Friday 26 January 2018

5.5 Suggestions for Domain Names & SEO Management

How $20 might revolutionize your existing marketing campaigns

There is a popular Tuxedo company located in Havertown, PA called Iacobucci Tuxedos.  They are famous for offering fantastic formal wear, affordable prices, excellent customer service and those factors together, truly make them a great business.

In 195 when Iacobucci was established, color TV’s weren’t even in existence. So the thought that one day there would be something called a computer and on that computer there were be something called the internet was all just totally inconceivable. Even more so, though, was the thought that on that internet, your company name would need to be web-friendly or you would lose business. Talk of rankings on Google would have been a different language for them and hiring a web development company to get them ranked for a number of misspellings of their name would be beyond their imagination.

The challenge of this particular business is that they just happen to have a family name as their company name. And their family name is hard enough to say, let alone to spell.  However, because they were not thinking much about their internet marketing strategy, when it came time to buy a domain name, they went with:

At least the domain name included the word “tux.” However, they must overcome the challenge of their complicated name. As an added complication, Iacobucci Formal used to advertise on the radio. Not only did they have a lackluster commercial, their radio add required you to have a pen and paper ready to take down their phone number. Additionally, if someone were to hear Iacobucci spoken, there would be various different ways they could attempt to make sense of it phonetically.

It a case like this, I would recommend having multiple domain names. With this simple website optimisation tip, a company could benefit from spending $10 a piece for a few extra domain names and get a some pointing to their website that are more friendly to radio and internet advertising.

Also, because of having the word “tuxedos” in the domain name,  the company may get some extra link juice from our friends at Google, Yahoo and Bing.

5.5  Suggestions for buying a domain name

1. Don’t be afraid of long domain names IF they help build your brand and website optimisation

  • People think typing a domain name will be cumbersome to the the user, but with cache, autocomplete and suggested search, 7 times out of 10 users will only have to type it in once.

2. Be weary of having a domain name that is hard to spell

  • You want to draw traffic to your site and the last thing you need is for simple spelling mistakes to be a barrier to your success in web marketing.

3. It is ok to have more than one domain name

  • You can perform different marketing campaigns for each domain name and each of these domain names can point to the same website, so its a win-win situation.

4.  If there is another company that has the domain you want and they are a .com … you should think it through.

  • If they are well established competitor in your industry and you create an identical .NET, you have made a big mistake. The average user tends to automatically type .com and when they do that, they will unknowingly go to your competitor ‘s website and now you are literally advertising for them!

5.  The large majority of acronym domain names are gone

  • Unless your company is known more for the acronym, than I would suggest utilizing the actual name of your company rather than an acronym.  Prices for such domain names can be excessive and the likelihood that they will be available is low.

5.5  Take your domain name seriously

  • Other than your company name, there is no bigger branding decision than your domain name. So, make it count. The old adage: “your name is your address” has never been more true than now.


The post 5.5 Suggestions for Domain Names & SEO Management appeared first on Farotech.


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