The Power of Marketing Automation

How your business can make the most out of marketing automation software!

Did you know…

According to a 2014 Aberdeen Group study, Best-In-Class companies are 67% more likely to use a marketing automation platform.

Marketing-AutomationHowever, despite the success of many companies, many businesses are still missing the mark when it comes to marketing automation.

While marketing automation platforms can bring incredible growth to businesses, they can also be a fruitless endeavor if not utilized properly.

At Farotech, we believe knowing the facts about marketing techniques is important to using these tools to your complete advantage, especially when it comes to “How To Marketing Automation.” But before we dive into effective ways of incorporating marketing automation, let’s first define what marketing automation is.

What is Marketing Automation?

Marketing automation, at its core, is about prioritizing and executing the marketing process for a business using an automated system. It was developed to help marketers have an easy way to connect with more people and create and sustain more customers. Using less time and money, a marketing automation program distributes information to an audience on an automatic schedule in order to reach more individuals with personalized content that will bring more traffic to a website or business.

In everyday use, marketing automation most often comes in the form of social media content, emails and blogs that are automatically tailored and delivered to a specific audience. They can be particularly effective in moving potential clients towards becoming returning customers. Through providing the right information at each stage of their decision making, you increase the likelihood that they will further pursue your services or product. But instead of painstakingly contacting every individual during this process, a marketing automation program will do this for you, distributing this content to both new and ongoing customers.

Imagine being able to increase the success of your business, just by starting a marketing automation plan that lets you kick back and relax while customers keep coming back! Does it sound too good to be true?

In a way, it is. Though more and more businesses are finding success through utilizing marketing automation tools, these tools must be used correctly in order to profit from their opportunities. And using these tools correctly takes a lot of work.

Know the Facts: How To Marketing Automation

Marketing automation fails when businesses forget the basics of marketing, believing that an automated system will take care of all business nuances. However, we are here to remind you of important marketing tips that are necessary to make your marketing automation plan successful! Here are the three steps in our How To Marketing Automation Guide:

Step #1: Know Your Plan

From day one, know your business’ intent in using marketing automation, have a plan for how it will affect your business, and revisit this plan often. Marketing automation is something that must be continually revisited and revised to ensure that is it meeting the needs of your company and clients.

Step #2: Know Your Audience

Having automated content should in no way disconnect you from your clients. It is imperative for the success of your marketing automation that you actually become more attuned to what your clients want, and then tailor your marketing automation to their needs.

Step #3: Know Your Competition

Keep on eye on changes in the marketing world, and understand how you can more effectively be using your marketing automation. Stay ahead of the game by introducing new and exciting methods, rather than allowing automation to get you stuck in a rut.

How Farotech Can Help

At Farotech, we can help you navigate the world of marketing automation so that your business can become more effective. We can help you find marketing automation for small business and large business plans, provide a marketing automation comparison, and more!

We can’t wait to work with you towards developing a successful “how to marketing automation” plan. Contact us today!

How To Marketing Automation | Marketing Automation How To

The post The Power of Marketing Automation appeared first on Farotech.


Saturday 25 August 2018

Transforming Your Marketing in 4 Steps – Writing Effective E-Newsletters

You’ve curated compelling content; now, perfect the way you deliver that content to your buyers.

effective e-newslettersCreating, distributing, and utilizing compelling content is no doubt the cornerstone of a successful marketing campaign. Although, as compelling as your content may be, it probably won’t be able to fully serve its purpose if you don’t have a plan for boosting your company’s visibility and generating new leads.

In other words, what good are your company’s services if you don’t tell people about them?

To solve this, we turn our attention to email marketing, and what it means to write effective e-newsletters.

Introducing Effective E-Newsletters and Email Marketing

Email marketing and email newsletters probably aren’t new concepts for anyone crafting a marketing campaign, though they are often overlooked as useful platforms. Amidst the chaos of spamming, keyword-stuffing, and even simply irrelevant marketing emails that all fall within the category of “black hat” marketing, it’s no wonder so many people aren’t fans of email for marketing.

The truth is, there are great ways to craft effective e-newsletters that customers will love, and the results could completely transform your marketing! Here at Farotech, we know the value of utilizing email marketing, and utilizing it well, so let’s take a closer look at what effective e-newsletters look like.

Emails, E-Newsletters, and the Customer-Focused Approach

The customer-focused approach: we really can’t put it more simply. The reason so many people are turned off by email marketing is the all-too-common tendency to make your emails all about what your company does, instead of attempting to make a connection with the reader.

To be more specific, unattractive emails tend to involve assuming that email marketing is only a platform on which to talk about your company. Such emails have no innate way of connecting with the reader, of giving your customers something to care about.

On the flipside, when you think back to the basics of effective marketing strategies, something should stand out: the buyer persona. Buyer personas give you a couple huge advantages when you fully make use of them in your marketing strategy:

  1. You have a foolproof way of knowing how to connect with your buyers, and
  2. You have the demographical data necessary to employ market segmentation to your marketing strategy.

Here, we find two things that emails and effective e-newsletters are amazing at accomplishing. First, as we reiterated earlier, compelling content drives your marketing, so there’s no reason not to include it in your emails as well. Emails and e-newsletters are the perfect platforms to educate your buyers and teach them something about your industry, rather than just tell them what your company is up to.

Secondly, e-newsletters are incredibly personalizable, meaning you can control the aesthetics, the tone, the content, the format, and even control who gets which emails. This last part is huge: segmenting your emails into various demographics will save you from sending irrelevant emails to people within your buyer base.

Understanding What Works

When it comes down to it, the most successful newsletters will do 3 things. They will:

  1. Appeal to the reader on an aesthetic, tonal, and content basis
  2. Educate the reader, while effectively giving them a reason to care about your company
  3. Empower the reader to trust your company as the logical follow-up to your email’s message

There is power in email marketing, and as a business owner in charge of your marketing campaign’s destiny, you should take full advantage of it!

Farotech is happy to provide more detailed and personal aid for your email marketing; don’t hesitate to contact us today for more information.

The post Transforming Your Marketing in 4 Steps – Writing Effective E-Newsletters appeared first on Farotech.


Dissecting the Perfect Facebook Post #Monday Morning Brain Dysfunction

Well, I’m excited to be back with you for another edition of #MondayMorningBrainDisfunction – the blog series from me to you – just one marketer to the next. You might be thinking this is just a creative way to have a big pity party where we can all share in our misery over having to turn our brains back on now that the weekend is over. And you would be right.

However, this blog is meant to offer a little bit more than just a safe place for your dysfunctional brain (and mine). It is actually a solution to the Monday morning syndrome that we all face – it’s a practical way for us all to get focused and get to work each Monday morning by looking at one, simple, but important aspect of a quality marketing campaign. Last week, we talked about facebook postthe simple power of visual marketing and how to put that to work for your business with a few simple steps.

This week, let’s talk Facebook!

Hopefully, you’re already using Facebook for your business. If not, that would obviously be the first step. I won’t go as far as saying that every business has to be on Facebook. Even the experts agree that each company must assess their buyer personas and analyze their prospective audience’s behavior in order to determine which social networks will yield the best results for them specifically. In other words, if your potential customers are not on Facebook, then you are probably wasting your time on that network (there may be other social networks that would align more with your brand or would better capture warm leads for you – if it’s not Facebook, try LinkedIn, Twitter or Google+).

With that being said, there are over 1 billion people worldwide that use Facebook regularly, so there is a pretty good chance that someone you want to reach is online browsing Facebook today, just waiting for you to post something about your products and services that could help meet a need that they have. Take advantage of this opportunity! Get your business set up with a company FB page and get started.

Today’s SIMPLE, but powerful lesson is on how to build a great Facebook post.

1. Gather the Raw Material

The first step is obvious, but let’s face it, not always the simplest. First, you have to have something worth posting. We will talk more about what kinds of things to post in next week’s Monday blog, so stay tuned. For today’s purposes, let’s assume you want to promote one of your own blogs in a Facebook post.

facebook_posting2. Write Engaging Copy

Look, no one wants to see just a plain old link pop up in their newsfeed. Let me clue you into the conversation that will go on inside the mind of your viewer: “What the heck is that? Is it an article? If so, what’s it about? Do I really want to waste my time clicking on this to find out what it is? No.” And then you’re done. Your effort to write that article and go post it on FB is all for naught…just because you didn’t take the time to write a short, keyword-rich bit of content for your post.

3. Include an Image

This is a sure way to grab the attention of casual FB timeline browsers. Think about it. When you are in line at the grocery store, quickly scanning the last 5 hours of newsfeed updates on your iPhone, which are the posts that actually get your attention? The ones with images, of course. After all, didn’t we learn last week that we are visual learners?

4. Encourage Engagement

Actually facilitating meaningful, authentic engagement first requires a friend-building strategy, which will have to be a lesson for another article. But let’s just start where you are for now. Maybe you don’t have a ton of people liking your company page yet. Well, do you have a few team members who might be willing to get the process started by personally liking, commenting or sharing your post? If even 2 or 3 employees start the engagement process, the chances of your post being seen by a wider network (their friends) rises and more authentic engagement will flow out of those efforts. The main goal here is that you never let a good Facebook post sit by itself – all alone – unnoticed. Don’t let that newsfeed pass it by! Keep it in front of the eyes of your potential customers for a longer period of time by building a conversation around it.



The post Dissecting the Perfect Facebook Post #Monday Morning Brain Dysfunction appeared first on Farotech.


Friday 24 August 2018

A Must-Read Article on from Neil Patel on Content Marketing Basics

As an SEO company, we are always on the lookout for new content marketing tips and practices to share with our community. But before you do anything fancy, you must have a firm grasp on the basics of content marketing. Neil Patel shares 30 content marketing tips in his recent article on


Patel is an expert in his field and has helped big companies like HP and Amazon increase their revenue through online marketing techniques. According to the Wall Street Journal, Patel is one of the top influencers online. This is a must-read article for anyone who is considering content marketing. We will offer a brief review of his article and then will share which of his tips have most impacted the way we do things here at Farotech.

Content Marketing: The New SEO

According to Patel, content marketing is really the new SEO. But, he says that “creating a content marketing strategy isn’t as easy as it may seem.” Ranking well on Google takes time, expertise, and well-written content. Articles cannot rank themselves. You have to follow the advice of experts like Patel in order to be successful at content marketing. Before beginning your own content marketing campaign, Patel offers some basic tips to consider before you get started.

Though all 30 of Patel’s tips are important and useful, we found five of them especially helpful for our everyday use and practice.

Here are our top 5 take aways from Patel’s article on content marketing:

Content Promotion
Patel reminds us that no matter how brilliant your content is, no one will ever appreciate it if you never promote it. He recommends spending just as much time promoting your content as researching, writing, and editing it. It’s called “content marketing” for a reason. You have to step out and market your content and your product in order for the larger online community to find out about you and what you have to offer.

“If you are going to start it, you have to continually do it even if you are tired and want to stop.” – Neil Patel

“Great Content is King”
The quality of online content has become more important than ever. Patel recommends producing good content over 2000 words to rank high on Google. But more than article length, the quality of content is important. Mediocre content will not rank well on Google no matter how long it ends up being. Your content also represents your business or company and you should always seek to paint yourself in the best light (of course, this is the entire point of marketing). Patel says you can utilize different types of content including videos, images, comics, or even infographics to get your point across. When typing up your content, it is okay to write casually and conversationally. Write content that you could enjoy reading. What Patel warns against is duplicate content. He says avoid regurgitating content; it’s the worst thing you could do for content marketing. Make sure your content is original and fresh.

Just like anything else in life, content marketing results come with consistency. This is not a process which you can start and stop as you like. Content marketing is always important and your efforts in this area can’t go on vacation! Content marketing offers the best results long-term, so it is worth keeping up with. Settle in for the long run, produce quality content consistently, and Patel says that after about one year you will see solid results. He cautions the beginner with the followincontent_marketingg quote, “If you are going to start it, you have to continually do it even if you are tired and want to stop.” Patel offers statistics on why lacking consistency will cause your online traffic to drop significantly. To keep yourself on track, Patel suggests creating a content calendar, which will enable you to keep track of your efforts in an organized manner.

Social Media Utilization
In many ways, social media is taking the content marketing community by storm. With Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and other social medium platform usage at an all-time high, now is the perfect time to utilize social media. Social media is “the easiest way to drive traffic.” Patel favors Facebook and Twitter for the best results. You can also use a social traffic tracking devices to figure out which content is doing well on which sites. Then you can target your content for specific social media sites for even better results.

Long Term Technique and Results
Along with all of these tips, common sense points to the fact that long-term effort will pay off. Patel states that “short term tactics…won’t be too effective in the long haul.” Instead of taking shortcuts or attempting to outsmart Google’s ranking system, focus your energy and attention on the tips listed above. Long-term techniques will always provide desired results in the long run. To Patel, the best long-term strategy is content marketing itself. He suggests that valuable content and good writing will always benefit your customers, regardless of what changes Google or Bing may make along the way.



The post A Must-Read Article on from Neil Patel on Content Marketing Basics appeared first on Farotech.


What to Look For In a Logo Design Company

How a company portrays itself to the world can have a massive effect on its success in today’s competitive world of business. The opinions of the people about a company as a whole quickly become enveloped within a single image – the company’s logo. This symbol becomes the company in the eyes of the populace and in and of itself, it can cast a negative or positive light on the company that will drastically affect potential consumers’ opinions. For this reason, companies should be able to completely trust the logo design company that they hire to come up with their branding – and what will essentially become their identity.

logo design companyA dependable logo design company will be able to…

1. Do research on their clients-

In order for a logo to symbolize a company, it must be based upon the company itself. Designing logos is not about coming up with the flashiest or most intricate image, but about creating something that can truly symbolize what the company itself represents and stands for. In order for this to be achieved, the designer must know the ins and outs of the business and have a good understanding of who the company’s target clientele would be. A logo design company should take some time to learn how the business wishes to be portrayed.

2. Conceptualize information-

Simply understanding a company is not enough, however, to come up with an adequate logo. The designer also be able to take the information given to them and conceptualize the principles behind that information in order to create a single image that will not only be attractive, but also recognizable. A logo must represent the very essence of a company and do the job of loudly declaring it’s message to consumers. To achieve this, the logo design company must be skilled in analysis and understand the effects that colors, shapes, and moods can have on the a viewer’s perception and opinion.

3. Plan for the future-

Basing a logo strictly off of the company’s current circumstances can severely inhibit the business’ options for the future. A good logo, even for a small company, should be easily applicable to any media, whether that is online, billboards, shirts, television or countless other mediums. A growing company whose logo does not readily fit to any of these can be restricted in their expansion simply because of the lack of flexibility of their logo. The same principle applies for time. If a logo is based too strictly in one time period, it can become old, cliché, or irrelevant to the company’s clients and even drive them away in the future…into the hands of the company’s competitors.

The logo of a company can bring success or failure. For this reason, companies must be very careful in choosing who will create their identity. They must be able to acquire and assess information about their client as well as look past the client’s present circumstances and anticipate the future. Farotech can provide logo design services to its clients that will create timeless and creative logos that draw the eye and fully represent the intricacies of the client’s company. A logo can help determine the fate of a company, whether good or bad. This makes the logo designer directly involved in the future success of the company. Choose a logo design company like Farotech that is truly dependable.


The post What to Look For In a Logo Design Company appeared first on Farotech.


Thursday 23 August 2018

Don’t Start Blogging Online Until Your Content Has Street Cred

How to Take a Typical Topic and Make it Pop

start blogging onlineConcise and poignant blog name established: check. Relevant and cohesive domain name set: check. Host server and all technical issues a go: check. Amazingly well-researched, creative and calculated content list done: check?

Before you start blogging online for your business, having a game plan for content should be your top priority. Why? 1. There are about a million blogs sharing the same million topics. 2. There are probably close to a million businesses similar to your business sharing the same target audience. To gain a presence on the Web and in front of your audience, you have to have street cred, and that starts with a lineup of researched, creative and calculated content.

Start Blogging Online? But it’s All Been Done Before!

When it comes to blog content, it may feel like it’s all been done before — and that’s because it probably has. However, you have a different voice, perspective and the ability to be your own spin doctor. Before spinning, take a look at some common content categories used in business blogging:

  • Topical industry information
  • Social media strategies
  • Webinars, videos and other media
  • Personal highlights

Knowing the categories of business blogging is one thing, but how to translate value to your target audience is another. Remember, your reader wants or needs something. Your job is to find out what that is and make it stand apart from every other blog — what does your particular audience want to know about your business industry or social media. What videos do they want to watch or personal highlights do they want to know? Now, it’s time to spin.

How to Take a Typical Topic and Make it Pop

Blog Topic:  Spin:
Business Marketing Tips “10 Marketing Tools to Make the Competition Drool”
Social Media Success “Facebook Found me Friends and Financial Freedom”
How to Video How to Video (with a time-lapse business recipe)
How I Started my Business Have someone interview you

The first topic offers a catchy headline and content in the form of a list, both of which are ingredients for attracting readers. The second example hints at a two-part intrigue with the wordplay on Facebook ‘friends’ and how the business obtained more of them in addition to financial freedom.

In the third blog category, creativity comes into play by approaching how to make a “how to” that hasn’t been done a million times over. The latest craze in cooking/baking blogs is the addition of a time-lapse recipe, in which viewers observe a recipe being made in front of their eyes from start to finish. Why not carry this technique over into a business “how to?”

Writing about something you’re close to — yourself and/or your business — can be difficult. Having someone interview you will help evoke more authenticity, a natural voice and the interviewer may ask you a thought-provoking question you wouldn’t have thought of.

10 Tips to Content Success

In addition to spinning, there are a few other tricks to try when formulating a content plan. Before you start blogging online, consider these 10 blog-post tools:

  • Get in, get out. Long blog posts are OK if you have something to say, if you can say it better in 500 words than 1,500, do it
  • Engage your audience with a poll
  • Don’t use flowery or watered-down language
  • Do use your words carefully and appropriate to your audience
  • Include images, infographics and visuals
  • Honor your audience by featuring them in a blog post
  • Don’t inundate readers with sales messages and slogans (effective and consistently researched content will generate sales organically)
  • Offer a call to action at the close of every post — join our email list, social media pages, etc.
  • Invite guest bloggers to contribute because their followers may become yours
  • Read up on search engine optimization (SEO) and apply it to your content

Start Blogging Online … NOW!

Time is of the essence. You have the beginnings of solid street cred simply by reading this researched, creative and calculated blog post.

Remember, too, that outsourcing content is always an option if you lack the time or resources to do so yourself. The professionals at Farotech would love to help! Contact us now to see how we can boost your blog content and business traffic.

The post Don’t Start Blogging Online Until Your Content Has Street Cred appeared first on Farotech.


Three essential business branding lessons from nonprofits

I recently attended a conference for a nonprofit organization, and the theme for the weekend was telling our stories.  What did this collaborative mean to us?  What should it mean to our audience, to our world?  Through the sharing of our stories, we added meaning, promise, and personality to the established logo and tag line. We were building our brand.  I walked away from the weekend with not only a clearer picture of what it means to be a part of that particular organization, but also the discovery that business branding can learn a lot from nonprofits like this one.  The emphases placed on identity, alignment, and relationships in nonprofits worldwide can expand your business’s brand in powerful new ways.


The same questions we asked at the conference can help you develop your corporate identity, the starting point of all business branding.  What does the company mean to you?  As you answer this question, you begin to isolate what it is that makes your business unique.

Of course, if you’re anything like we were at the conference, these answers might start out as heartwarming or inspiring stories which, though informative, are difficult to remember, never mind put on a webpage banner.  You need to find a way to convey your corporate identity in a bold, concise way that has all the power of those stories with none of the distraction.  The brand you develop becomes a compelling representation that is easily summarized, shared, and shows clients new and old what it means to be a part of your branding


Just like your business, a nonprofit is made up of a lot working parts. You know exactly how they all fit together, ultimately working towards your company’s mission, but is your whole team on the same page?  How would employees throughout your company describe your mission or identity?  Bringing everyone into alignment is essential to good business branding.

When your team knows the promises you’ve made to customers and can take part in promoting your corporate identity in all aspects of the job, your brand is transformed into something three-dimensional.  Instead of just being a promise on the surface, your clients are reminded of your brand and what it means at every level of interaction.


Of course, business branding isn’t all about you.  The outward focus of many nonprofits is a great reminder to direct as much or more attention to that second question: what does your company mean to your clients, to their world?  Beyond just products and services, what are you offering your customers?  Focus on who your clients want to be—whether that is adventurous, healthy, or financially stable—and how your business will help them get there.  You don’t just offer a transaction, but a relationship that will help clients enter into the life they have imagined for themselves.  What can be more powerful than that?

With these three essential lessons as a starting place, your business, whether for profit or not, can make powerful changes in the marketplace.  For more information about how Farotech can help, contact us today for a free consultation!


The post Three essential business branding lessons from nonprofits appeared first on Farotech.


Wednesday 22 August 2018

Farotech Takes Team Building to the Next Level with a cityHUNT Adventure in Philly

IMAG0691There’s a couple of things you should know about Farotech. First of all, we’re a Philadelphia-based company and many of us are actually Philly area born and bred ourselves. We love this city. Check out our homepage and you’ll find a huge image of Rocky Balboa on our slider. Secondly, you should know that we’re a tight knit group. We’re co-workers, but we’re also friends. Some of us even serve on staff with the same local charity and others find time to meet up on Saturdays to workout together.

We know we have a good thing going and one of our priorities as a company is to continue to build on the camaraderie and momentum that teamwork provides. We’re always looking to grow and challenge ourselves – both individually and as a group. And because we’re busy and occasionally team members have to work remotely, we decided it was time for some quality, face-to-face fun. Sure, we appreciate Skype and go2mtg, but there’s just nothing that replaces the memories that are made when co-workers actually get a chance to just hang out and have a great time together.
So, we went in search of an opportunity that could provide that kind of experience for us. We thought about just planning a corporate lunch date somewhere in the city….boring. Someone threw out the idea of an office party…no thanks. Then we found cityHUNT. They’re a professional scavenger hunt and experiential marketing company that specializes in designing customized, city-based events for corporate teams. We could have a fun adventure, planned and organized for us, in the city that we love? Done deal!

The cityHUNT team worked with us to find out more about our corporate culture and to help us determine exactly what kind of event we wanted to have. We decided to take advantage of their Ultimate Adventure & Picture Safari package, which allowed us to participate in an incredible 3-hour, scavenger hunt in old Philly. Our group was split into smaller teams, which were hand selected so that people who have less daily interaction with one another could work together during the hunt. Our cityHUNT Adventure Guide was amazing! He helped us get organized, explained the objectives and made sure each team got the help they needed along the way.
During our hunt, we had to collect clues (sometimes by asking complete strangers, like the concierge at a particular hotel) take certain pictures and participate in unique challenges. Some of our highlights from our experience included:

  • Getting a clue via voicemail that actually incorporated a company inside joke (how did they know about that!?)
  • Having to build a structure that we could all fit inside of out of whatever objects we could find or borrow…talk about a challenge!
  • Asking the wrong hotel concierge to give us a clue for our scavenger hunt (needless to say, he looked at us like we were crazy)
  • Taking a picture with the only person we could find in the entire city wearing a Pittsburgh Pirates hat (and then giving him a hard time about it!)

The finale of our experience was also a blast. cityHUNT organized an entire multi-media wrap up party for us so that all of the smaller teams could get back together at the end into our larger group and talk, laugh and laugh some more about the various adventures we had that day! We watched a slideshow of some of the most hilarious photos we’ve ever seen of ourselves and just took some time to enjoy the whole experience. It truly was an adventure and a team building activity we’ll never forget!
Here’s what we had hoped to get out of a cityHUNT experience. We feel that this event was able to successfully provide us with all of the following:

  • An opportunity to enjoy each other and build relationships in a fun, interactive, unique setting
  • A challenging experience that would help us practice communication and problem-solving skills
  • An event that would allow co-workers who usually have less daily interaction with one another to participate in something together to form new, lasting relationships
  • A completely new and exciting experience that would facilitate memories and lead to a greater sense of company camaraderie

Thank you, cityHUNT for an amazing experience. We would highly recommend a cityHUNT event to any corporate teams looking to accomplish the goals listed above. You will not be disappointed!

The post Farotech Takes Team Building to the Next Level with a cityHUNT Adventure in Philly appeared first on Farotech.


7 Stunning Answers to the Question: What Can An Inbound Marketing Agency Do For My Company?

What have you heard about inbound marketing? This popular technique has been taking businesses of all shapes and sizes to the next level. Perhaps you have even tried to implement some elements of inbound marketing in your existing campaigns, and now you realize that it is time to step up your strategy. It is time to be asking: What can an inbound marketing agency do for my company?

When you bring this question to the marketing team at Farotech, you won’t get a simple, one-size-fits-all answer. Instead, you’ll get the creative enthusiasm of our expert team who dedicate themselves to growing your company

What Can An Inbound Marketing Agency Do For My Company?

Although the specific ways each service may interact with your business and existing strategies, each of the following stages help to answer the question, What can an inbound marketing agency do for my company?

1. Anticipate Buyer Personas

During the first month of strategizing, our team will work closely with you in a series of interviews and surveys in order to determine the different types of clients we want to target via inbound marketing. Typically, there are a variety of different buyers, and once we have identified and separated them, we can help you with marketing to them more specifically and effectively.

2. Create Content

Inbound marketing is all about drawing those potential clients to your site through informative, creative, and useful content. This works most effectively when your content is updated with frequency and regularity. So, our team is also here to write a series of blogs and SEO pages based on the keywords that we believe your potential clients are searching.

3. Maximize Conversion

Although the compelling content is enough to bring visitors in, it is important to give these clients the opportunity to respond and take the next step. Strategically placing “Call to Action” buttons on your site allows clients to initiate a relationship with your company, beginning the transformation from curious visitor to loyal client.

4. Track Your Visitors

Along the way, it is imperative that you track the visitors to your site as well as the leads which develop. At Farotech, we use unique technology to keep track of visitors, how they get to your site, and what they do once they arrive. This information is vital to continually developing and optimizing your site.

5. Nurture Leads with Email Marketing

When a potential client does express interest in your company, your initial response is one of the most important opportunities to convert him or her. So, inbound marketing agencies like Farotech offer automated marketing emails which are sent to clients who download an offer from your site, allowing them to become further acquainted with your brand.

6. Synchronize Social Media

Although you may have social media accounts connected with your company already, are these actually helping you to promote your brand and connect with current and future clients? Probably not. Inbound marketing can help you to ensure that your social media is useful and effective for both your company and your clients as well as expanding its reach.

7. Analyze & Report

Finally, an inbound marketing agency can help your company stay on track by providing regular reports and analysis about your online presence and reach. These statistics are invaluable as you continue to expand your marketing campaign and your business. When you know the progress you’ve made each month, you can easily see what an inbound marketing agency can do for your company in the months and years to come.

Still asking what can an inbound marketing agency do for my company? Contact Farotech today, and we’d be happy to help you discover how these strategies can take your business to the next level.

The post 7 Stunning Answers to the Question: What Can An Inbound Marketing Agency Do For My Company? appeared first on Farotech.


Tuesday 21 August 2018

A Quality Lead Generator: Top 4 Strategies to Succeed

A lead generator has been generally defined as any marketing activity that helps advertise your product or service. A lead is simply a person or business expressing interested in what your company has to offer. Leads are great because instead of cold calling people who may or may not be interested, you now have a list of people who are already interested. Half the work is done, now you just need to close the sale!

Basic Components of Lead Generation

lead generatorMost people are familiar with what leads are – but sometimes it’s a mystery where leads actually come from. Before you can identify a quality lead generator, you need to understand the basic lead generation process.

  • First, you need to have a landing page somewhere on your site. This is a webpage that a visitor will come across that you can use to gather quality leads.
  • Second, use a form on the landing page to actually get the lead. The form should collect some sort of information – maybe a name and email.
  • Third, in return for personal information, you offer your lead something of value. Perhaps it’s a free ebook or a link to a discount on your website.
  • Fourth, include a CTA button – CTA = call to action – so that the cycle is complete. A call-to-action does just what it says. It prompts a person to act by filling out the form with their information and receiving their offer.

There are so many ways to generate leads, but this is just the basic method to begin.

A Quality Lead Generator

Once you have the basic process down, you’re ready to make sure you’re getting quality leads. In order to do that, you’ll need to start developing your own lead generation strategies. Here are 4 of our top favorite successful strategies:

  1. Forms Everywhere

Post a form on every page of your website, especially above the fold. This is an easy way to automatically increase leads. You can utilize visual cues like different fonts, colors, or even arrows. One secret to success is to ask for a minimum of information with the first form. People are more likely to fill out a form if it doesn’t ask for more personal information like their phone number right off the bat.

  1. Power Language

Use power words to market your brand or product. Action verbs like “have”, “get”, and “feel” can compel people to act. Passive language doesn’t have quite the same results. This will make it easier for your customer to imagine how your product or service will positively impact their daily life.

  1. Pictures and Testimonials

If you really want to sell your product and generate lots of leads, use photos and testimonials of real customers. The pictures help put a face to a name and lends credibility to your site. It’s not just some anonymous person who likes your product – it’s a real person who genuinely supports your company. And one little hint – don’t forget to edit your submitted testimonials for proper grammar!

  1. If You Don’t Succeed, Try Again!

The number one successful strategy for finding a quality lead generator is to experiment, adjust, and try again. Not everything you try will work. Your company is unique and has unique needs. Tailor every lead generation strategy to match your goals. Don’t settle for a ton of leads if they’re not quality. But don’t change too much at once and never get enough quality leads. Time and patience will allow you to start generating multiple leads daily. Keep at it and soon you’ll be a pro.

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