Wednesday 4 April 2018

Creating A Thank You Page That Will Convert Leads

Although businesses like yours are focusing more and more on developing engaging websites which convert visitors into leads, the Thank You page is often overlooked. However, just because this page comes after the potential client has already filled out your form or made their purchase does not mean that it is irrelevant. In fact, a Thank You page is an excellent opportunity to convert leads into clients ready to take the next step. The marketing team at Farotech is here to help you figure out how to develop a Thank You page that returns the results you want.

What is a Thank You Page?

thank you pageAfter a potential client fills out a form, makes a purchase, or completes another task on your site, you want to recognize and appreciate this step! So, after the lead has accomplished his or her task, the next page to appear should be a Thank You page. After all, the lead has expressed interest in your company or services and has taken the first step to form a connection. In part, this page is simple etiquette, like the online version of a thank you card sent in the mail.

What many businesses don’t recognize is that the Thank You page has more potential than simple courtesy. In fact, this moment when a potential client has reached out expressed his or her interest and trust is a phenomenal opportunity to convert leads into loyal customers.

Creating a Thank You Page that will Convert Leads

First and foremost, your Thank You page does need to express appreciation. Your visitor has taken a risk by reaching out to your company, and it is important to honor that fact. Make sure, though, that the language and images you use are consistent with the brand and corporate persona expressed throughout the rest of the site. One simple way to bring this message to the next level is to personalize it. You have likely received the lead’s name through their previous purchase or submission; use this is in your message to create a more personalized connection.

In addition to your message of gratitude, you should also include an opportunity for the lead to engage further. After they have made their purchase or filled out a form, what do you want them to do next? In some cases, inviting them to follow you on social media might be a great way to stay in touch during the sales process that follows. For other businesses, it may be optimal to give them the opportunity to view more products or even learn more about your company. Whatever you choose for your Call to Action, make sure that it is simple, clear, and engaging.

Farotech Can Help

For more information about creating Thank You pages that can convert leads, contact the marketing team at Farotech. For over ten years, we have been helping businesses like yours optimize their online presence in order to make vital connections with potential clients.

The post Creating A Thank You Page That Will Convert Leads appeared first on Farotech.


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