Sunday 8 April 2018

4 Things Creative Blogs All Have in Common

In today’s digital world, the effective use of blogs is becoming essential to the development of a good business. The people of the twenty-first century no longer spend their days pouring over pages upon pages of information found in journals and magazines in order to research a specific subject. Instead, we can simply surf the internet, absorbing information through blogs about every topic we could ever dream of.

With this being said, the ability to effectively create blog articles to promote your company can significantly affect the future of your business success. But this form of marketing writing is not just about writing interesting stories or quippy phrases, you must also be able to use your blogs to draw your readers to your business and convince them to learn more about you. This takes creativity.

Creative Blogs will Utilize 4 Specific Tools:

blogging_smart idea1. Headlines

The headline of any blog article is what draws the readers. Your headline should tell your readers directly what your article is about, but at the same time, it cannot be bland or uninteresting. Use some creativity (or maybe even brainstorm with some coworkers), to come up with something that will catch the eyes of your potential customers, while also explaining what they will be reading. If done effectively, a headline itself can dramatically increase your click-through rate.

2. Social Media

The effective use of social media platforms is another element that will help your headlines and articles be seen and effectively distributed around a large network. Post your blog link to Facebook and see the results. People coming to your FB page will see your article, social media for bloggingespecially if your headline is catchy, and after reading may repost it or share it with their friends. This gets your article out into a broader circle of viewers achieves the original purpose of writing the article. But remember, this is all contingent on you having a catchy headline!

3. Guest Blogging

Another way to get your name and blogs out there is to simply write on other websites- this is known as guest blogging. The beauty of this, especially for smaller companies, is that you can get your work on a more visited website for more people to see, but you can also get people back to your site by adding links in your blog. This allows you to attract more people to your business and hopefully obtain new clients.

4. Call to Actions

It would be a huge mistake to go to all the trouble of having people view your blogs by marketing them across the internet blog promotingin these ways if you do not then capitalize on the opportunity for new business! While you want your blog to be a no-pressure, informative resource, it is also perfectly acceptable to call your readers directly to do business with you by providing the next steps in starting a transaction or by asking them to respond. A strong call to action will allow your readers to understand what you have to offer and will raise the probability of them responding favorably to your article by becoming a buying customer.

Blogging can be an incredible asset to any businesses in any market. Developing a creative blog that is promoted well will draw people to you and ultimately allow you to build a solid base for attracting new clients. All you need is a creative writer/s and some informative things to say that relate to your industry and what people are already searching for (don’t forget to do your keyword research!). So why waste the opportunity by keeping your blogs to yourself or continuing to write in a rote, unexciting way? Promote your interesting and eye-catching blogs across the internet and reap the benefits!

The post 4 Things Creative Blogs All Have in Common appeared first on Farotech.


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