Sunday 8 April 2018

4 Successful Orthopedics Marketing Strategies

Use These Top 4 Strategies To Boost Your Clientele.

When it comes to orthopedics marketing, it’s not just about the beautiful faces of your staff or the amount of money you may have spent on your brand. It’s about your patients, and how you show them that you care. With Farotech, we can offer you more than just a marketing strategy, we can provide you with an array of services that help spread those smiles over major search engines.

4 Successful Orthopedics Marketing StrategiesHere at Farotech, we would like to provide you with some signs that you may be in need of an orthopedics marketing overhaul. Developing a sense of awareness will allow you to make the right choices that fit best for your company.

How Do You Rate Your Orthopedics Marketing?

Let’s take a look at some question to help assess where you are with your company’s current marketing strategy.

  • Are you reaching your monthly patient goal?
  • Are you reaching your monthly AR goal?
  • Are you overwhelmed with the overabundance of promising leads your receive every month?

If you answered no to any of these questions, Farotech will help you reach for the stars and put these goals to work.

Here at Farotech, we can hand you the keys to success with our 4 main orthopedics marketing strategies.

1. Organic Search Engine Optimization – We want to attract the right visitors to your site, and we do this by using “long tail keywords”. About 47% of searches that are conducted using 3 or more keywords. With “long tail keywords” this provides you with specific potential clients who can find your company online. The difference with competitive keywords is that it ranks in a far broader arena, and long tail keywords are specific to what services you provide.

2. Content Strategy – In order to generate traffic to your business we create content in the form of SEO’s, blogs, and offers. We begin the SEO process by identifying the keywords that will bring the clientele base you desire. Blogging is key in holding the attention of your clients by highlighting your expertise in your industry, and then we have offers such as E-books or white papers that the client will want enough to provide their contact information to receive.

3. Lead Nurturing – Did you know that 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales? Lack of lead nurturing is the common cause of this poor performance. We use marketing automation emails in order to drive potential clients deeper into what your services you provide, and a knowledge of your brand

4. Social Media – The goal of social media is to cultivate a relationship with people in their daily lives. Checking social media accounts is done more often than checking one’s email account. So going to the places your audience “socializes” will guarantee that your content reaches them.

So what are you waiting for? Don’t just sit there and let this amazing orthopedics marketing opportunity pass you by! Contact us today and enjoy the ride.

Orthopedics Marketing | Marketing Orthopedics

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4 Things Creative Blogs All Have in Common

In today’s digital world, the effective use of blogs is becoming essential to the development of a good business. The people of the twenty-first century no longer spend their days pouring over pages upon pages of information found in journals and magazines in order to research a specific subject. Instead, we can simply surf the internet, absorbing information through blogs about every topic we could ever dream of.

With this being said, the ability to effectively create blog articles to promote your company can significantly affect the future of your business success. But this form of marketing writing is not just about writing interesting stories or quippy phrases, you must also be able to use your blogs to draw your readers to your business and convince them to learn more about you. This takes creativity.

Creative Blogs will Utilize 4 Specific Tools:

blogging_smart idea1. Headlines

The headline of any blog article is what draws the readers. Your headline should tell your readers directly what your article is about, but at the same time, it cannot be bland or uninteresting. Use some creativity (or maybe even brainstorm with some coworkers), to come up with something that will catch the eyes of your potential customers, while also explaining what they will be reading. If done effectively, a headline itself can dramatically increase your click-through rate.

2. Social Media

The effective use of social media platforms is another element that will help your headlines and articles be seen and effectively distributed around a large network. Post your blog link to Facebook and see the results. People coming to your FB page will see your article, social media for bloggingespecially if your headline is catchy, and after reading may repost it or share it with their friends. This gets your article out into a broader circle of viewers achieves the original purpose of writing the article. But remember, this is all contingent on you having a catchy headline!

3. Guest Blogging

Another way to get your name and blogs out there is to simply write on other websites- this is known as guest blogging. The beauty of this, especially for smaller companies, is that you can get your work on a more visited website for more people to see, but you can also get people back to your site by adding links in your blog. This allows you to attract more people to your business and hopefully obtain new clients.

4. Call to Actions

It would be a huge mistake to go to all the trouble of having people view your blogs by marketing them across the internet blog promotingin these ways if you do not then capitalize on the opportunity for new business! While you want your blog to be a no-pressure, informative resource, it is also perfectly acceptable to call your readers directly to do business with you by providing the next steps in starting a transaction or by asking them to respond. A strong call to action will allow your readers to understand what you have to offer and will raise the probability of them responding favorably to your article by becoming a buying customer.

Blogging can be an incredible asset to any businesses in any market. Developing a creative blog that is promoted well will draw people to you and ultimately allow you to build a solid base for attracting new clients. All you need is a creative writer/s and some informative things to say that relate to your industry and what people are already searching for (don’t forget to do your keyword research!). So why waste the opportunity by keeping your blogs to yourself or continuing to write in a rote, unexciting way? Promote your interesting and eye-catching blogs across the internet and reap the benefits!

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Wednesday 4 April 2018

3 Useful Internet Marketing Ideas for Orthopedic Practices

In today’s world, internet marketing ideas for orthopedic practices are more valuable than ever for your success. Drawing in new patients is a much different process than it used to be. Before you could depend on your current patients to refer friends, family, and neighbors to your office. Nowadays, someone who is looking for an orthopedic doctor is likely to look through one method, first and foremost: an online search via Google, Yahoo!, or Bing.

Your primary challenge today, as an orthopedic doctor who wants to attract new clients, is to establish a professional online presence. First, you need a strategy for driving traffic to your official website, as well as your various social media pages. Then, with a clean, attention-grabbing website, along with high-quality content and perhaps a few interactive features, you can engage your potential patients and invite them to place their confidence in your practice.

To get you started, here are some internet marketing ideas for orthopedic practices that Farotech has found to be extremely successful:

1. Be Accessible

Whether you are posting blogs, SEO pages, or descriptions of your services in videos embedded on your website, you should make sure that the language you are using in your content is informative and understandable for your potential patients. Think about the buyer persona that you are trying to attract, and then generate some content that appeals and engages them. You can be both informative and interesting, as long as you find a balance between medical jargon and layman’s terms.

2. Blog Often, But…internet marketing ideas for orthopedic practices

Make sure to avoid quick, careless writing about irrelevant topics. Sure, regular blog posts are one of the key internet marketing ideas for orthopedic practices, but they should not just be filler for your website. If anything, this is counterproductive, and it makes you look unprofessional. The first thing to remember when it comes to writing a great blog is that your potential clients are looking for a doctor who stays informed about developments in his or her field. Use each blog post as an opportunity to showcase your expertise.

3. Captivate with Videos

Most people are going to land on your website and read a little bit about your practice, but you can easily lose their attention without some quality graphics to hold their attention. Potential patients especially like videos that demonstrate professional service, satisfied clients, and friendly doctors and office staff. Consider taking advantage of Farotech’s professional video production services, with extensive experience in internet marketing for orthopedic practices.

Call Farotech to Boost Your Marketing Strategy

If you would like more internet marketing ideas for orthopedic practices, or if you are considering hiring a dedicated marketing team to tackle this job for you, contact us for information on our plans.


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Creating A Thank You Page That Will Convert Leads

Although businesses like yours are focusing more and more on developing engaging websites which convert visitors into leads, the Thank You page is often overlooked. However, just because this page comes after the potential client has already filled out your form or made their purchase does not mean that it is irrelevant. In fact, a Thank You page is an excellent opportunity to convert leads into clients ready to take the next step. The marketing team at Farotech is here to help you figure out how to develop a Thank You page that returns the results you want.

What is a Thank You Page?

thank you pageAfter a potential client fills out a form, makes a purchase, or completes another task on your site, you want to recognize and appreciate this step! So, after the lead has accomplished his or her task, the next page to appear should be a Thank You page. After all, the lead has expressed interest in your company or services and has taken the first step to form a connection. In part, this page is simple etiquette, like the online version of a thank you card sent in the mail.

What many businesses don’t recognize is that the Thank You page has more potential than simple courtesy. In fact, this moment when a potential client has reached out expressed his or her interest and trust is a phenomenal opportunity to convert leads into loyal customers.

Creating a Thank You Page that will Convert Leads

First and foremost, your Thank You page does need to express appreciation. Your visitor has taken a risk by reaching out to your company, and it is important to honor that fact. Make sure, though, that the language and images you use are consistent with the brand and corporate persona expressed throughout the rest of the site. One simple way to bring this message to the next level is to personalize it. You have likely received the lead’s name through their previous purchase or submission; use this is in your message to create a more personalized connection.

In addition to your message of gratitude, you should also include an opportunity for the lead to engage further. After they have made their purchase or filled out a form, what do you want them to do next? In some cases, inviting them to follow you on social media might be a great way to stay in touch during the sales process that follows. For other businesses, it may be optimal to give them the opportunity to view more products or even learn more about your company. Whatever you choose for your Call to Action, make sure that it is simple, clear, and engaging.

Farotech Can Help

For more information about creating Thank You pages that can convert leads, contact the marketing team at Farotech. For over ten years, we have been helping businesses like yours optimize their online presence in order to make vital connections with potential clients.

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Tuesday 3 April 2018

Successful Tools For Implementing Inbound Marketing Ideas for Orthopedics

Farotech can help your practice organize and implement the best inbound marketing ideas for orthopedics.

Are you interested in dramatically expanding the reach of your orthopedic practice?

If so, you may have started by surveying the many inbound marketing ideas for orthopedics that are available online. However, after learning all about the benefits of lead generation, tracking and lead scoring, and automated email campaigns, you may be left wondering where, and how, to get started.

To have an effective inbound marketing campaign, you need to create an organized strategy, and Farotech can help you with that. With over ten years of experience in inbound marketing and specialization with healthcare practices like yours, we can help you take those ideas and turn them into an effective, revolutionizing campaign for your practice.

Prioritize Your Inbound Marketing Ideas for Orthopedics

 inbound marketing ideas for orthopedics Although many of the inbound marketing ideas for orthopedics that can be found on the web may be effective, the order in which you apply them really does matter. For example, inbound marketing is, in large part, about helping clients find their way to your practice’s website.

So, it is imperative that you make sure that your site is up to date, well organized, and well branded before you start trying to draw clients in. At Farotech, we understand that you probably have a lot of different ideas you would like to try; our marketing experts can help you organize these into a strategy that will optimize your results at every stage.

Build a Partnership for Content Generation

One of the most important inbound marketing ideas for orthopedics is lead generation. This is achieved by consistently adding new, quality content to your site. With fresh, informative posts on blogs and other forms of social media, you continually provide new points of connection for both search engines and the potential patients using them.

However, when you’re busy running a successful orthopedics practice, it can be hard to keep up with the content with the kind of consistency necessary to really see results. This is another area where Farotech can help. Our team of experts will take the time to get to know you and your practice in order to help generate that vital content for your site while you focus on what is really important to you: helping a patient’s life and to feel better.

Discover the Technology Needed to Connect

Although bringing potential clients to your site through quality content is at the heart of inbound marketing, its success rides on what happens to those visitors once they arrive. Do they visit once and then disappear again? Or do they return, again and again, soon becoming loyal patients of your practice?

With lead tracking technology and marketing automation emails, you can increase your level of engagement to ensure that your inbound marketing is effective. By dropping tracking code, called cookies, onto visitors’ computers, you can see how they are interacting with your site and at which point they either disengage or commit.

When they do express interest, marketing automation emails can then extend a personalized welcome to help them connect with your practice. At Farotech, our marketing experts can help you to put both of these vital practices into action on your site.

Get Started With Farotech Today

Are you ready to turn your inbound marketing ideas into a strategic campaign for your orthopedic practice? If so, Farotech can help. Contact us today to talk with one of our marketing experts about how we can help you design and implement a strategy that will help you begin connection to potential patients in your neighborhood today. Are you successfully implementing the strategies above to help your client base grow?

The post Successful Tools For Implementing Inbound Marketing Ideas for Orthopedics appeared first on Farotech.


Your Local Philadelphia Inbound Marketing Company Offers its 3 Biggest Secrets to Marketing Success

These three tips could alter the future of your success using inbound marketing!

Did you know that 60% of companies in the United States include at least some aspects of inbound marketing methodology into their business strategy? Would you count yourself among that 60%, or are you still hesitant to incorporate inbound? Don’t wait any longer. As a Philadelphia inbound marketing company, Farotech has the secrets you need to succeed, no matter your company’s size. Read on for general information on inbound marketing, as well as our specialty tips to increase your company’s revenue.

What is Inbound Marketing / What does a Philadelphia Inbound Marketing Company Do?

Inbound marketing presents an approach to reaching customers opposite of what you normally encounter or associate with traditional marketing. While traditional marketing, sometimes less positively termed as “interruption marketing¨, tends to do just that in order to get the prospect’s attention during his/ her day, inbound brings the prospects to you by creating attractive content that will be useful to them. You provide a service by providing quality content that the prospect is looking for which makes him or her more open to listening to the types of offers you might have for him/her.

Inbound creates a relationship wherein the prospect often gets to know you through repeated contact before making a purchase. Because the relationship has been built steadily over a period of time, your prospect is more likely to stay faithful to you and keep coming back for more.

At Farotech we work with many small companies that are able to succeed with marketing in ways they never imagined, using three critical pieces that are crucial to every inbound marketing plan. These are understanding who your buyer is, knowing how to write content that can be found on google, yahoo, bing (also known as lead generation), and then re-marketing yourself by keeping your message in front of them.

1. Understand Your Buyer.

As a Philadelphia inbound marketing company, we have worked with companies who are very excited about products and services but suffer from an unfocused marketing approach. When we ask them who they market to, they might just say, “we send out newsletters, mass e-mails, etc”. Seems like they market to just about everybody! Their problem is that they’re not segmenting leads, they don’t have their buyers differentiated, and they don’t have the buyers’ journey defined so they don’t understand what makes their buyers buy!

We recommend that they have everybody sit down together and identify: Who are our buyers? They should write critical questions about the buyers and identify the various groups of buyer personas. They should be listing their challenges, researching the buzzwords and major influencers in their industry, and seeking to understand how their marketing should differ when marketing to different groups.

For example, if you are an orthopedic company and your patient has torn his/her ACL, he or she does not want information on the best spine center in the world! How will you separate that person from the prospect who needs surgery on a herniated disc?

2. Write Content That Works.

People believe that they can end up on the first page of Google, Yahoo, and Bing simply by having a website, but in reality, writing quality content is critical to your SEO strategy. As a company, you should begin by creating a list of the keywords you would like to be known for and begin writing to each keyword.

We recommend that you write a minimum of 400 words per blog. Trying to put those keywords in subject lines and use them throughout, a minimum of 3-4 times per blog. After you publish your blog on the web, find other resources that would benefit from your article. You can publish it on LinkedIn and reach out to other companies that write similar content.

3. Keep Your Buyers Close Through Re-Marketing.

Re-marketing is built on the concept that when users come to your website, you drop cookies on their computer so that your ads will continue to show up on other sites, whether that means your videos appearing in autoplay in youtube, your ads appearing on the banners in Facebook, or on their Google network. These banner ads will follow your users around for 45 days after they leave your website.

You might have had experience of going to a website such as Amazon to buy shoes and then go to any other website afterward, such as CNN–only to find that the shoes are there too! This is not a coincidence. Using cookies is an essential aspect of re-marketing, which is all about keeping your name and brand in front of your customers/clients.

What’s Next?

Still unsure about where to start? Maybe you’ve been implementing your own inbound marketing techniques but without the success that you have wanted? If so, talk to a Philadelphia inbound marketing company to sharpen your approach. With Farotech, you will learn about what has to be changed in order to customize your marketing strategy to your audience. We can help you with all the details! Simply call us at 267.387.6620 to get started.

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Monday 2 April 2018

The Trick to Tracking Success: Key Marketing Metrics Examples

As a marketing company that has been working in this industry and servicing clients across a wide variety of fields for years, we feel we have some pretty decent insight as to what the average client expects. One thing we’ve heard repeatedly through the years in the common complaint that the last marketing company the client worked with failed to produce timely or practical key marketing metrics that proved their program was really working. No one wants to feel like they’re being taken advantage of and while many marketing companies out there are probably doing great work, they’re not proving it to their marketing metrics examplesclients. So they’re losing them.

“73% of executives don’t believe that marketers are focused enough on results.”

What Are the Key Marketing Metrics Clients Really Care About?

Well, there are plenty of different stats and measurements you could spend time researching and digging up, but when it comes down to it, clients care about the key marketing metrics that indicate your program’s impact on their bottom line. Here are a few simple, but important examples that many marketing companies forget to include in reporting.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

This all-important metric determines the average price spent by a company in order to acquire one new client or customer. This can be calculated by adding marketing and sales costs together over a 1 month period and dividing by the number of new clients accumulated in the same period. Because numbers can fluctuate significantly from month to month, it is helpful to keep track of this metric regularly in order to get a more accurate average over a longer time span – something more like 12 month’s worth of business. Obviously, the goal for any company is to keep their CAC as low as possible, while still maintaining a good rate of customer acquisition.

YOUR Percentage of the CAC

In other words, take the total dollar amount your client pays your company to do their marketing and divide that by their total marketing/sales costs (as calculated above). This will give you the percentage of the CAC that your agency is responsible for. Be careful with analyzing this metric. It is an important one to honestly be able to share with your client, but be sure to also inform them of what the results might mean. If your company’s percentage of the CAC is high, it may mean that your client is spending too much with you on the marketing services you’re providing. However, it could also simply mean that on their end, your client’s company is failing to perform well in their sales division. Or, it could simply show that the client is at a unique phase in their company’s growth where investment in new marketing techniques is important for future plans.

Marketing Driven Client Percentage

This metric is even more helpful in really being able to prove the success of your company’s marketing efforts. Since you more than likely have a detailed tracking system that reports on leads generated, you can determine the number of new client acquisitions that were directly originated by the work of your team. Develop a ratio showing the number of new clients you’re responsible for a period of time over the total number of new customers your client gained overall through all means available. This percentage will vary depending on the nature of the client and what kind of internal sales process they have in place, but the bottom line is that you want to be able to show your agency’s significant impact in the overall efforts.

The purpose of researching and showing your clients key marketing metrics is to #1) develop a long-term, trusting relationship with them and #2) prove your value as a marketing tool that your client simply can’t survive without!

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Medical Marketing Strategies: What You Should Know

What Should Be the Basis of All Your Medical Marketing Strategies?

One-two-three–CHEESE! Camera snaps and you’ve got a beautiful picture of the family. You can put it in a frame, send it to the grandparents, put it on facebook, whatever.

Done this way, providing an image of your family is easy, especially because the people who are most interested are the people who are closest to your family. But what do you do when you’re trying to capture an image of your medical practice? You want an image that will stay with people. An image that is true to the life of your practice, and most of all, an image that shows people that you can offer them the kind of medical care and attention they need.

Medical marketing strategies are the key operative terms here. What you need is a way to communicate with your patients, especially the patients whom you haven’t met yet. You need strategies that go beyond the walls of your office. For that, you should be considering a few important things:

Medical Marketing Strategies 101

To start with, medical marketing strategies should be focused on what brings your patients the best benefits they are looking for. You should be thinking about your medical practice in terms of how it delivers those benefits (style) and what kinds of benefits those are (the content). Being able to articulate these gives you the ability to translate potential patients online into patients sitting in your office.

You should also consider what makes your medical practice unique. That’s a slightly different matter from the question of benefits. What is it about your practice that makes you shine?

  • Do you have an online system for patients to check their own records (an emerging trend for large practices)?
  • Do you offer specific treatments that other offices in your area of expertise don’t have?
  • Do you pride yourself on the rapidity of patient service?
  • Do you have WiFi in the waiting room?

Even details that could seem trivial can be helpful to highlight when you are trying to show the potential patient why they should choose YOU and not your local competition.

Consider Hiring an Expert

Maybe you’ve thought through these basic medical marketing strategies 101 and have some ideas, or maybe you would benefit from someone who specializes in medical marketing strategies. Either way, you might consider contracting with an SEO (search engine optimization), or Inbound marketing company, which can develop your platform for you so that you can focus on what you do best: patient care.

Farotech is a Philadelphia-based SEO and Inbound Marketing company with a number of medical clients and a strong understanding of the unique needs of this marketing niche. If interested, please contact us today for a free phone consultation (215-977-4337).

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Three SEO ideas for orthopedic practices (and the statistics that support them)

When in doubt, we turn to the internet. Every day, billions of people look up…well, everything. Almost half of those searches are for the products or services internet users need. What does that mean for your orthopedic practice? Potential clients are looking for you. Shouldn’t you be helping them connect?

Many of your clients turn to the web already preoccupied with concern for themselves or a loved one. Why make them play hide and seek? Instead, dive into these three SEO ideas for orthopedic practices and start connecting with new clients today!

3 SEO Ideas for Orthopedic Practices

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of increasing the visibility of your practice’s web page by moving you to the front page of major search engines. Using common language, quality content, and some insider help, you can ensure that your orthopedic practice is one of the first found by patients who are looking for you. seo ideas for orthopedic practices

1. Common Language

One of the most important SEO ideas for orthopedic practices is the strategic use of keywords. Studies have shown that when your patients are using search engines, 70% of the links they click are organic, meaning that they match the words the user typed in. Potential clients aren’t looking for paid advertisements; they want websites that share a common language with them. By incorporating the keywords that your future patients are using, you can make sure that your website appears as one of the first matches on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo! Not only will this common language increase your visibility, but it will also help put clients at ease; it shows from the start that you know what they’re talking about and are ready to engage in conversation.

2. Quality Content

The use of keywords comes with a big warning sign: don’t just overload your site with high-impact language. Cramming too many keywords in your content can become overwhelming and meaningless. Instead, you want to make sure that that common language is a part of your quality content. One great SEO idea for orthopedic practices is to start a blog to continue generating that content. Companies and practices that blog have more than 400% more indexed pages, which means significantly more chances to generate those hits. In addition to that increased visibility, you also show clients that your orthopedic practice is active and engaged in their online community.

3. Connect with an SEO agency

Statistics continue to show that 75% of users don’t scroll past the first page of results when they search online. This means that to meet more than half of your potential patients, it is imperative that your orthopedic practice’s website appears on that first page. Figuring out all of the data and algorithms that go into SEO can be overwhelming. Connecting to an agency that knows the ins and outs of the business is one of the best SEO ideas for orthopedic practices. They can help you generate content and figure out which keywords will bring you to the top of everyone’s list. To learn how else an SEO agency like Farotech can help you maximize your practice’s online presence, contact us today.

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Look Over There! 10 Tips on the Importance of Content Marketing!

Next Billboard: What You Need to be Successful at Content Marketing

Have you ever seen a movie where a character is fortunate enough to come upon a literal personal-billboard message directing him/her to the next best thing to pursue in life? How often have business owners wished for such a fortuitous encounter? A big-fat billboard with blinking lights to direct us to the next best business decision.

Consider this blog your billboard. Or at least a sizeable road sign or poster to cue you in on a pathway of digital content marketing that will be your next best ROI. The size 1,000 font on your billboard reads: Next Stop: The Importance of Content Marketing.

10 Reasons you Should Learn About the Importance of Content Marketing

For a number of years, marketing was closely linked to a form of advertising we refer to as “interruption marketing.” In layman’s terms, this form of marketing involved a message going out into the ether that the business or company hoped target audiences would miraculously stumble upon. If we revisit our earlier analogy, it would be like putting a business card in someone’s windshield rather than placing a billboard in front of him.

Here’s what you need to know about the importance of content marketing, and how to keep up with online users who have more availability and access to content, and are smarter about how to find what they’re looking for than ever before:

  1. By the year 2020 it’s estimated that there will be 500% more online content than there was in 2015.
  2. The statistic above helps explains this one: 69% of current marketing strategies include creating significantly more content than even a year ago. (1)
  3. Content marketing success has to do with creating the most compelling, engaging and cost effective strategy possible.
  4. Much to do with #3 is connected to knowing and understanding your buyer persona.
  5. Once you really know your target audience, how their decision-making and purchasing patterns work, it’s imperative to get the right message to them at precisely the right time.
  6. To reiterate the significance of knowing your buyer: 54% of consumers prefer that content is relevant and specifically targeted to them – if not, they are comfortable walking away. (2)
  7. These are the surefire methods of content marketing done correctly: social media, SEO and lead nurturing platforms.
  8. A minimum of six hours of social media marketing per week has been shown to boost lead generation benefits by 66%. (3)
  9. Native advertising, pay-per-click and social advertising should be implemented into a database to be continually updated and utilized for drip marketing – ensuring your brand is ALWAYS in front of our audience.
  10. Up to 61% of B2B digital marketers have expressed that lead generation can be severely impeded from not having the appropriate staff, time and funding to fully accomplishing the task. (4)

Next Billboard: What You Need to be Successful at Content Marketing

Now you’ve absorbed the monumental task that awaits to: that to satisfy the requirements and understand the importance of content marketing, content must be individually-tailored to specific buyer personas, social media must continuously transmit appropriate and relevant marketing messaging and above all, all this must be delivered to your target audience at the very moment they see that blinking billboard.

If all this feels like a tall order, you’re not alone – just refer back to #10 on the list. That’s where Farotech comes in. Content marketing is our speciality, as is helping you to focus on other ways you can boost your business. Please reach out to us today at 267-387-662. We’d love to get you started on your end-to-end digital content marketing strategy.

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FAQs of Clinical Sports Medicine Marketing

When you think about it, clinical sports medicine is really all about connections. Whether you are working in orthopedic surgery or physical therapy, many of the services you provide help athletes rework and restore the connections between bones, muscles, and joints.  As you work to help them get back out on the field, you are restoring connections among teams.  From there, the connections are endless.  Bat and ball.  Foot and track.  The pregame huddle.  The victory dance.

But what about the connection between your practice and your patients?  How is that created and maintained?  At Farotech, we know that inbound marketing is the key to these connections.  A solid marketing campaign allows you to provide potential patients the information they need to know where to get the clinical sports medicine they need.

What is Clinical Sports Medicine Marketing? clinical sports medicine

Clinical sports medicine marketing informing, exciting, and educating potential clients.  Although they might be able to find your hours and address online, what do they really know about your company?  Inbound Marketing is your chance to share the services you provide information about how those can help potential patients.  It is also your opportunity to communicate the identity of your practice; are you family oriented or more focused on the pros?  The way you communicate this identity through marketing can have a huge impact on the type of clients you reach.

Most importantly, sports medicine marketing is your opportunity to help clients before they even walk through your door.  When you share the information they want, when to get help or how to avoid injury, you demonstrate your dedication to their wellness, safety, and performance from the start.

How Can I Get Started?

The great news is that it is easy and inexpensive to get started with an effective Inbound marketing campaign.  First and foremost, make sure that your website includes clear and thorough explanations of the services you provide.  You can also start a blog or other forms of social media that demonstrate your practice interacting with current events in sports and medicine.  If everyone is talking about an injured player on a favorite team, your practice should be providing an expert opinion as well.

In addition to commenting on current events, one of the best marketing strategies is to provide helpful information to readers.  Think about creative ways to answer questions about common sports injuries or share advice about effective work out strategies.  These are topics that get researched online every day; shouldn’t potential clients find helpful answers from your practice?

Who Can Help My Practice Keep Up?

Because the key to effective clinical sports medicine marketing is constantly updating with fresh, quality content, keeping up to date may prove a challenge for your busy practice.  Fortunately, you are not alone!  At Farotech, we are here to help you and your practice continue to provide great, creative content to your current and potential clients.  For more information about how we can help your business, please contact us today!

The post FAQs of Clinical Sports Medicine Marketing appeared first on Farotech.
