So much to learn, so much to manage. Is all this social media marketing stuff really worth the effort? Maybe some of us are making it harder than it needs to be. Why should social media management really be quit easy?…Well, because Neil Patel tells us it should be!
You may be thinking, “Great. So just because it’s easy for Neil means it should be easy for me. Not likely!”
Thankfully, Neil always backs up his claims with hard evidence and this time it’s no different. With an emphasis on teaching points and action items, he breaks down the reasons why social media management really shouldn’t be rocket science. Here’s what we learned:
A Few Easy, Helpful Steps for Social Media Management
When it comes to Twitter…
- It’s important to actively start following other people and companies
- Find relevant people to follow by utilizing Twitter’s search tool to look for industry-related keywords
- It’s equally as important to be actively tweeting about news/stats/updates related to your industry
- Remember the 80/20 rule…it shouldn’t be all about you!
- Use a service to determine who is not following you back and gradually begin unfollowing those people
- Your goal should be to keep a healthy ratio between following/followers
- Start to engage! Once you’ve formed some good MUTUAL following relationships, be sure to retweet other people’s stuff and tweet directly at users to begin conversations
- Once this pattern is established and you’re regularly using twitter 4-5 days per week, begin to incorporate a more strategic 20% self-promotion plan
When it comes to Facebook…
- Research reputable “thought leaders” in your industry and make a big list of people to send friend requests to
- A good goal for accepted friend requests is around 10% (don’t be sad when most people don’t accept…the numbers are a
little different between Twitter and Facebook when it comes to likelihood of connecting)
- Begin a regular posting schedule that is focused entirely on non-promotional industry news/updates/stats,etc.
- Pay close attention to the types of posts you put up (you want them to be as engaging as possible) and WHEN you post them (try peak FB checking times like around lunch and in the hours right after the work day is over)
- Make a concerted effort to engage with others’ posts…like them, comment on them and share them
- Be open to accepting friend requests from people who don’t know or recognize – they may be someone who has read your website and came looking for you on social media (that’s the goal after all, isn’t it?!)
- Once you are actively engaged in the FB community with mutual conversations, begin a 20% self-promotion strategy with your posts
Ok, so that doesn’t sound so hard after all. But what kind of return should you expect from your efforts? Neil says:
“After you spend a month or so building up your Facebook and Twitter presence it shouldn’t be hard to get at least a few thousand visitors to your website just from these 2 traffic sources.”
Try it out! Best of luck and let us know how it goes for you. As always, if Farotech can help with any of your online marketing needs, please take advantage of our free consultation offer below!
The post Why Social Media Management Really Shouldn’t be Rocket Science appeared first on Farotech.
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